

UB, Spanish leader in the World University Rankings

The University of Barcelona is the first Spanish university in the World University Rankings, published by the British specialized journal Times Higher Education, obtaining the 152nd position worldwide. Thus, it is 30 positions higher than last year. This year the ranking has updated the methodology and includes new indicators. Of the conceptual pillars in which the different indicators of the ranking are grouped, the UB obtains the best evaluation in quality and scope of research: it obtains 91.4 points and the 100th…

8th Summer School on Data and Algorithms for ST&I Studies

Are you passionate about the transformative power of data and algorithms in the world of Science, Technology, and Innovation? Join the 8th Summer School on Data and Algorithms for ST&I Studies, organized by KU Leuven in collaboration with the UB Business School and proudly sponsored by Google.  - Date: 6,7 & 8 September - Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona - Registration deadline: August 27 (general public) - Registration fee: €95 (includes registration, access to…

MSc in International Business, MSc in Business Research and MBA graduates celebrate their academic achievements at the graduation ceremony 2022-2023

MSc in International Business, MSc in Business Research and MBA graduates at the UB Business School celebrated their academic achievements with friends and relatives during Graduation Day at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The ceremonies took place on July 10-11, 2023, in the Aula Magna of the 690 Building. All graduates wore the academic dress –consisting of a gown and hood– and received symbolic diplomas. The MSc classes of 2023 graduated together with other official master’s degrees students and…

PhD graduate sucet Jimena Martínez Vergara awarded extraordinary doctoral prize

Sucet Jimena Martínez Vergara, PhD graduate in Business at the UB Business School, has been awarded the extraordinary doctoral prize for the academic year 2020-2021. Dr Martínez Vergara defended her doctoral thesis “Exploring what disruptive innovation is and its influence on Spanish incumbents” on June 14, 2021. The research of the study, directed by UB Business School researcher Jaume Valls, aims to contribute to the understanding of disruptive innovation (DI) theory and its impact on incumbents in Spain. The thesis…

The Executive MBA has received the Impuls Award for lifelong learning on its 25th anniversary

The Executive MBA programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona has received the Impuls Award for lifelong learning. This award recognizes the academic contribution of programmes with a 25-year trajectory in lifelong learning, such as the EMBA master's programme at UB. We interviewed Laura Guitart, the academic vice-dean of the faculty, on the occasion of the programme's 25th anniversary. Congratulations on the recognition and for 25 years of delivering such a competitive programme like…

A study reveals the importance of understanding the impact of taxi options on urban mobility and consumer preferences

The UB Business School has conducted a study on the current state of urban mobility, focusing on the impact of private taxi transport projects. The study highlights the increasing relevance of urban mobility in the context of globalization and competition, as well as the growing interest in studying the impact of taxi options on consumer preferences. “Taxi and urban mobility studies: A bibliometric analysis”, published in the Transport Policy Journal by our researchers David Alaminos, Emilio Vizuete, and our PhD…

Àngels Pelegrín, distinguished with the Order of the Rising Sun of the Japanese Government

Àngels Pelegrín, professor in the MSc in International Business of the UB Business School and coordinator for East Asian relations at the University of Barcelona, has been awarded the Order of the Rising Sun with Gold Rays and Neck Badge, which is awarded by the Japanese government. This distinction, which has been given in an event at the General Consulate of Japan in Barcelona, is a recognition of her work in promoting academic exchange and understanding between Japan and Spain.…

2 researchers joined the UB Business School in early 2023

The UB Business School has recruited 2 new researchers in 2023. More specifically, one Assistant Professor, and a Ramon y Cajal fellow: Daniel de Mattos: Daniel joined the Department of Business as a Ramón y Cajal Tenure-track lecturer. He has worked previously at the University of Derby, University of Jaén, Fluminense Federal University, and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro since 2012. He has also worked in the industry for over eight years as an industrial engineer with Petrobras oil and gas…

The Executive MBA organizes an off-campus stage on leadership

The UB Business School Executive MBA organised on 24 and 25 April a practical leadership workshop in a Sitges hotel for two intensive days. The training was directed by Victor M. Rodriguez Ardura, a consultant specialized in leadership and business management, and was based on a learning methodology focusing on games and group dynamics. The participants explored the challenges of leadership in managing change, one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. During the workshop, students learned about the…

Alfonso Hernández Vivanco awarded SEBAP Mobility Grant

Our assistant professor Alfonso Hernádez Vivanco has been awarded a research mobility grant by the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country (SEBAP). The grant provides 4.200 euros in funding for a visiting period at a foreign institution. In this case, Alfonso Antonio has chosen the Toulouse Business School. The award ceremony took place at the Saló de Cent of the Barcelona City Hall on March 16, 2023. Alfonso Hernández Vivanco: Alfonso will join the Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation…