

Department of Business leads Barcelona i-Day to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in health industry amongst students

The Department of Business and the Vice-Rector’s Office for Entrepreneurship, Transfer and Innovation at the University of Barcelona led the Innovation Day (i-Day) in Barcelona, which aimed to bring university students to pursue a professional career related to innovation in health. The event gathered more than 70 students, researchers and health professionals in the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona on November 24th, 2018. Participants came from 11 different institutions, 17 countries and 21 areas of expertise. During the Innovation Day, several experts gave…

Faculty of Economics and Business at the UB invites applications for four post-doctoral positions

The Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona invites applications for four three-year post-doctoral positions starting in 2019. The Department of Business will recruit a post-doctoral researcher. Fields of interest: Management, General Management, Information Technology Organizational Behavior Operations Research Management, Health Care The Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics, the Department of Economics and the Department of Sociology will also fill one Post-Doctoral position each. Successful applicants will be expected to teach in English at undergraduate and postgraduate level, to develop independent research programmes…

New EMBA Business Chat session addresses social economy projects

The latest Executive MBA Business Chat organised by the UB Business School addressed social economy projects during a conference by Esperança Grado under the title “Grup Àuria: 40 años de Economía Social”. The session was held on November 19th, 2018, at the Faculty of Economics and Business. During the session, the executive provided an overview of the 40 years of Àuria Grup as a social economy enterprise in central Catalonia. She also explained how they combine basic features of a…

UB Business School launches new student ambassador programme

The UB Business School is happy to announce the launch of the student Ambassador Programme, which falls within the framework of a wider project to expand the connection between alumni, students and prospective students. This programme marks an important milestone for the UB Business School. The ambassadors are current students and alumni who support prospective students in their new stage of life and share their experience about studying at UB Business School. Prospective students value the experiences and information that current students and alumni have…

Research co-authored by Paloma Fernández shows that new multinationals benefit from early exposure to developed markets

[caption id="attachment_30399" align="alignleft" width="300"] Global healthcare company Grifols is a clear example of the article's thesis.[/caption] Recent research has shown that new multinationals increase their international performance when they expose to developed countries during the early years of the firm or the beginning of the international expansion. The benefits of this early exposure will outweigh the costs when there is a learning orientation and it is limited to just a few countries, according to an article co-authored by Esteban García-Canal…

New cohort of MSc in Business Research students starts at UB Business School

The UB Business School welcomes a new cohort of 20 new MSc in Business Research students from around the world. 45% of the students are from Europe, with 30% from the Americas, 15% from Asia and 10% from Africa and Middle East. Overall, eight different nationalities are represented. Background disciplines include Business (30%), Economics (30%), Communication (15%), Engineering (15%), Industrial Relations (5%) and Tourism (5%). Students have previously studied at universities such as Universidad de Buenos Aires, University of Barcelona,…

Meet the Executive MBA class of 2019

The UB Business School has welcomed 22 new students on the Executive MBA programme. As many as 73% of all students are international students. Overall, 11 different nationalities are represented. The Executive MBA at the UB Business School is a professional degree with students having 7 years of working experience on average. Members of the class of 2019 were employed in the following industry sectors prior to enrolment: Logistics (14%), Real State (14%), Consulting (14%), Banking (10%), Sales (10%), Consumer…

A closer look at the MSc in International Business class of 2019

The first cohort of MSc in International Business (MIB) students is a diverse group of 26 highly capable graduates from all corners of the world. Around 90% of our students are from abroad, with 17 nationalities represented. The large majority of students come from Europe (65%), followed by the Americas (27%) and Asia (8%). Students on the MIB typically have an undergraduate degree in Business Management or International Business from universities such as the University of Vienna, University of Basel, University of…

MSc in Business Research and Executive MBA graduates celebrate their academic achievements at the graduation ceremony

MSc in Business Research and Executive MBA graduates at the UB Business School celebrated their academic achievements with friends and relatives during the Graduation Ceremony at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The ceremony took place on July 11th, 2018 in the Aula Magna of the 696 Building for MSc in Business Research Graduates and on July 12th, 2018 in the Aula Magana of the 690 Building for the EMBA graduates. All graduates wore the academic dress –made up of…

UB Business School researchers reveal that integration of management systems is key to cleaner production technologies

The integration of management systems provides the managerial support needed to foster the adoption of cleaner production technologies both in developed and developing countries, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production by UB Business School researchers Alfonso Hernandez-Vivanco, Merce Bernardo and Claudio Cruz-Cazares. However, integration of management systems does not have a significant effect on sustainable product innovations, research shows. Therefore, the authors conclude that more efforts are required to accomplish a sustainability approach in the development of new products. The UB Business School researchers are among the first to relate…