

The University of Barcelona climbs 15 places in the QS World University Rankings

The University of Barcelona has again improved its position in the prestigious QS World University Rankings. Our institution has been ranked the 168th best university in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2022 after climbing 15 places among more than 1,600 higher education institutions. Last year, it reached the 183rd position. With this result, the UB is listed among the top 13% universities worldwide, tanking  55th in Europe, and #1 in Spain where it is followed by the Autonomous University of Madrid (207), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (209), the Complutense University of Madrid (223), Pompeu Fabra University (248), and the University of Navarra…

Summer School on Management of Creativity for a Resilient Society

The UB Business School, together with Mosaic HEC Montréal, will offer an exceptional online edition of the Summer School on the theme “RESILIENCE & CREATIVITY”. The program will take place over eight half-days, from 28 June to 9 July 2021. The exceptional crisis that our societies are going through makes it more necessary than ever for regions, companies, organisations and individuals to reinvent themselves. We have designed an original program around the ability of ecosystems to react to crises, to…

Laura González-Vila Puchades awarded the Rafael Termes prize

Laura González-Vila Puchades, PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona is the recipient of the 2020 Rafael Termes Research and Study Awards. The prize is awarded annually by the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts and, on this occasion, has been given to the professor of the Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics of the UB for the monograph "Improved Income and Financial Planning: Merkel longevity coverage for retired people with reduced life expectancy". As a…

Motivation: the key to a healthy life

According to a recent study co-authored by the UB Business School researcher Pilar Aparicio Chueca, and the UB School of Sociology researcher Màrius Domínguez-Amorós, low levels of Physical Activity (PA) and idleness are associated with the onset of different pathologies and health problems. The article Lack of Association between the Reasons for and Time Spent Doing Physical Activity focuses on the relation between the time we spend doing physical activity and the reasons for doing so, from which the innovative…

Four researchers join the UB Business School in 2021

The UB Business School welcomed four new researchers in 2021. More specifically, two lecturer professors and two postdoctoral researchers joined the Department of Business. The new UB Business School researchers are: Ryan Armstrong: He is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Business. He obtained his PhD in Business from the University of Barcelona in 2018. Ryan researches how positive change can be facilitated in organizations. His research integrates philosophy, social psychology, and business analytics to understand how organizational learning takes place…

Cristian Granados, PhD alumni: “The UB Business School has an international community to share thoughts with”

The PhD in Business alumni at the UB Business School, Cristian Granados, is a professor, researcher and consultant at the Technological of Monterrey. He was a research fellow at HEC Montreal, and completed a short research stay at Harvard Business School. He is currently working with entrepreneurs, MBA and undergraduate students, and corporate innovation training programs in companies such as Bimbo, Renault or Roche. Along his professional career, he has held positions as innovation director and has also co-founded a video game startup. He is convinced about the power of creativity and innovation to improve organizations, cities and the welfare. Have teaching and research been always your career aspirations?   Not exactly. But as far as I remember, I…

Summer School 2021: creativity & resilience run online

The Summer School on Management of Creativity celebrates this year its thirteen edition, the second fully online, once again offering the opportunity to explore and compare the creative ecosystems of Montreal and Barcelona. Launched in 2009, the Summer School has inspired the creation of other schools on management of creativity and innovation in Europe, South America and Asia, and is considered as the international reference in the field of management of creativity and innovation. Following the success of the online edition organized in 2020, HEC Montréal and the University of Barcelona will jointly…

UB Business School at POLITICO’S EU Studies & Career Fair

On February 4 and 5, UB School of Economics will be present in the POLITICO’S EU Studies & Career Fair. Every year this fair becomes a meeting point between the best universities and organizations in the world, and top-level students and young professionals seeking a future in matters related to the European Union, international relations, political science, business, economy, public policy, and law. UB School of Economics will be present at the fair through the Study in Catalonia stand and…

University of Barcelona ranked among world’s top 100 universities

The University of Barcelona has been ranked amongst the top 100 institutions in the world, according to the first edition of 2021 of the Ranking Web of Universities and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, with regard to its international dimension. In both rankings, our institution has been the only university in Spain that ranked among the 100 first positions. The University of Barcelona steps up to position number 92 of the Ranking Web of Universities and position 91 of the most…

Dr Alfonso Hernández Vivanco awarded the José Manuel Blecua prize

The University of Barcelona Social Council has awarded the José Manuel Blecua prize to PhD graduate in Business at the UB Business School Alfonso Hernández Vivanco for his article "Sustainable innovation through management systems integration" published in the 'Journal of Cleaner Production'. The distinction recognizes the best article derived from a doctoral thesis defended at the UB during the last 5 years. "The study was born from the need to explore how the way of managing the internal processes of…