The UB Business School recently concluded its highly successful XVI edition of the Summer School on Management and Creativity in an Innovation Society (June 26 to July 13, 2024), receiving widespread acclaim for its innovative approach and exceptional learning opportunities. Co-host with Mosaic-HEC Montreal, the programme, renowned for its cutting-edge curriculum and distinguished faculty, offered participants a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application.

The Summer School faculty, known for their innovation and deep understanding of contemporary management practices, were complemented by leaders from creative industries and prestigious speakers from various sectors. This diverse group of educators and industry experts provided participants with a rich and varied learning experience.

A key feature of the Summer School was its focus on leveraging the experience of its participants. The programme encouraged the sharing of insights among graduate students, decision-makers, university professors, consultants, and professionals. This collaborative environment facilitated the practical application of theoretical concepts, bridging the gap between academia and real-world practice.

Participants engaged in a wide range of activities, including lectures, seminars, roundtables, and visits to innovative companies. The programme also featured keynote speakers and team projects, where industry representatives presented real-world challenges for participants to solve. These projects promoted teamwork and practical problem-solving skills.

Interactive workshops further enhanced the programme, fostering a spirit of collaboration, experimentation, and creativity. The Summer School also provided numerous opportunities for networking, allowing participants to connect with renowned creators, professors, and managers in a privileged setting.

During the Summer School in Barcelona (July 7-13, 2024), the program focused on these areas:

  • Local solutions to global challenges (Ca l’Alier)
  • Healthy living and well-being: experimenting in the margins (Tech Barcelona)
  • Sustainable communities: reinventing tourism and local events (World Trade Center Barcelona)
  • Feeding the planet: innovation in ingredients, processes, and outputs (Bouquet d’Alella)
  • Engaging with audiences: cultural scene and disruptive innovation (CCCB)
  • Teamwork, presentations, and closing ceremony (StartUB!)

By the end of the programme, participants had discovered new business methodologies and benefited from a fast-paced, friendly, and collaborative environment. Graduates of the Summer School left with a sense of achievement and became part of an international community of creative and innovative leaders.

The Summer School is the flagship programme of Mosaic, HEC Montréal’s Innovation & Creativity Hub, co-directed by Patrick Cohendet and Laurent Simon, both professors at HEC Montréal, and Montserrat Pareja and Manel González, both professors at University of Barcelona.