

3rd Catalan Congress of Economy and Business welcomes papers addressing equitable and efficient models

The call for papers has been announced for the ‘3rd Catalan Congress of Economy and Business: towards an equitable and efficient model’ organised by the Association of Economists of Catalonia. The congress will focus on the economy and business in Catalonia in the coming years, putting a special emphasis on the notions of efficiency and equity. Its main aim is to discuss the future challenges Catalan businesses will have to face in the future. The Congress will take place on…

The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS

The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business (JESB), co-initiated by researchers from the Universitat de Barcelona, reached a new achievement as it has been approved for inclusion in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS). This event marks a turning point for the Journal as it enhances its visibility on the international research scene and is with no doubt a recognition of the quality work carried by the JESB. The journal was granted inclusion…

New issue of the second volume of the Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business released

The second issue of the second volume of the Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business (JESB) has been released. This special edition, New Perspectives in Family Business Research, is available on the Scientific Journals of the University of Barcelona (RCUB) website. The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, which was established in 2016 is an open access journal led by an international interdisciplinary team who wants to attract contributions that help shed light on the new questions, challenges, methodologies and…

MSc in Business Research at UB Business School applications deadline has been extended

The deadline to apply to the 2017/18 MSc in Business Research at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School has been extended. Students who are interested can now submit their applications until all places are filled. The MSc in Business Research offers international research excellence in business administration and management. It also provides the means for students to develop skills and abilities in research that meet the highest standards. Students are exposed to a rich training curriculum as well as a…

The call for abstracts for the Second On/Off International Conference in Marketing Decision Making is now open

The Second On/Off International Conference in Marketing Decision Making is now welcoming abstracts. This event organised conjointly by the Universitat de Barcelona, the EAE Business School and the CYTED (Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo) will take place in Barcelona on October 5th, 2017. This conference aims to gather researchers in order to stimulate a debate on issues related to the improvement of marketing management, collaborations between universities and businesses as well as teaching innovations in marketing and business. Proposals…

UB Business School students will receive their diplomas at a graduation ceremony

UB Business School graduates will receive symbolic diplomas during a graduation ceremony on Wednesday July 12th, 2017. The ceremony will be held at 19.00h at the Aula Magna (696 Building) at the Faculty of Economics and Business. All teaching staff is also invited to attend the ceremony. This graduation ceremony is a celebration of UB Business School students’ achievements and marks the culmination of all their hard work. It is a valued opportunity to meet one last time with their…

Summer School on Management of Creativity gathers 48 participants in Montreal and Barcelona

The 2017 Summer School on Management of Creativity kicked off in Montreal last Wednesday June 28th, 2017. The programme has gathered 48 participants from nine different countries. After a week in Montreal, they will land in Barcelona on July 9th, 2017, where they will spend another week. Attendees are a mix of professionals in large international companies such as Cirque du Soleil, Ubisoft, Chanel and Torrot; master’s and doctorate students; and scholars from 10 different universities. The Summer School also…

Executive MBA alumnus Cristóbal Avilés joins the team of lecturers at UB Business School

Former Executive MBA student and Business Process Leader at Click-IT Technologies Cristóbal Avilés has recently joined the team of lecturers at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School. He will walk into the same classrooms where he was once a student, but now as a lecturer. When he started studying the programme he had already 15 year of experience, but he acknowledges that the course allowed him to make a qualitative leap in his professional life. “The Executive MBA was a turning point.…

MSc in Business Research students finish the academic year after their master thesis presentations

Students on MSc in Business Research at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School have finished the academic year this week after presenting their master theses. Completing the thesis has been the last stage of this one-year degree, during which they have developed skills, techniques and methodologies to conduct their own research. Some of the students will now request admission to the PhD in Business. Others will embark upon careers in research and policymaking in the public and private sectors. In…

Last places available on the Executive MBA at the UB Business School

The Executive MBA at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School is almost full for the academic year 2017/18. Apply now to be considered for this face-to-face programme taught over a single academic year. The admissions process operates on a rolling basis from the application opening date until all places are filled. It is expected that we will reach the limit on places in the following weeks. Therefore, do not delay in completing the application! Applicants may also benefit from one…