Verónica Rodríguez

Verónica Rodríguez is Lecturer in English Literature in the Department of English Studies at the University of Alicante.

Verónica holds a PhD in contemporary British theatre (University of Barcelona), an MA in Comparative Literature (University of Murcia) and a BA in English Studies (University of Murcia). She also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). She has taught at the University of Barcelona, Royal Holloway, University of London and the University of Reading, among others. In 2019, her monograph David Greig’s Holed Theatre: Globalization, Ethics and the Spectator (a rewriting of her PhD thesis) was published by Palgrave Macmillan. The same year, she attended the “Mellon School of Theatre and Performance: Migrations” (Harvard University).

Her main research interests are in the fields of contemporary British playwriting, feminism, the medical humanities and disability studies, with a current focus on the intersection of contemporary theatre and performance practices, gender and health. She is a member of the University Institute of Gender Studies Research and the Research Group ThALIS (Transhistorical Anglophone Literary Studies), both at the University of Alicante. With the research group “Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona”, she is currently carrying out the research project “Gender, Affect and Care in Twenty-First Century British Theatre,” (FFI2016-75443-P) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Verónica was research assistant for “The Representation of Politics and the Politics of Representation in post-1990 British Theatre”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FFI2009-07598), and a co-investigator for “Ethical Issues in Contemporary British Theatre since 1989: Globalization, Theatricality, Spectatorship”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2012-31842), and “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, a four-year research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the EU European Regional Development Fund (FFI2016-75443). She also participated in “Representations of the Precarious in Contemporary British Drama and Theatre”, a one-year (2014) research project funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD; Projekt-ID 57049392).

Verónica is also a writer and a performer. Her play Bi, about bipolar disorder, was commissioned by the Royal Court Theatre, directed by Lucy Morrison and premiered at the Waltham Forest London Borough of Culture 2019. Performing Endometriosis, written and performed by Verónica and directed by Magdalena Mosteanu, premiered at the “Material Selves: Gender, Health and Performance” conference, held at University College London (UCL), in June 2022. Her poetry has been published in Stained: An Anthology of Writing about Menstruation (2023). Verónica is also a Certified Women’s Health Coach (The Integrative Women’s Health Institute, USA).

Contemporary British Theatre

(forthcoming): with Paola Prieto López, “Black Women’s Health and Theatre: Staging Care in Mojisola Adebayo’s STARS and Zawe Ashton’s for all the women who thought they were   Mad”, The Methuen Drama Handbook of Women in Contemporary British Theatre. Eds. Marissia Fragkou and Rebecca Benzie. London: Bloomsbury.

(forthcoming): “Posh”, The Cambridge Companion to British Playwriting since 1945. Eds. Vicky Angelaki and Dan Rebellato. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2024: “The Uber-performing Uterus of Henrietta Lacks and Eve Ensler: Ecologies of the Womb in Mojisola Adebayo’s Family Tree and Eve Ensler’s In the Body of the World”, The Routledge Companion to Performance and Medicine. Eds. Alex Mermikides and Gianna Bouchard. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 45-56.

2023: “Pea”, An Anthology of Writing about Menstruation, Eds. Rachel Neve-Midbar and Jennifer Saunders. Chicago: Querencia Press, p. 103.

2023: “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence on Female Bodies: Ecofeminism in Lucy Kirkwood’s Maryland (2021) and Ellie Kendrick’s and RashDash’s Hole (2018)”. The New Wave of British Women Playwrights: 2008 – 2021, Eds. Elisabeth Angel-Perez and Aloysia Rousseau. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 35-56.

2022: with Isabel Guerrero Llorente and David Rodríguez-Solás, “Anglophone Theatre and Performance Practices on the Spanish Stage: An Introduction”, Anglophone Theatre and Performance Practices on the Spanish Stage. Eds. Verónica Rodríguez, Isabel Guerrero Llorente and David Rodríguez Solás, RAEI Alicante Journal of English Studies, 37, pp. 7-15.

2022: co-editor with Isabel Guerrero Llorente and David Rodríguez Solás, Anglophone Theatre and Performance Practices on the Spanish Stage. RAEI Alicante Journal of English Studies, 37.

2022: “Sickness: The Sick Body and Spectatorship: Thinking through Endometriosis”, Routledge Companion to Audience and the Performing Arts. Eds. Matthew Reason, Lynne Conner, Katya Johanson and Ben Walmsley. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 516-21.

2022: “Theatre of Migration: Uncontainment as Migratory Aesthetic”, Crisis, Representation and Resilience: Perspectives on Contemporary British Theatre. Eds. Clare Wallace, Clara Escoda, José Ramόn Prado-Pérez and Enric Monforte. London: Bloomsbury (Methuen Drama), pp. 143-58.

2021: with Christina Papagiannouli, “Online Theatre/Theatre Online: What Can Theatre Learn from the Covid-19 Pandemic?”, Towards Digitalism. Ed. Feryal Cubukcu. Ankara: Nobel, pp. 113-43.

2021: with Marta Ostajewska, “Holes, Theatre and Performance: An Artistic Research Conversation”, Journal of Artistic Research, Creation and Technology (RIATC), 2, pp. 57-81.

2021: co-editor with Isabel Guerrero Llorente, special issue on “Theatre and Performance Studies in English”, Alicante Journal of English Studies (RAEI), 35.

2021: “Cancer Performance: The Work of Brian Lobel”, Escriptures de pandèmia. Eds. M. Loreto Vilar, Marisa Siguan and Cristina Alsina. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 141-51.

2020: “The Open Constructed Public Sphere: Aeschylus’ The Suppliant Women in a Version by David Greig”. Special Issue: The Public Place of Drama in Britain, 1968 to the Present Day. Ed. Mary Brewer. Humanities 9 (1): 21, pp. 1-15.

2019: “‘Who Would Disagree that in a World of Trump and Putin and Boris Johnson… Brecht Is Not the Theorist and Playwright of Our Times?’: Bertolt Brecht’s Influence on David Greig’s Work”. Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 7: 2, pp. 242-58.

2019: David Greig’s Holed Theatre: Globalization, Ethics and the Spectator. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2019: “Confounding as Dismeasure: Value in David Greig’s Theatre”. Proceedings of the Conference Theatre as a Value-Based Discourse: Slovak Theatre and Contemporary European Theatre Culture. Ed. Elena Knopová. Bratislava: VEDA, Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 84-102.

2017: “Bridging Precariousness and Precarity: Ecstasy and Bleeding Across in the Work of David Greig and Suspect Culture”, Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in 21st-Century British Drama and Theatre. Eds. Mireia Aragay and Martin Middeke. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 155-70.

2016: “‘That Space’: Across Text and Performance in Suspect Culture’s One Way Street”. Platform: Postgraduate Journal of Theatre Arts 10: 1, pp. 29-52.

2016: “Zāhir and Bātin: An Interview with David Greig”. Special Issue: David Greig: Dramaturgies of Encounter and Engagement. Ed. Jacqueline Bolton. Contemporary Theatre Review 26: 1, pp. 88-96.

2015: “Ambivalent Borders in David Greig’s Europe (1994)”, De fronteres i arts escèniques. Ed. Núria Santamaria with Francesc Foguet. Lleida: Punctum, pp. 183-96.

2012: with Dilek İnan, “Combining the Epic with the Everyday: David Greig’s Dunsinane”International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen 5: 2, pp. 56-78.

2012: “The ‘Polethics’ of the Mediated/tized Spectator in the Global-technologized Age: David Greig’s Theatre”, Oxímora 1: 1, pp. 53-76.

2012: “Intervention of the ‘Sensible’ in the Globalized Society: David Greig’s ‘Aesthethics’ in The American Pilot (2005)”, activate 2: 1, pp. 1-16.

2012: “The Politics of Re-reading / Re-writing in Contemporary British Theatre”, a paper given at the XXXV Conference of the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN). Published in: At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Eds. Sara Martín Alegre, Melissa Moyer, Elisabet Pladevell and Susagna Tubau, Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, pp. 238-44. E-book.


2017: “‘Hysterizing’ 30 Years of AIDS: Identity of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs)”, Identity and Identification: Proceedings of the 14th International Culture and Power Conference. Eds. Ángel Mateos-Aparicio and Eduardo de Gregorio-Godeo. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, pp. 157-66.

2012: with Mireia Aragay, Enric Monforte, Clara Escoda, and María Isabel Seguro, Formative Learning and Assessment Tools for British Theatre Courses within the English Studies Degree. Barcelona: Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona.

2011: “‘Discourses’ and ‘Counterdiscourses’ on Bodies of People Living with HIV/AIDS”. El cuerpo en mente. Versiones del ser desde el pensamiento contemporáneo. Eds. Mireia Calafell and Aina Pérez. Barcelona: UOC, pp. 417-27.

Contemporary British Theatre

2024: Co-Director and Organising committee of the international conference “IX CIJIET – II Teatrales”, University of Alicante, 13-15 November.

2024: Organiser of Spring Series of “Literary Studies Colloquium”, Transhistorical Anglophone English Studies (THALIS), University of Alicante, 23 February – 10 May.

2023: Organising committee of the international conference “VIII CIJIET – I Teatrales”, University of Salamanca, 8-10 November.

2023: Chair of Panel “Mesa 9: Teatro y Textos Clásicos”, at the international conference “VIII CIJIET – I Teatrales”, University of Salamanca, 8-10 November.

2023: Chair of Panel “Mesa 4: Teatro, Compromiso y lo Real”, at the international conference “VIII CIJIET – I Teatrales”, University of Salamanca, 8-10 November.

2023: “The Performative Afterlives of Disclosing Endometriosis in Academia”, paper presented at the symposium “The Politics of Disclosure”, University of Leeds, 24 May.

2023:The Year My Vagina Tried to Kill Me y Performing Endometriosis: Del Sick-tourism al ‘With-ness’”, paper presented at the “XI Coloquio Internacional: Mujer y poéticas de la salud”, Seminario Permanente sobre Literatura y Mujer, Facultad de Filología, UNED, 15-17 March.

2022: “Women-Illness-Literature: In Utero and Across”, guest lecture given at the Literary Studies Colloquium of the research group “Transhistorical Anglophone Literary Studies” (ThALIS), University of Alicante, 2 December.

2022: co-convenor with Leah Sidi (UCL), “Material Selves: Gender Health and Performance”, Centre for Health Humanities and Institute for Advanced Studies, University College London (UCL), 15-16 June.

2021: “Performing Women’s Health”, workshop delivered at the international conference “Theatre about Science: Theory and Practice”, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 25-27 November.

2021: attendance at “Theatre Ecologies: Environment, Sustainability and Politics”, International Federation for Theatre Research conference (IFTR/FIRT), Galway, 12-16 July [originally scheduled for 2020, postponed due to COVID-19; online].

2021: with Marta Ostajewska, “Holes, Theatre and Performance: An Artistic Research Conversation”, held at “Ciclo de Conferências sobre Investigação Artística: International Lectures”, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL), 16 June [online].

2021: attendance at “Critical Theatre Ecologies”, 29th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Augsburg, 3-6 June [online].

2021: attendance at the conference “Redefining Theatre: Theatre and Society in Transition”, Freie Universität, Berlin, 28-29 May [online].

2021: attendance at the conference “Border Narratives: Brexit, Europe, and the UK”, University of Göttingen, 5-7 May [online].

2021: attendance at “Medical Humanities: (In)Visibility”, Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research (NNMHR) congress, 21-23 April [online].

2021: “Performing Assembly as Political Theatre”, paper presented at the conference “Dialogue, Performance and the Body Politic in the Twenty-First Century”, Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague), 5-6 February [online].

2020: “Hole (2018) by Ellie Kendrick/RashDash as Ecodramaturgy”, provocation presented at the conference “The New Wave of British Women Playwrights: Experimenting with Forms”, Sorbonne University, Paris, 11-12 December [online].

2020: “Representing Endometriosis: My Sick Body and Spectatorship”, performance lecture presented at the conference “Representing Women’s Health”, University of Glasgow, 12 June [online].

2020: attendance at “Art, Aesthetics, and the Medical and Health Humanities”, British Society of Aesthetics conference,  University of Kent, 7-9 February.

2019: “Unhousedness: Zinnie Harris’ This Restless House as Feminist Adaptation”, paper presented at the “International Playwriting Symposium: Zinnie Harris”, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 22-23 November.

2019: chair of panel “Global Catastrophes”, “International Playwriting Symposium: Zinnie Harris”, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 22-23 November.

2019: “Crisis Ecology: Migratory Aesthetics in The Container, The Suppliant Women, and Dear Home Office”, paper presented at “Theatre of Crisis: Aesthetic Responses to a Cross‐Sectional Condition”, 28th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Graz, 20-23 June.

2018: “This is Our Song: Aeschylus’ The Suppliant Women in a Version by David Greig”, paper presented at “Theatre and Migration: Theatre, Nation and Identity between Migration and Stasis”, International Federation for Theatre Research Conference (IFTR/FIRT), Belgrade, 9-13 July.

2018: attendance at the Conference “Dynamics of Interweaving Performance Cultures,” Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 21-24 June.

2018: “Citizenship, Public Sphere and Protest in Aeschylus The Suppliant Women in a Version by David Greig”, paper presented at “1968-2018 I Protest, Performance and the Public Sphere”, University of Warwick, 7-9 June.

2018: attendance at the symposium “Shadows of the Dawn: Migration and the Indeterminacy of Community and Immunity 2”, Brunel University, London, 3 June.

2018: attendance at the Conference “Embodied Practice and Performance in the Arts”, Canterbury Christ Church University, 5-6 April.

2017: attendance at “Welcome is a Radical Act”, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 9 November.

2017: “The Politico-Aesthethic Value of David Greig’s Theatre”, keynote lecture presented at the conference “Theatre as a Value-based Discourse: Slovak and Contemporary European Theatre Culture”, The Institute of Theatre and Film Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 5-6 October.

2017: chair of panel, “Censorship, Negotiation and Commerce in European Theatre”, “Unstable Geographies: Multiple Theatricalities”, International Federation for Theatre Research Conference (IFTR/FIRT), Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 10-14 July.

2017: “David Greig’s Holed Theatre”, paper presented at “Unstable Geographies: Multiple Theatricalities”, International Federation for Theatre Research Conference (IFTR/FIRT), Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 10-14 July.

2017: attendance at “Nation, Nationhood and Theatre”, 26th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Reading, 29 June-2 July.

2017: attendance at the conference “Theatres of Contagion: Infectious Performance”, Birkbeck Centre for Contemporary Theatre, University of London, 11-12 May.

2017: attendance at the Intersections Conference “Performing Reference(s) / Referencing Performance(s)”, Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 19-20 January.

2016: “David Greig’s The Events: Post-Brechtian Aesthetics, a Political Theatre for a Global Age”, a paper presented at the 1st International Conference of Young Researchers on Theatre Studies (CIJIET), University of Murcia, 2-4 November.

2016: attendance at “The Politics of Collaboration – European Currents”, Middlesex University, 24 September.

2016: “Recycling Brecht: David Greig’s The American Pilot and The Events”, paper presented at the 15th Symposium of the International Brecht Society “Recycling Brecht”, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford, 25-29 June.

2016: attendance at the Intersections Conference “Practice (…) Research”, Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 14-15 January.

2015: attendance at the “debbie tucker green International Symposium”, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 21 November.

2015: attendance at the symposium “Are We on the Same Page: Approaches to Text and Performance”, Royal Holloway, University of London, 26 September.

2015: member of the organizing committee, “Theatre and Spectatorship”, 24th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Barcelona, 4-7 June.

2014: attendance at the symposium “Polítiques de les emocions: diàlegs des del gènere i la sexualitat”, University of Barcelona and Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), 13, 17 and 19 June.

2014: attendance at the “David Greig Symposium”, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 28-29 March.

2013: attendance at the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research seminar “Ethics, Precariousness and Contemporary (British) Theatre”, University of Barcelona, 28 October.

2013: attendance at “Performance, Nation and Globalization Summer School”, National University of Ireland, Galway, 17-18 July.

2013: “Walking One Way Street: Immaterial Memory and Belonging in the Crippled City”, paper presented at the PhD Forum of “Theatre and Politics: Theatre as Cultural Intervention”, 22th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Charles University, Prague, 30 May-2 June.

2013: “Neo-Brechtian Techniques for a Globalized Age: The Politics of David Greig’s Brewers Fayre (2009) and Fragile(2011)”, paper presented at the International Conference “The Viewing of Politics and the Politics of Viewing: Theatre Challenges in the Age of Globalized Communities”, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 18-21 April.

2013: with Christina Papagiannouli, organization of the round table “Brecht, Internet and PowerPoint: Contemporary Political Theatre in the Age of Globalization” at the international conference “The Viewing of Politics and the Politics of Viewing: Theatre Challenges in the Age of Globalized Communities”, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 18-21 April.

2012: with Dilek İnan, “Combining the Epic with the Everyday: David Greig’s Dunsinane (2010)”, paper presented at the seminar “Representations of Political/Ethical Concerns in post-1989 British Theatre” at the 11th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Bogaziçi University, Istambul, 4-8 September.

2012: “The Mediated/Mediatized Spectator in the Global-technologized Era: Some Instances from David Greig’s Theatre”, paper presented at the New Scholars’ Forum of “Mediating Performance: Scène, Média et Médiation”, International Federation for Theatre Research Conference (IFTR/ FIRT), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 22-28 July.

2012: “Prolegomena and Theoretical Framework of Mapping Globalization in David Greig’s Theatre”, paper presented at the PhD Forum of “Bodies on Stage”, 21th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Wolfsburg, Mülheim/Ruhr, 7-10 June.

2012: “Ambivalent Borders in David Greig’s Europe (1994)”, paper presented at the international conference “The Border, an Unavoidable Concept? International Conference on the Border and its Relationship to the Performing Arts in Europe”, organized by Grup de Recerca en les Arts Escèniques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (GRAE), 1-3 March.

2012: “David Greig’s Theatre ‘Aesthethics’”, paper given at “Theatre and Alternative Value”, “A TaPRA Postgraduate Symposium”, Royal Holloway, University of London, 28 January.

2011: participation in the round table “The Politics of Re-reading/Rewriting in Contemporary British Theatre” with the paper “The Politics of Re-reading/Rewriting in David Greig’s Savage Reminiscence (1991) and The Bacchae(2007)”, XXXV International Conference of the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 17 November.

2011: attendance at the “Synge Summer School”, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow (Ireland), 30 June-3 July.

2011: “Amnesiac Legacies? Cognitively Mapping Traumatic Experiences in Ashes to Ashes &Mapping. Time: NOW”, paper presented at the Postgraduate Colloquium “NOW, Legacies and Amnesia”, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 19 February.

Contemporary British Theatre

2023: attendance at the research seminar “The Theory of the World as Womb: An Eco/Biophysical Language of Stocks, Energy, Flow and Folds, Sources and Sinks”, led by Penny Newell, University College London (UCL), 9 June.

2023: “Endometriosis: Silenciada y sin cura”, guest talk presented at “I Jornada Fisioterapia y Salud Femenina: Más allá de la enfermedad”, Teatro Circo, 6 March.

2023: participation in the study day on care within the project “Gender, Affect and Care and/in Twenty-First Century British Theatre”, organised by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació, University of Barcelona, 24 February.

2022: “Women-Illness-Literature: In Utero and Across”, guest talk presented at the Literary Studies Colloquium of the research group Transhistorical Anglophone Literary Studies (THALIS), University of Alicante, 2 December.

2022: attendance at the conference “Creating a World Without Violence Against Women: The Role of the Arts”, Seamus Heaney Centre, Queen’s University Belfast, 25-26 November [online].

2022: attendance at “Día de las escritoras: Conferencia de la investigadora Ana López Navajas”, Centro de Estudios Literarios Iberoamericanos Mario Benedetti, Universidad de Alicante, 17 October.

2022: writer of and performer in Performing Endometriosis, directed by Magdalena Mosteanu, presented at the conference “Material Selves: Gender, Health and Performance”, Centre for Health Humanities and Institute for Advanced Studies, University College London (UCL), 15-16 June.

2022: “Performing Illness”, workshop delivered at the Final Session, Mellon School of Theatre and Performance, Harvard University, 7-17 June.

2022: “Performing Women’s Health”, workshop delivered at the “Performing Health” unit, BA in Contemporary Performance Practices, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 28 February.

2022: “Performing Women’s Health”, workshop delivered at the “Theatre and Health” unit, MA in Applied Theatre and Education, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 4 February.

2021: “El cuerpo de los investigafdorxs: Taller de estrategias de salud”, guest talk presented at the “Taller de Tesis”, PhD Programme “Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals”, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 1 December.

2021: participant in the Soho Theatre Waltham Forest Stand-Up Lab, facilitated by comedian Gemma Leader, 5 June-31 July.

2021: dramaturg for Turning Tables, online theatre piece created by Wild Forest Theatre, premiered at E17 Arts Trail, 1 July.

2021: with Gemma Colclough, organiser of Reading Assembly: Care and director of the live performance Menstrual Care Charter, University of Reading, May [online].

2021: “‘Theatre Communities Come Together’: The Royal Court’s Living Newspaper Project”, paper presented at the seminar “Theatre as a Social Institution” within the 12th International Festival of Literature and Theatre Between. Pomiędzy, Sopot, Poland, 14 May [online].

2021: participant in the Royal Court Script Panel 2021, facilitated by Ellie Fulcher, Ellie Horne and Myah Jeffers, February-April [online].

2021: participant in workshop with performer Jamal Harewood, University of Reading, 2 March [online].

2021: “Performing Women’s Health”, workshop delivered at the “Performing Health” unit on the BA in Contemporary Performance Practices (BA CPP), Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 1 March [online].

2021: Visiting Lecturer, two-hour seminar delivered on “Women’s Health and Theatre” to students of “Performing Health”, part of the BA (Hons) Contemporary Performance Practice: Drama, Applied Theatre and Education, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 1 March [online].

2021: participant in workshop with Action Hero company, University of Reading, 10 February [online].

2020: participant in workshop “Playing the Voice: Conscious Voicing with Stefano Sgarbi”, 10 December [online].

2020: organiser, “Workshop and Q&A with Brian Lobel”, University of Reading, 4 December [online].

2020: respondent with the three-minute provocation “Living with Endometriosis” at the symposium “From Feeling to Knowing: Putting Imagination and Lived Experience at the Heart of Understanding Illness”, King’s College London, 3 December [online].

2020: co-organiser with Matthew McFrederick, “Q&A with Daphna Attias, Co-artistic Director of Dante or Die”, University of Reading, 27 October [online].

2020: workshop leader with Colombian feminist activist group Aquél Arde, “Female Corporealities and Emotions”, 21 and 28 August [online].

2020: attendance at De Montfort University’s (DMU) Borderlines 2020 Summer Events, 1-8 July [online].

2020: attendance at “Roundtable Discussion: How Do We Challenge Hostile Environments in the Arts?” by Phosphoros Theatre, 18 June [online].

2020: participant in workshop “Autobiographical Theatre Making”, led by Bryony Kimmings, 11 June [online].

2020: participant in workshops “Introduction to Playwriting: Overcoming Writer’s Block,” facilitated by Danusia Samal, “Introduction to Playwriting: Creating Hopeful Stories,” facilitated by Sonali Bhattacharyya, and Introduction to Playwriting: Finding your Voice,” facilitated by Maria Ferguson, organized by Fifty2 Collective, 5, 12 and 20 May [online].

2020: attendance at the research seminar “Technology and Performer Training”, with speakers Christina Papagiannouli and Maria Kapsali, “Music, Media and Drama Seminar Series 2019-2020”, University of South Wales, 18 May [online].

2020: organiser, “Relaxed Mondays”, a series of guest talks on digital theatre and performance in response to COVID-19 with guest speakers Christina Papagiannouli (27 April), Elly Clarke (4 May) and Emma Callander (11 May) [online].

2020: attendance at the Exchange Event “The Migrant Institute: Performing (Non)Belonging and post-Brexit Imaginaries”, University of Bristol, 9 May [online].

2020: attendance at “Cassie Thornton presents The Hologram: Collective Health as a ‘Beautiful Art Work’ – An Online Presentation + Workshop for Social Isolation in the Love Machines Season”, 1 April [online].

2020: attendance at “Closed Lands: Discussion”, with Simon Grangeat, Becka McFadden, David Furlong and Szabolcs Musca, Cage, the Vaults, 4 March.

2020: attendance at “Art Performance and the Act: Conversation with Romeo Castellucci”, Centre for Performance and Creative Exchange, University of Roehampton, 19 February.

2020: participant in a pre-show Creative Workshop Poet in da Corner, facilitated by Rachel Lemon, Royal Court Theatre, 12 February.

2020: performance/writing workshop facilitator with Lorraine Hodgson for Wild Forest Theatre, William The Fourth Pub, Leyton, London, 11 February.

2020: participant in the workshop “Perceiving Differently: Understanding Neurodivergence Through Creative Practices”, run by Nicola Shaughnessy, within the British Society of Aesthetics Conference: “Art, Aesthetics, and the Medical and Health Humanities”, University of Kent, 8 February.

2019: “Después de la tesis, ¿qué?”, invited talk given at the “Taller de Tesis”, PhD Programme “Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals”, University of Barcelona, 2 December.

2019: attendance at “‘Theatre Workings’ Lecture: Stefan Bläske – The Theatre of Milo Rau”, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 1 October.

2019: writer of and performer in I’m an Earthling, directed by Hamish Pirie, London Borough of Culture 2019, Waltham Forest, London, 20-29 September.

2019: “David Greig’s Europe”, invited lecture presented at Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS), University of Edinburg, 30 July.

2019: attendance at “Anne Boggart in Conversation: With Professor Geoffrey Colman”, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 19 July.

2019: attendance at the symposium “Action/Reflection Event ‘That’s not my name!’”, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 5 June.

2019: participant in “Listen Local: Writing Workshops”, 6 May (facilitated by Hamish Pirie), 13 May (facilitated by Debbie Hannan), 20 May (facilitated by Emteaz Hussain), 27 May (facilitated by Sonali Bhattacharyya), 3 June (facilitated by Emma Dennis-Edwards), 10 June (facilitated by Al Smith), Waltham Forest, London.

2019: attendance at “Hear Tell: Describing, Reporting, Narrating”, TaPRA Documenting Performance Interim Event, Tate Modern, 13 May.

2019: “Uncontaining the Refugee Crisis in The Container, The Suppliant Women and Dear Home Office”, paper presented at the symposium on crisis within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació, 11-12 April.

2019: with Lucy Jackson and Polina Kalinina, “Restaging the Chorus – The Case of David Greig”, a research seminar presented at the Cambridge Interdisciplinary Performance Network (CIPN) seminar series, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), Cambridge, 12 March.

2019: attendance at “MIGRATIONS: HARBOUR EUROPE – Closed Lands, by Simon Grangeat”, a staged reading of Closed Lands by Simon Grangeat and a debate chaired by Szabolcs Musca, with Vicky Angelaki, Graca P. Correa, Bernadette Cochrane, Alison Jeffers and Roxane Paire, Arcola Theatre, London, 7 February.

2018: attendance at the “Symposium ‘On Criticism’ – Platform Journal”, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, 23 November.

2018: attendance at “Courage Everywhere Pop Up: Suffra-jujitsu, Talk and Demo”, Dorfman Theatre, 18 November.

2018: attendance at “Courage Everywhere: Post-Show Talk on Votes for Women by Elizabeth Robins”, Dorfman Theatre, 18 November.

2018: attendance at “CAPA – Workshop and Keynote Lecture” by Helen Nicholson, University of East London, Stratford, London, 8 November.

2018: with Giovanni Covelli (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá), co-creator and co-facilitator of the workshop “Something that Happens by Virtue of the Relation between Us”, Canterbury Christ Church University, 21 April.

2018: attendance at the TaPRA Performance, Identity and Community interim event “Anarchy, Desire and Performance”, Camden People’s Theatre, London, 28 March.

2018: attendance at “Katie Mitchell and Martin Crimp in Conversation”, Finalists’ Festival, Royal Holloway, University of London, 21 March.

2018: attendance at “Introduction to Embodied Poetics with Amy Russell”, The Factory, Islignton, London, 18 March.

2018: participation in the study day on crisis within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 12 April.

2017: attendance at “Negative Theatrics: A Conversation with Writer and Director Julia Jarcho”, Queen Mary, University of London, 12 December.

2017: attendance at This Beautiful Future, post-show discussion hosted by Maddy Costa (Dialogue Theatre Club), Yard Theatre, 22 November.

2017: participant in “Women for Refugee Women: Practical Drama Workshop” facilitated by Women for Refugee Women within the conference “Welcome is a Radical Act”, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 9 November.

2017: performer in The Turas Mor: A Free Community Play by Ollie Birch, produced by Soho Theatre, Walthamstow’s Lloyd Park, London, 28 August.

2017: participant in “Performance Skills Sessions” conducted, among others, by Soho Theatre associate director Charlotte Bennett, 5 June-21 August.

2017: production team assistant, Summer College 2017, Theatre Royal Stratford East, for “Scratch Night Performance” (8 August) and “Frantic Assembly Intensive” (culminating in the performance of By Design: A Response to the V&A at Theatre Royal Stratford East (18 August) and V&A (19 August)).

2017: attendance at “Where Citizenship and Heritage Meet: Research Day”, Royal Holloway, University of London, 17 May.

2017: attendance at the round table discussion “Democracy in the Arts in Europe”, Rich Mix, London, 8 May.

2017: interview with Phosphoros Theatre’s artistic co-directors Rosanna Jahangard, Dawn Harrison and Kate Scarlet Duffy, Afghan Association Paiwand, Harrow, 6 May.

2017: attendance at “Simon Stephens in Conversation” with Royal Court Associate Director Lucy Morrison, 4 May.

2017: attendance at the London Theatre Seminar “Political Theatre(s) in Europe” (in conjunction with the European Theatre Research Network), University of London Senate House, 27 April.

2017: attendance at “Brexit the Stage: What Next for British Theatre and Europe?”, V & A Museum, London, 22 April.

2017: participation in the study day on affect within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 24 March.

2017: attendance at the keynote event and symposium “Theatre, Performance & Employment”, Queen Mary, University of London, 23-24 February.

2017: attendance at “Tools of the Trade: E-Learning for Effective Teaching and Learning”, workshop led by Inma Alvarez, Senate House, University College London, 22 February.

2017: attendance at the seminar “Social bodies: The Oresteia at Shakespeare’s Globe”, Louise Owen, QUORUM 2016-17 series, Queen Mary, University of London, 8 February.

2017: attendance at “The New Librettist: The Role of the Writer in Opera”, Barbican Centre, London, 6 February.

2017: attendance at the “Royal Holloway Research Afternoon”, Royal Holloway, University of London, 25 January.

2016: participation in the study day on happiness organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 12 May.

2016: attendance at the symposium “Conventions of Proximity in Art, Theatre and Performance”, School of Arts, Birkbeck College, University of London, 5-6 May.

2016: attendance at an Information Session facilitated by Geese Theatre Company, Woodbridge House, Birmingham, 5 February.

2015: participant in a workshop with Quarantine at “Theatre and Spectatorship”, 24th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Barcelona, 4-7 June.

2015: attendance at the “Taller de Tesis”, PhD Programme “Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals”, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 22 May.

2015: “‘Tearing a Hole through Everything and Everyone: David Greig’s Theatre’s Dialectics”, a paper presented at the symposium “Performing Dialectics”, Queen Mary, University of London, 30 January.

2014: “Bleeding Across: Ecstasy in the Work of David Greig and Suspect Culture”, a paper presented within the “Second Augsburg-Barcelona Seminar” organized by the research group “Darstellungen des Prekären im britishen Gegenwartstheater” (“Representations of the Precarious in Contemporary British Theatre”), funded by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – German Academic Exchange Service; Projekt-ID: 57049392),University of Barcelona, 17 September.

2014: attendance at the “Taller de Tesis”, PhD Programme “Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals”, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 8 May.

2013: attendance at the “Taller de Tesis”, PhD Programme “Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals”, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 14 May.

2013: attendance at the symposium “Haggis Hunting: Fifty Years of New Writing in Scotland”, Edinburgh University and Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 4-6 April.

2013: “Imagining Belonging from the Airplane Village: David Greig’s San Diego (2003)”, paper presented at the Research Seminar Series, University of Winchester, 3 April.

2013:  attendance at the conference “Artaud Forum 3: Theatre and Resonant Politics”, Brunnel University, London, 23-24 March.

2013: attendance at the seminar “The Year of the Flood: Staging Watery Dissensus in Shipley and Saltaire” led by Steve Bottoms, London Theatre Seminar Series, Senate House, London, 28 February.

2013:  attendance at the seminar “Theatre and Time: In Search of a Methodology” led by David Wiles, QUORUM 2012-13 series, Queen Mary, University of London, 27 February.

2013: attendance at “Marianne Elliot and Simon Stephens on Port”, Platforms, National Theatre, London, 7 February.

2013: attendance at the seminar/performance “Agonies of Sound” led by Joe Kelleher and Erini Kartsaki, QUORUM 2012-13 series, Queen Mary, University of London, 30 January.

2013: attendance at “THE BIG SWAP – Roundtable ‘European Theatre’” with Thomas Ostermeier, Simon McBurney, Ludovic Lagarde and Olivier Cadiot”, Goethe Institut, London, 23 January.

2013: attendance at “Play in Performance Practices: A TaPRA Postgraduate Symposium”, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, 19 January.

2013: attendance at the “Colloquium of Performance Research”, Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 17-18 January.

2013: attendance at the symposium “Dealing with Martin Crimp”, Royal Court Theatre, London, 12 January.

2012: participant in a workshop with Diana Taylor, activity for New Scholars at “Mediating Performance: Scène, Média et Médiation”, International Federation for Theatre Research Conference (IFTR/ FIRT), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 22-28 July.

2012: participant in a workshop with Rona Munro at “Bodies on Stage”, 21st Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Wolfsburg, Mülheim/Ruhr, 7-10 June.

2012: attendance at the symposium “Devised Dramaturgy: A Shared Space”, Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, Archa Theatre, Prague, 20-21 April.

2011: attendance at the seminar “Contemporary British Theatre: Annual Overview (2011)” led by Aleks Sierz, University of Barcelona, 30 November.

2011: attendance at the seminar “Contemporary British theatre: Simon Stephens’s Pornography” led by Aleks Sierz, University of Barcelona, 30 November.

2011: attendance at the lecture “Precarious Life, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Cohabitation” given by Judith Butler, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, 12 July.

2011: attendance at the Synge Summer School, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow (Ireland), 30 June-3 July.

2011: attendance at the seminar “Harold Pinter’s Investigation of the Limits of Theatre” led by Hanna Scolnicov, University of Barcelona, 14 June.

2011: attendance at the lecture “The Pains of Keeping Subjectivity at Play: Dismemberment, Disembodiment and Contingency in Sarah Kane’s CleansedCrave and 4.48 Psychosis” given by Cristina Delgado-García, University of Barcelona, 18 May.

2011: attendance at the seminar “Good Brave Causes and Frightening Futures: New Writing in English Theatre” led by Aleks Sierz, University of Málaga, 29 March.

2009-2010: Murcia reviewer for while research assistant for “Shakespeare in Spain in the Frame of His European Reception”, a three-year research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FFI-2008-01969), PI Keith Gregor, University of Murcia.

2009: attendance at a two-day course with Judith Butler, “Crítica, discrepancia y violencia”, Centro de Documentación y Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo (CENDEAC), Murcia, 26-28 May.

2009: attendance at a two-day course with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, “La cuestión de la subalternidad”, Centro de Documentación y Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo (CENDEAC), Murcia, 1-2 December.

Contemporary British Theatre

(in progress): Francisco Javier López Rodríguez, “The Assertion of Women’s Identity through Surrogacy Dystopias: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments, Amy Ewing’s The Lone City Trilogy and Meera Syal’s The House of Hidden Mothers”.

(in progress): Maria Isabel Seguro Gómez, “The Politics of Disability/Debility in Martin McDonagh’s West of Ireland Plays”.

2023: Albert Méndez Panadés, “Neoliberalism, Class, Subjectivity: A Sociological Perspective on Post-recession British Theatre” (secretary of the board; supervised by Clara Escoda and tutored by Mireia Aragay).

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