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Articles científics

Lopes, H.S.; Remoaldo, P.C.; Ribeiro, V.; Martín-Vide, J.; Ribeiro I. (2024): Clothing and Outdoor Thermal Comfort (OTC) in tourist environments: a case study from Porto (Portugal). International Journal of Biometeorology,   

Poorkarim, R.; Asakareh, H.; Martin-Vide, J. (2024): Maximum daily precipitation in Iran (1979-2018). Atmósfera, 38, 675-686.

Vicente, D. J., Salazar, F., López-Chacón, S. R., Soriano, C., & Martin-Vide, J. (2024). Evaluation of different machine learning approaches for predicting high concentration episodes of ground-level ozone: A case study in Catalonia, Spain. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15(3), 101999.

Farnell, C., Batalla, E., Rigo, T., Pineda, N., Sole, X., Mercader, J., & Martin-Vide, J. (2023). Reanalysis of giant hail event in Catalonia (NE of the Iberian Peninsula). Atmospheric Research, 296, 107051.

Mathbout, S., Martin-Vide, J., & Bustins, J. A. L. (2023). Drought characteristics projections based on CMIP6 climate change scenarios in Syria. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies50, 101581.

Santos, E. V. R., Silva, I. S., Nascimento, D. T. F., & Luz, M. P. (2023). Application of spectral indexes in the evaluation of sediment input to the reservoirs of the Itumbiara and Batalha hydroelectric power plants (Brazil). AGUA Y TERRITORIO, 23, 99-109.

Silva, I. S., Nascimento, D. T. F., Romao, P. de A., Silva, G. F. N., Sales, M. M., & Luz, M. P. (2023). Proposition of LULC mapping in progressive detailing for the surroundings of hydroelectric powerplant reservoirs: Case study for the Batalha (Brazil). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 103218.

Azioune, R., Benhamrouche, A., Tatar, H., Martin-Vide, J., & Pham, Q. B. (2023). Analysis of daily rainfall concentration in northeastern Algeria 1980–2012. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-10.

Reynés Vega, J., Moreno-García, M. C., & Pastor Guzman, F. (2023). Climatology of waterspouts in the Balearic Islands (1989–2020). Natural Hazards116(1), 33-49.

Sanjosé-Blasco, J.J ; Atkinson, A.D.; Sánchez-Fernández, M.; Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Salvador-Franch, F. (2022). Geomatic Techniques Applied to the Dynamic Study (2001–2019) of the Rock Glacier in the Veleta Cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Land (Land-Basel). ISSN: 2073-445X.

Vilar-Bonet, F.; Rigo, T. (2022). A Characterization of the Initiation of the Summer Diurnal Evolution Convection in the Catalan Pyrenees: an 11-year (2010-2020) Radar-Data Based Analysis. Tethys, 19, 1-13.

Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Romo, A.; Mazur, M.; Zielińska, M.; Minissale, P.; Dönmez, A.; Boratyńska, K. & Boratyński, A. (2021). Past, present, and future geographic range of the relict Mediterranean and Macaronesian Juniperus phoenicea complex. Ecology and Evolution. 11(10): 5075–5095.

Boratyńska, K.; Jasińska, A.K.; Sobierajska, K.I.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Romo, A. & Boratyński, A. (2021) Morphology supports the geographic pattern of genetic differentiation of Pinus sylvestris (Pinaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Plant Biosystems.

Rojas, E.; Zutta, B.R.; Velazco, Y.K.; Montoya-Zumaeta, J.G. & Salvà-Catarineu, M. (2021). Deforestation risk in the Peruvian Amazon basin. Environmental conservation.

Peña-Angulo, D.; Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J.C.; Sandonís, L.; Begueria, S.; Tomas-Burguera, M.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Lemus, M.; Martin-Vide, J. (2021). Seasonal temperature trends on the Spanish mainland: a secular study (1916-2015) 902391 -International Journal of Climatology. Wiley. 41, pp.3071-3084. ISSN 0899-8418.

Meseguer-Ruiz, O.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Arbiol-Roca, L.; Martin-Vide, J.; Miró, J.; Estrela, M.J. (2021). Temporal changes in extreme precipitation and exposure of tourism in Eastern and South-Eastern Spain 902406 – Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Springer Verlag. ISSN 0177-798X.

Miró, J.J.; Estrela, M.J.; Olcina-Cantos, J.; Martin-Vide, J. (2021). Future Projection of precipitation changes in the Júcar and Segura river basins (Iberian Peninsula) by CMIP5 GCMs local downscaling 917760 – Atmosphere. MDPI. 12-7. ISSN 2073-4433.

Grimalt-Gelabert, Miquel; Alomar-Garau, Gabriel; Martín-Vide, Javier. (2021). Synoptic causes of Torrential rainfall in the Balearic Islands (1941-2010) 917760 – Atmosphere. MDPI. 12-1035, pp.1-14. ISSN 2073-4433.

Da Silva Lopes, H.; Remoaldo, P.C.; Ribeiro, V.; Martin-Vide, J. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourist risk perceptions – the case study of Porto 917758 – Sustainability. MDPI. 13-6399. ISSN 2071-1050.

Vilar-Bonet, Francesc. (2021). Relació entre calor i mortalitat a la ciutat de Barcelona mitjançant l’anàlisi de condicions tèrmiques i termohigromètriques. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia. 91, pp. 75-96.

Lemus-Canovas, M.; Martin-Vide, J.; Moreno-Garcia, M.C.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A. (2020). Estimating Barcelona’s metropolitan daytime hot and cold poles using Landsat-8 land surface temperature 901502 – Science of the Total Environment. Elsevier B.V.. 699-134307. ISSN 0048-9697.

Miro, J.R.; Pepin, N.; Pena, J.C; Martin-Vide, J. (2020). Daily atmospheric circulation patterns for catalonia (northeast iberian peninsula) using a modified version of Jenkinson and collison method 909435 – Atmospheric Research. Elsevier B.V.. 231-UNSP 104674. ISSN 0169-8095.

Mathbout, S.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Royé, D.; Martin-Vide, J.; Benhamrouche, A. (2020). Spatiotemporal variability of daily precipitation concentration and its relationship to teleconnection patterns over the Mediterranean during 1975-2015 902391 – International Journal of Climatology. Wiley. 40, pp.1435-1455. ISSN 0899-8418.

Martin-Vide, J.; Moreno-García, M.C. (2020) . Probability values for the Intensity of Barcelona’s Urban Heat Island (Spain) 909435 – Atmospheric Research. Elsevier B.V.. ISSN 0169-8095.

Martínez-González, J.L.; Suriñach, J.; Jover, G. Martín-Vide, J.; Barriendos-Vallvé, M.; Tello, E. (2020). Assessing climate impacts on English economic growth (1645-1740): an econometric approach 901455 – Climatic Change. Springer Verlag. 160, pp.233-249. ISSN 0165-0009.

Royé, D.; Tedim, F.; Martin-Vide, J.; Salis, M.; Vendrell, J.; Lovreglio, R.; Bouillon, CH.; Leone, V. (2020). Wildfire burnt area patterns and trends in
western mediterranean Europe via the application of a concentration index 909323 Land Degradation & Development. John Wiley & Sons. 31(3), pp.311-324. ISSN 1085-3278.

Salhi, A; Benabdelouahab, T.; Martin-Vide, J.; et al; Casas ,A. (2020). Bridging the gap of perception is the only way to align soil protection actions 901502 – Science of the Total Environment. Elsevier B.V.. 718, pp.137421. ISSN 0048-9697.

Monjo, R.; Royé, D.; Martin-Vide, J. (2020). Meteorological drought Lacunarity around the world and its classification 918282 – Earth System Science Data. Copernicus Publications. 12, pp.741-752. ISSN 1866-3508.

Lemus-Canovas, M.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Trapero, L.; Martin-Vide, J. (2019). Combining circulation weather types and daily precipitation modelling to derive climatic precipitation regions in the Pyrenees 909435 – Atmospheric Research. Elsevier B.V.. 220, pp.181-193. ISSN 0169-8095.

Lemus-Canovas, Marc; Lopez-Bustins, Joan A.; Martin-Vide, Javier; Roye, Dominic. (2019). SynoptReg: An R package for computing a synoptic climate classification and a spatial regionalization of environmental data 909875 – Environmental Modelling & Software. Elsevier B.V.. 118, pp.114-119. ISSN 1364-8152.

Romo-Díez, A.; Małgorzata, M. Salvà-Catarineu, M. & Boratyński, A. (2019). A re-evaluated taxon: Genetic values and morphological characters support the recognition of the Canary Island juniper of the phoenicea group at a specific level, Phytotaxa, 406: 64-70.

Meseguer-Ruiz, O.; Osborn, T.J.; Sarricolea, P.; Jones, Ph.D.; Olcina Cantos, J.; Serrano-Notivoli, R.; Martin-Vide, J. (2018). Definition of a temporal distribution index for high temporal resolution Precipitation data over Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands: the fractal dimension; and its synoptic implications 908154 – Climate Dynamics. Springer Verlag. 52-1-2, pp.439-456. ISSN 0930-7575.

Royé, D.; Lorenzo, N.; Martin-Vide, J. (2018). Spatial-temporal patterns of cloud-to-ground Lightning over the northwest Iberian Peninsula during the period 2010-2015 909343 – Natural Hazards. Springer Science + Business Media. 92-2, pp.857-884. ISSN 0921-030X.

Vélez, A.; Martin-Vide, J.; Royé, D.; Santaella, O. 2018. Spatial analysis of daily precipitation concentration in Puerto Rico 902406 – Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Springer Verlag. ISSN 0177-798X.

Mazur, M.; Zielińska, M.; Boratyńska, K.; Romo, A.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Marcysiak, K. & Boratyński, A. (2018). Taxonomic and geographic differentiation of Juniperus phoenicea agg. based on cone, seed, and needle characteristics. Systematics and Biodiversity. 16(5), pp. 469-482.