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Once students have enrolled in the course, groups of students can be created manually. The following steps must be followed:

1. Go to the main page of the course and click on the Groups option (located on the right hand side of the toolbar inside the gear icon):

2. The content of the Groups tab is displayed, click on the Create group button:

3. Then enter the name of the group and the parameters and/or information that you consider necessary.

4. When finished, click on the "Save changes" button on the form to save.

5. When you return to the Groups tab, the new group has been added to the existing groups box in the course and all that remains is to add the participants:

When clicking Add/remove users, the course participants are displayed in the Potential members box:

When you have finished adding participants, you can return to the groups tab with the button at the bottom of the page Back to groups.

The new group information will be displayed with the participants in the new group:

This quick guide (in PDF format) also explains this process for creating groups of students in a course on the Campus Virtual UB.


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