

What’s on in the Career Services next week?

The Career Services at the Faculty of Economics and Business have plenty of activities to offer, which are designed to develop the professional competencies of all our students. Throughout the year, presentations by large companies, job search workshops and other sessions relating to different sectors are being held in the Faculty. On Monday next week, the Career Services will once more set up the “CV Clinics” in the main corridor of the 690 Building, where students can bring their CVs…

BIE and US Consulate General Barcelona to hold a conference on entrepreneurship and innovation

The Barcelona Entrepreneurship Institute (BIE) at the University of Barcelona and the US Consulate General Barcelona have co-organised and will host the conference ‘Tech Entrepreneurship and Innovation by 2020: The Role of Established Companies and Higher Education Institutions’. The speaker will be Ingrid Vanderveldt, technology entrepreneur and CEO of Empowering a Billion Women by 2020 (EBW2020) and Vanderveldt Global Investments. The event will take place on October 16th at 12:00 in Dolors Aleu Room at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB).…

UB Business School launches new Executive MBA career development programme

In order to improve the employability of Executive MBA students and provide them with the necessary tools to promote their personal brand, the Universitat de Barcelona Business School and the Career Services at the Faculty of Economics and Business have launched the MBA career development programme. This new scheme has put in place a series of workshops aimed specifically at Executive MBA students, known as MBA career development programme. Sessions will focus on topics such as CV/LinkedIn, communications, networking/job interviews…

Meet the MSc in Business Research class of 2017/18

The 2017/18 academic year has already started for MSc in Business Research students at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School. Once again, the master’s displays a wide diversity among the class group. There is no doubt this heterogeneity contributes to the success of this degree. Overall, 11 different countries are represented. Nationals make up 15% of all students, while the remaining 85% are international students from around the world. Europe, the Americas and Asia make up 30% each and Middle…

Four UB Business School researchers publish article on international investment in R&D in “la Caixa” Social Observatory dossier

Universitat de Barcelona Business School researchers Paloma Miravitlles, Fariza Achcaoucaou, Ana Núñez-Carballosa and Laura Guitart-Tarrés have published the article Is Spain losing out on international investment in R&D? in the latest dossier of the Social Observatory of “la Caixa” entitled Research and innovation: what are our stakes? The report was officially presented in Madrid on September 20th 2017 by the Chief Executive Officer and the Corporate Director of of the Research and Strategy Area of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation,…

Faculty of Economics and Business announces five new Job Market hires

The Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona is pleased to welcome five new Job Market hires in 2017/18: Julia de Frutos, Jordi Teixidó, Guillaume Chapelle, David Rivero Leiva and Martí Sagarra. Julia de Frutos has joined the Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics as a guest professor. She was previously a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Ghent University. Her research interests span Environmental Economics, Game Theory and Control Theory. She received her…

Meet the class of the 25th edition of the Executive MBA

The Executive MBA at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School reaches its 25th edition this academic year. Since 1992, this programme has trained businessmen and businesswomen of all kinds. In 2017/18 we will be welcoming 26 students from 12 different countries. As a result, the degree of internationalisation is very high and the percentage of foreign students climbs to 80%. Taking gender into account, there is a larger proportion of men than women, with 73% against 27%. The same figures…

Executive MBA students choose work placements in order to improve their CVs

One of the strengths of the Executive MBA at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School is the possibility of undertaking a work placement. Students agree that internships add value to their CVs. Ana María Rivera Ortega and María Paula Capelli are two of the students that decided to embark on an internship during the academic year 2016-2017 at the multinational automotive manufacturing company Vokswagen and Deutsche Telekom's global IT services and consulting company T-Systems. “The internship allowed me to consolidate…

University of Barcelona announces 77 Erasmus+ grants for teaching staff

The University of Barcelona has announced up to 77 Erasmus+ grants for teaching staff for the academic year 2017-2018. The main aim of this funding is to support teaching periods at higher education institutions abroad that have signed a mobility agreement with the Faculty to which the applicant belongs. In the case of the Faculty of Economics and Business, there are 63 agreements in place with universities from 17 different European countries. The maximum duration of the teaching period abroad…

Book involving two UB Business School researchers awarded Best Wine Tourism Book in the world

The book Best Practices in Global Wine Tourism: 15 Case Studies from Around the World, co-written by two of the Universitat de Barcelona Business School members, Agustí Casas and Rubén Huertas, was awarded Best Wine Tourism Book in the world Award. The ceremony took place in Yantia, China, last May 2017, at the annual Gourmand Awards Ceremony. It is the second prize for this book, which had already won the 2017 Best Wine Tourism Book in the USA prize, also…