Martin Middeke

Martin Middeke is Professor and Chair of English Literature at the University of Augsburg and visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Martin Middeke is Professor and Chair of English Literature at the University of Augsburg and Visiting Professor of English at the University of Johannesburg. He has published widely in the field of nineteenth- to twenty-first-century Anglophone literature, drama, theatre, and literary theory. Martin studied English, German, Philosophy and Education at the University of Paderborn, and holds a PhD from the same university. Among other areas, his research focuses on contemporary Anglophone drama.

He has published Stephen Poliakoff: Drama und Dramaturgie in der abstrakten Gesellschaft (Schöningh, 1994) and has co-edited (with Peter Paul Schnierer, Aleks Sierz et. al.) The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish, British, American and South African Playwrights (Bloomsbury/Methuen Drama, 2010-2015) and, with Christina Wald, The Literature of Melancholia: Early Modern to Postmodern (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). Further book publications include: Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today (co-editor; Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in 21st-century British Drama and Theatre (co-editor; De Gruyter, 2017), Drama, Theatre and Philosophy (co-editor; De Gruyter, 2018); Affects in 21-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage (co-editor; Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), Critical Theatre Ecologies (co-editor; De Gruyter, 2022); Romantic Ecologies (co-editor; WVT, 2023); Literary Materialisations: Making Matter Matter on Page and Stage (co-editor; Routledge, forthcoming in 2024). His current projects include a monograph on Theatre and/as Inoperative Community, a Handbook of Literary Ethics (co-editor; De Gruyter, forthcoming in 2024/25), and a website on theatre philosophy located at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, USA. He is a co-editor of Anglia: Journal of English Philology – the oldest journal dedicated to English studies in the world (founded in 1878). He was editor in chief of Journal of Contemporary Drama in English until 2020 and, as a founding editor, is currently a member of its advisory board. He is a member of the Selection Committee at the German National Academic Foundation and is Elected Member of the Academia Europaea.

He is co-investigator for the project “Gender, Affect and Care in the Twenty-First Century British Theatre” (PID2021-126448NA-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. He was a co-investigator for “Ethical Issues in Contemporary British Theatre since 1989: Globalization, Theatricality, Spectatorship” (FFI2012-31842), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, a four-year research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the EU European Regional Development Fund (FFI2016-75443). He was also co-Principal Investigator, with Mireia Aragay, of “Representations of the Precarious in Contemporary British Drama and Theatre”, a one-year (2014) research project funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD; Projekt-ID 57049392).

Contemporary British Theatre

(forthcoming): “Vibrancy, Intensity, Materiality: Architextures and Text/Image-Relations on Page and Stage in Tim Crouch’s total immediate collective imminent terrestrial salvation“, Literary Materialisations: Making Matter Matter on Page, Stage, and Screen. Eds. Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. London: Routledge.

(forthcoming): co-editor with Ingrid Hotz-Davies and Christoph Reinfandt, Literary Materialisations: Making Matter Matter on Page, Stage, and Screen. London: Routledge.

(forthcoming): “The Inoperative Community in Twenty-First-Century British Theatre”, Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 12:1.

2024: “Wiederholung und/als Glück? Samuel Becketts Glükliche Tage“, Glükliche Tage: Formen des Glücks unter schwierigen Bedingungen. Ed. Markus Heinzelmann. Berlin: DCV Verlag, pp. 41-57.

2022: with Martin Riedelsheimer, “Co-Mutability, Nodes and the Mesh: Critical Theatre Ecologies – An Introduction”, Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 10:1, pp. 2-25.

2022: co-editor with Martin Riedelsheimer, “Critical Theatre Ecologies”, special issue of Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 10:1, pp. 2-246.

2022: “History and Biography”, Tom Stoppard in Context. Eds. David Kornhaber and James N. Lohelin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 104-111.

2021: co-editor with Mireia Aragay and Cristina Delgado-García, Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2021: with Mireia Aragay and Cristina Delgado-García, “Introduction: Thinking-Feeling Our Way”, Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage. Eds. Mireia Aragay, Cristina Delgado-García and Martin Middeke. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-18.

2021: “Vibrant Materials: Affective Arrangements, the Allure of Glamour and Architexture(s) in Penelope Skinner’s Eigengrau and Mike Bartlett’s Game”, Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage. Eds. Mireia Aragay, Cristina Delgado-García and Martin Middeke. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 193-215.

2018: co-editor with David Kornhaber, “Drama, Theatre and Philosophy”, special issue of Anglia: Journal of English Philology 136: 1.

2017: “The Inoperative Community and Death: Ontological Aspects of the Precarious in David Greig’s The Events and Caryl Churchill’s Here We Go”, Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in Twenty-first-century British Drama and Theatre. Eds. Mireia Aragay and Martin Middeke. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 217-33.

2017: with Mireia Aragay, “Precariousness in Drama and Theatre: An Introduction”, Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in Twenty-first-century British Drama and Theatre. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 1-13.

2017: co-editor with Mireia Aragay, Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in Twenty-first-century British Drama and Theatre. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter.

2014: “The Undecidable and the Event: Ethics of Unrest in Martin Crimp’s Attempts on Her Life and debbie tucker green’s truth and reconciliation”, Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre. Eds. Mireia Aragay and Enric Monforte. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 96-113.

2012: “Drama nach 1945”, Englische Literaturgeschichte. Ed. Hans Ulrich SeeberStuttgart: Metzler, pp. 423-61.

2011: co-editor with Peter Paul Schnierer and Aleks Sierz, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary British Playwrights. London: Methuen.

2011: “Martin Crimp”, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary British Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke, Peter Paul Schnierer and Aleks Sierz. London: Methuen, pp. 82-102.

2011: with Christina Wald, “Melancholia as a Sense of Loss: An Introduction”, The Literature of Melancholia, Early Modern to Postmodern. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christina Wald. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-19.

2011: with Peter Paul Schnierer and Aleks Sierz, “Introduction”, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary British Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke, Peter Paul Schnierer and Aleks Sierz. London: Methuen, pp. vii-xxiv.

2010: with Peter Paul Schnierer, “Introduction”, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer. London: Methuen, pp. VII-XIX.

2010: “Martin McDonagh”, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer. London: Methuen, pp. 213-33.

2010: co-editor with Peter Paul Schnierer, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights. London: Methuen.

2007: co-editor with Christoph Henke, Drama and/after PostmodernismContemporary Drama in English 14. Trier: WVT.

2006: “‘Tis Fourteen Years Since’: Bernhard Reitz and CDE”, History and Drama: Essays in Honour of Bernhard Reitz. Ed. Sigrid Rieuwerts. Trier: WVT, pp. 7-8.

2006: “History as a Retro-Scenario: A Short Note on Alan Bennett’s The History Boys“, History and Drama: Essays in Honour of Bernhard Reitz. Ed. Sigrid Rieuwerts. Trier: WVT, pp. 201-09.

2005: “Minimal Art: On the Intermedial Aesthetic Context of Samuel Beckett’s Late Theatre and Drama”, Anglia 123: 3, pp. 359-80.

2003: “Samuel Beckett: En attendant Godot/Warten auf Godot“, Große Werke der Literatur VIII. Ed. Hans-Vilmar Geppert. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 201-18.

2002: “Stephen Poliakoff”, Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Eberhard Kreutzer. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 461-62.

2001: “Metadrama and/as (Cultural) Evolution: Timberlake Wertenbaker’s After Darwin“, ‘What Revels Are in Hand’: Assessments of Contemporary Drama in English in Honour of Wolfgang Lippke. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Trier: WVT, pp. 163-181.

2001: “Towards the End of Logic: Sol LeWitt and Samuel Beckett’s Later Theatre and Drama”, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujoud’hui: Papers from the Berlin 2000 Symposium. Eds. Angela Moorjani and Carola Veit. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

1999: review of Zettner, Maria. (Paperback Theatre: Das Young Vic und seine Bedeutung für das englische Theater, Lang:  1993), Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 151: 236/1, pp. 211-14.

1999: “Introduction”, Biofictions: The Rewriting of Romantic Lives in Contemporary Fiction and Drama. Eds. Werner Huber and Martin Middeke. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, pp. 1-25.

1999: co-editor with Werner Huber, Biofictions: The Rewriting of Romantic Lives in Contemporary Fiction and Drama. Rochester, NY: Camden House.

1998: with Werner Huber, “Introduction”, Anthropological Perspectives. Eds. Werner Huber and Martin Middeke. Contemporary Theatre and Drama 5. Trier: WVT, pp. 9-18.

1998: co-editor with Werner Huber, Anthropological PerspectivesContemporary Drama in English 5. Trier: WVT.

1998: “Stephen Poliakoff: Strawberry Fields”, Kindlers Literaturlexikon: Band 22 — Supplement. München: Kindler Verlag, pp. 315-16.

1998: “Timberlake Wertenbaker: Our Country’s Good“, Kindlers Literaturlexikon: Band 21 — Supplement. München: Kindler Verlag, pp. 694-96.

1997: “Drama and the Desire for History: The Plays of Timberlake Wertenbaker”, Anglistentag 1996, Dresden – Proceedings. Eds. Uwe Böker and Hans Sauer. Trier: WVT, pp. 223-33.

1996: with Werner Huber, “Biography in Contemporary Drama”, Drama and Reality. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Contemporary Drama in English 3. Trier: WVT, pp. 133-43.

1995: “Fashion and the Media Age: Hyperreality in the Plays of Stephen Poliakoff”, Centres and Margins. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Contemporary Drama in English 2. Trier: WVT, pp. 109-17.

1995: “Sinnkrise, Faschismus und Verselbständigung der Gewalt: Howard Barkers That Good Between Us und Stephen Poliakoffs Strawberry Fields“, Can’t We ‘Ave Some Order ‘Ere!: Rechtsextremismus im zeitgenössischen britischen Drama. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Anglistik & englischunterricht 57. Heidelberg: Winter, pp. 35-58.

1994: Stephen Poliakoff: Drama und Dramaturgie in der abstrakten Gesellschaft. Paderborn: Schöningh.

1991: co-editor with Ralf Weskamp, Stephen Poliakoff’s ‘City Sugar’: Teacher’s Book. Frankfurt a. M.: Diesterwerg.

1990: co-editor with Ralf Weskamp, Poliakoff, Stephen. City Sugar. Frankfurt a. M.: Diesterweg.


(forthcoming): co-editor with Monika Pietrzak-Franger, Handbook of the English Novel, 1830-1900. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter.

2016: “Ian McEwan”, Handbook of the English Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Ed. Christoph Reinfandt. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter.

2016: “The Art of Compearance: Ethics, (Reading) Literature, and the Coming Community”, Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, pp. 247-63.

2016: with Christoph Reinfandt, “Coda: Theory Matters”, Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, pp. 349-50.

2016: with Christoph Reinfandt, “Interlude III: On Interpretation”, Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, pp. 281-84.

2016: with Christoph Reinfandt, “Interlude II: Ideologies of Habitus”, Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, pp. 197-201.

2016: with Christoph Reinfandt, “Interlude I: The Cultures of Reflexivity”, Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, pp. 113-16.

2016: with Christoph Reinfandt, “Introduction: The Place of Theory Today”, Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, pp. 1-14.

2016: co-editor with Christoph Reinfandt,  Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Studies Today. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2015: “Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights”, Große Werke der Weltliteratur Bd. XI. Eds. Günter Butzer and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 129-42.

2015: co-editor with Peter Paul Schnierer and Greg Homann, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre. London and New York: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama.

2014: “Wallace Shawn”, The Methuen Drama Guide of Contemporary American Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke, Peter Paul Schnierer, Christopher Innes and Matthew C. Roudané. London: Methuen, pp. 297–316.

2014: co-editor with Peter Paul Schnierer, Christopher Innes and Matthew C. Roudané, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary American Playwrights. London and New York: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama.

2012: with Christoph Reinfandt, “The Place of Theory: Introduction”, Anglistentag 2011, Freiburg – Proceedings. Eds. Monika Fludernik and Bernd Kortmann. Trier: WVT, pp. 305-7.

2012: co-editor with Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf, English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Stuttgart: Metzler.

2012: “Introducing Literary Studies”, English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 1-8.

2012: “The Victorian Age”, English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 56-77.

2012: “Reception Theory”, English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 191-96.

2012: “Deconstruction”, English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 197-200.

2011: editor, “Literature and/as Ethics. Special Issue”, Anglia: Journal of English Philology 129: 1-2.

2011: co-editor with Christina Wald, The Literature of Melancholia, Early Modern to Postmodern. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2011: “On the Deconstruction of Storytelling in Contemporary Irish Drama”, Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture. Eds. Julia Lajta-Novak and Margarete Rubik. Trier: WVT, pp. 37-46.

2011: “Ian McEwan: Atonement”, Große Werke der Weltliteratur Bd. XI. Eds. Günter Butzer and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Narr.

2011: “Introduction”, Literature and/as Ethics, Special Issue of ANGLIA: Journal of English Philology 129:1-2. Ed. Martin Middeke. Pp. v-ix.

2010: co-editor with Peter Paul Schnierer, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights. London: Methuen.

2009: with Christoph Henke, “Literature and Circularity: An Introduction”, special issue on “Literature and Circularity”, Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 9: 1-12.

2009: co-editor with Christoph Henke, special issue on “Literature and Circularity”, Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 9.

2008: “Literatur und Wiederholung”, Theorien der Literatur IV: Grundlagen und Perspektiven. Eds. Günther Butzer and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Francke, pp. 191-215.

2007: with Christoph Henke, “Introduction”, Literature and Circularity. Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics. Eds. Christoph Henke and Martin Middeke. New York, NY: AMS Press, pp. 1-12.

2007: “On Circles and Spirals: Meta-Hermeneutics in 20th Century Fiction”, Literature and Circularity. Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics. Eds. Christoph Henke and Martin Middeke. New York, NY: AMS Press, pp. 103-28.

2007: with Christoph Henke, “Baudrillard Revisited: Simulation, Simulacra, and Postmodern Mythmaking in the Matrix-Trilogy”, Intermedialities. Eds. Werner Huber, Evelyne Keitel and Günter Süss. Trier: WVT, pp. 11-26.

2007: “James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, Große Werke der Literatur X. Eds. Hans-Vilmar Geppert and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 121-38.

2007: “Mary Shelley: Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus”, Große Werke der Literatur XI. Eds. Hans-Vilmar Geppert and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 71-83.

2006: “Der Prozess gegen Oscar Wilde (1895)”, Handbuch der Englischen Kulturgeschichte. Eds. Rudolf Beck and Konrad Schröder. München: UTB-Fink, pp. 325-30

2006: “Die Französische Revolution (1789)”, Handbuch der Englischen Kulturgeschichte. EdsRudolf Beck and Konrad Schröder. München: UTB-Fink, pp. 223-29.

2006: “Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (1859)”, Handbuch der Englischen Kulturgeschichte. Eds. Rudolf Beck and Konrad Schröder. München: UTB-Fink, pp. 308-12.

2006: with Helga Schwalm, “The Return of Biography: Introduction”, Anglistentag 2005, Bamberg – Proceedings. Eds. Christoph Houswitschka and Anja Müller. Trier: WVT, pp. 219-55.

2006: “Bram Stoker: Dracula“, Große Werke der Literatur IX. Ed. Hans-Vilmar Geppert. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 101-18.

2005: co-editor with Werner Huber and Hubert Zapf, Self-Reflexivity in Literature. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

2005: “Introduction”. Self-Reflexivity in Literature, Eds. Werner Huber, Martin Middeke and Hubert Zapf. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 7-11.

2005: “Self-Reflexivity, Trans-/Intertextuality, and Hermeneutic Deep-Structure in 20th Century British Fiction”, Self-Reflexivity in Literature. Eds. Werner Huber, Martin Middeke and Hubert Zapf. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 211-22.

2005: “Inter-/Transtextualität: Funktionen und Hermeneutische Tiefenstruktur”, Theorien der Literatur II: Grundlagen und Perspektiven. Eds. Hans Vilmar Geppert and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Francke, pp. 225-42.

2004: Die Kunst der gelebten Zeit: Studien zur Phänomenologie literarischer Subjektivität im englischen Roman des ausgehenden neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, text & theorie 1. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.

2003: “Literatur und Anthropologie”, Literaturtheorie. Ringvorlesung an der Universität Augsburg 2001-2. Eds. Hans-Vilmar Geppert and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Narr.

2002: “John Webster“, Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Eberhard Kreutzer. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 608-09.

2002: “Thomas Carlyle”, Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Eberhard Kreutzer. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 98-101.

2002: “Bram Stoker”, Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Eberhard Kreutzer. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 557-58.

2002: “Samuel Butler d. J.”, Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Eberhard Kreutzer. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 88-9.

2002: “Christine Brooke-Rose”, Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Eds. Ansgar Nünning and Eberhard Kreutzer. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 71-2.

2002: editor, Zeit und Roman: Zeiterfahrung im historischen Wandel und ästhetischer Paradigmenwechsel vom sechzehnten Jahrhundert bis zur Postmoderne.Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

2002: “Zeit und Roman: Zur Einführung”, Zeit und Roman: Zeiterfahrung im historischen Wandel und ästhetischer Paradigmenwechsel vom sechzehnten Jahrhundert bis zur Postmoderne. Ed. Martin Middeke. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 1-20.

2002: editor, Zeit und Roman: Zeiterfahrung im historischen Wandel und ästhetischer Paradigmenwechsel vom sechzehnten Jahrhundert bis zur Postmoderne. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

2002: “Die Poetologie gelebter Zeit im spätviktorianischen Roman”, Zeit und Roman: Zeiterfahrung im historischen Wandel und ästhetischer Paradigmenwechsel vom sechzehnten Jahrhundert bis zur Postmoderne. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 161-95.

2002: “Dimensionen gelebter Zeit im Fin de siècle: Joseph Conrads Lord Jim”, Das Fin de Siècle. Eds. Monika Fludernik and Ariane Huml. Trier: WVT, pp. 153-74.

2002: “Oscar, the Proto-Postmodern? Peter Ackroyd’s The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde“, The Importance of Reinventing Oscar: Versions of Wilde during the last 100 Years. Eds. Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis and Julie A. Hibbard. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 207-17.

2001: review of Metafiction and Myth in the Novels of Peter Ackroyd (Susanna Onega, Camden House: 1999), Anglia119: 4, pp. 665-670.

2001: “The Poetics of Lived Time: Time Consciousness and Literary Subjectivity in the Late-Victorian Novel”, Anglistentag 2000, Berlin – Proceedings. Eds. Jürgen Schlaeger and Peter Lucko. Trier: WVT, pp. 407-20.

1999: “The Triumph of Analogous Text Over Digital Truth: Biography, Différance, and Deconstructive Play in Amanda Prantera’s Conversations with Lord Byron on Perversion, 163 Years after His Lordships’s Death”, Biofictions: The Rewriting of Romantic Lives in Contemporary Fiction and Drama. Eds. Werner Huber and Martin Middeke. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, pp. 120-37.

1998: “Angela Carter: Nights at the Circus”, Kindlers Literaturlexikon: Band 21 — Supplement. München: Kindler Verlag, pp. 212-14.

1998: review of Repetition (Ed. Andreas Fischer, Tübingen: Narr, 1994), Anglia 116, pp. 547-50.

1996: review of Dislocating Masculinities: Comparative Ethnographies (Eds. Andrea Cornwall and Nancy Lindisfarne, Routledge, 1994), Journal for the Study of British Cultures 3: 2, pp. 197-200.

Contemporary British Theatre

2024: attendance at “After Tragedy”, 5th Performance Philosophy Biennal Conference, University of Texas at Austin, 16-20 May.

2024: attendance at “Theatre in the Digital Age”, 32nd Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Universität Innsbruck, 2-5 May.

2023: attendance at the international symposium “Care and/in Twenty-First Century British Theatre” within the research project “Gender, Affect, and Care in Twenty-First Century British Theatre”, organised by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació, 16-17 November.

2023: attendance at “Theatre & Community: Poetics, Politics, Performances”, 31st Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Erfurt University, 8-11 June.

2022: attendance at “Theatre and the City”, 30th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Sorbonne Université, 23-26 June.

2022: attendance at “Launching Tom Stoppard in Context”, University of Texas at Austin, 13-14 January.

2021: co-organiser with Martin Riedelesheimer, “Critical Theatre Ecologies”, 29th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Augsburg, 3-6 June [online].

2018: attendance at “Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Drama and Performance”, 27th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Hildesheim, 31 May-3 June.

2017: attendance at “Nation, Nationhood and Theatre”, 26th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Reading, 29 June-2 July.

2016: attendance at “British Theatre in the 21st Century: New Texts, New Stages, New Identities, New Worlds”, organized by Paris-Sorbonne University, Royal Holloway (University of London) and Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, Université Paris-Sorbonne, París, 13-15 October.

2016: attendance at “Theatre and Mobility”, 25th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 26-29 May. Sponsored by DFG.

2015: attendance at “Theatre and Spectatorship”, 24th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Barcelona, 4-7 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2014: attendance at “Theatre and History: Cultural Transformations”, 23rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Hamburg, 30 May-2 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2012: attendance at “Bodies on Stage”, 21st Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Bochum, Mühlheim/ Ruhr, 2-6 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2010: attendance at “Narrative in Drama”, 19th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Paderborn (Germany), 3-6 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2009: “Melancholia as a Central Discourse in European Cultural and Literary History”. University of Augsburg. Sponsored by DFG.

2007: attendance at “Non-Standard Forms of Contemporary Drama and Theatre”, 16th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 17-20 May. Sponsored by DFG.

2006: coordinator with Christoph Henke, “Drama and/after Postmodernism”, 15th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Augsburg. Sponsored by DFG.

2005: attendance at “Mapping Uncertain Territories: Space and Place in Contemporary Theatre and Drama”, 14th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), International University Bremen, Bremen, 2-5 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2004: attendance at “Staging Displacement, Exile, and Diaspora”, 13th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Bamberg, Vierzehnheiligen, 3-6 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2003: attendance at “Extending the Code: New Forms of Dramatic and Theatrical Expression”, 12th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Dresden, Meissen, 19-22 June. Sponsored by DFG.

2002: attendance at “Global Challenges and Regional Responses in Contemporary Drama in English”, 11th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Würzburg, Rothenfels, 9-12 May. Sponsored by DFG.

2001: attendance at “(Dis)Continuities: Trends and Traditions in Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English”, 10th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Vienna, Vienna, 24-27 May. Sponsored by DFG.

2000: attendance at “Crossing Borders: Intercultural Drama and Theatre at the Turn of the Millennium”, 9th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Bayreuth, Bad Alexandersbad, 2-5 November. Sponsored by DFG.

1999: attendance at “Mediated Drama / Dramatized Media: From Boards to Screens to Cyberspace”, 8th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Giessen, Rauischholzhausen, 17-20 June. Sponsored by DFG.

1998: Anthropological Perspectives. Universität Paderborn. Sponsored by DFG.

1998: attendance at “Race and Religion in Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English”, 7th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Mainz, Leutersdorf, 21-24 May. Sponsored by DFG.

1997: coordinator with Werner Huber, “Anthropological Perspectives in/on Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English”, 6th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Paderborn, Paderborn, 3-6 July. Sponsored by DFG.

1996: attendance at “Beyond the Mainstream”, 5th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Tübingen, Blaubeuren, June. Sponsored by DFG.

Contemporary British Theatre

2024: “Community and/after Tragedy: 21st-Century British Theatre”, paper presented at the 5th Performance Philosophy Biennal Conference, University of Texas at Austin, 17 May.

2023: “Matters of Care in Lucy Kirkwood’s Plays”, paper presented at the international symposium “Care and/in Twenty-First Century British Theatre”, organised by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona Research Group, Universitat de Barcelona, 16 November.

2023: “Theatre and Ecstasis”, paper presented at a seminar on “21st-Century British Theatre”, University of Freiburg, 16 October.

2023: “The Inoperative Community in 21st-Century British Theatre”, paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Drama in English “Theatre & Community: Poetics, Politics, Performances”, University of Erfurt, 9 June.

2023: participation in the study day on “Care in/and Twenty-First Century British Theatre” within the research project “Gender, Affect, and Care in Twenty-First Century British Theatre”, organised by Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació, 24 February.

2023: “Greening the Theatre: Shakespeare and 21st-Century British Theatre”, paper presented at a seminar on “Shakespeare and Ecology”, University of Konstanz, 9 January.

2019: participation in the symposium on crisis within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació, 11-12 April.

2018: co-chair, with Clare Wallace (Charles University Prague), of PhD Forum at “Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Drama and Performance”, 27th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Hildesheim (Germany), 31 May-3 June.

2018: “Affects Won from Fascination, or: Feeling Oneself to Death: Allure, Glamour and Moments of Intensity in Penelope Skinner’s Eigengrau (2010) and Mike Bartlett’s Game (2015)”, paper presented at the symposium on affect within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 12-13 April.

2018: participation in the study day on crisis within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 12 April.

2017: co-chair, with Clare Wallace, of PhD Forum at “Nation, Nationhood and Theatre”, 26th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Reading, 29 June-2 July.

2017: participation in the study day on affect within the project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 24 March.

2016: participation in the study day on happiness organized by the Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona research group, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia, 12 May.

2016: “Community, Ethics and Literature”, guest lecture delivered within the MA in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities, University of Barcelona, 11 May.

2014: “Precarious Negotiations: British Drama and/as the Coming Community”, a paper presented within the “Second Augsburg-Barcelona Seminar” organized by the research project “Darstellungen des Prekären im britishen Gegenwartstheater” (“Representations of the Precarious in Contemporary British Drama”), funded by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – German Academic Exchange Service; Projekt-ID: 57049392),University of Barcelona, 17 September.

2012: co-chair, with Clare Wallace (Charles University Prague), of PhD Forum at “Bodies on Stage”, 21st Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Bochum (Germany), 2-6 June.

2011: co-chair, with Clare Wallace (Charles University Prague), of PhD Forum at “Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama”, 20th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Mainz (Germany), 2-5 June.

2010: co-chair, with Clare Wallace (Charles University Prague), of PhD Forum at “Narrative in Drama”, 19th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Paderborn (Germany), 3-6 June.

2009: co-chair, with Clare Wallace (Charles University Prague), of PhD Forum at “Staging Interculturality”, 18th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), University of Vienna (Austria), 4-7 June.

Contemporary British Theatre

In progress: Muammer Özoltulular, “The Materiality of Fauna, Flora, Water, and Objects in Contemporary British Drama: Caryl Churchill, Simon Stephens, Steve Waters, and Nick Payne”.

2023: Julia Rössler, “Drama after Postmodernism: New Aesthetics of Mimesis on the Contemporary Stage”.

2023: Leila Michelle Vaziri, “The Theatre of Anxiety: Border Crossings in 21st-Century British Theatre”.

2022: Christian Attinger, “The Theatre of Philip Ridley: Representation of Globalization in Contemporary British Theatre”.

2019: Korbinian Stöckl, “Conceptions of Love in Contemporary Drama” (Winner of 2020 CDE Award; published as Love in Contemporary British Drama: Traditions and Transformations of a Cultural Emotion (CDE Studies 31; DeGruyter, 2021)).

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