

Applications now open for MSc in Business Research and PhD in Business

The applications are now open for 2020/21 entry to the graduate programme in Business at the UB Business School. The graduate programme comprises a one-year MSc in Business Research and the PhD in Business. The two stages can be coursed independently of one another provided that the student meets the requirements. The MSc in Business Research is taught full-time over one year or part-time over two years, while the PhD in Business normally involves three years of full-time study or five years…

New research shows Castile-La Mancha, Cantabria, Navarre lag behind rest of Spanish regions in gender equality

Equality between men and women has not yet been reached in Spain. However, the gender gap is wider in certain autonomous communities than in in others. The Spanish regions with greater gender inequality are Castile-La Mancha, Cantabria and Navarre. The regions with the least inequality are Asturias, Canary Islands and Balearic Islands. These are just some of the findings from a new study led by the UB Business School researcher Anna Maria Gil-Lafuente. Her colleague at the UB Business School Sefa…

A closer look at the MSc in Business Research class of 2020

The UB Business School has welcomed 23 new students on the MSc in Business Research. The large majority of our students come from Asia (35%) and the Americas region (35%), followed by Europe (22%) and Middle East (8%). Altogether, there are 12 nationalities represented in the class. The average age is 33 years old. This diverse group of people will now pursue a one-year programme which provides students with advanced training in the research skills, techniques and methodologies to conduct…

What the profile of the EMBA class of 2020 looks like?

The Executive MBA of the UB Business School has welcomed a group of 25 students this 2019/20 academic year. This year the programme stands out for the consolidated professional profile of the students and a high degree of internationalisation of the program. Specifically, students have eight years of previous work experience in the field of business on average. Besides, there are 10 nationalities represented in the programme and international students account for 92% of the class. The EMBA is a…

Women represent 70% of the Master in International Business class of 2020

The share of women in the Master in International Business (MIB) class has reached 70% in the academic year 2019/20. Although women are closing the gender gap in representation in business education, they are still underrepresented in many university programmes globally. The percentage of female students who enrolled in the MIB in the academic year 2018/19 was 46%, almost achieving gender parity the very same year that the programme was launched. Today, the 50:50 ratio between men and women have…

Explore the Montreal-Toronto-Barcelona Summer School with the two students sponsored by the UB in 2019

The University of Barcelona (UB) students Nadia Iemolo and Alice Demattos were each awarded a scholarship by the UB Business School of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the UB to attend the Summer School on Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society, co-hosted by HEC Montreal, the University of Barcelona and Ryerson University. In this interview they both speak about their experience during this intensive two-week programme in which participants can explore and compare the creative and innovative…

University of Barcelona improves position in QS World University Rankings 2020

The University of Barcelona has improved its position as one of the world’s top universities, according to the QS World University Rankings 2020. The university has been ranked 165th in the world, an improvement of on position since the edition of 2019 and 22 positions since 2012. This contrasts with the overall trend among the Spanish universities, many of which have seen their position worsen. The UB has been ranked the top university in Spain, overtaking the Autonomous University of…

UB Business School celebrates first cohort of MSc in International Business graduates

The UB Business School celebrates the first cohort of graduates from its newest postgraduate programme. Overall, 26 students have completed the first edition of the MSc in International Business launched just one year ago. Clearly, the students have been key in consolidating this new master’s. In less than one year, the MSc in International Business has stablished itself in a very competitive market. The number of applications for the academic year 2019/20 has increased by 130%. For the MSc in…

Study co-authored by UB Business School researcher finds women deliver higher quality audit services

A recent study co-authored by the UB Business School researcher Dr Josep Maria Argilés-Bosch has shown that female auditors are associated with significantly higher levels of financial reporting quality. The authors found that this positive impact takes place since the very first year of the appointment of a female partner to replace a male auditor. However, women are still clearly under-represented in the top ranks of audit firms. This scientific article may help to overcome gender stereotypes and contribute to…

Research confirms that certain workplace environments increase the number of employees who attend work despite being ill and boost the negative consequences on individuals and the organisation

A recent study co-authored by UB Business School researcher Dr. Mercè Mach has confirmed the effect of work environment and supervisor support on the employees’ decision to attend work despite being ill or not feeling well, a practice known as presenteeism. Presenteeism has important consequences on organisational performance and individuals’ wellbeing. Moreover, previous scientific literature has shown that employees who report to work frequently while sick are significantly more absent in the following 18 months and event three years later.…