

Summer School on “Big Data for Healthy Living” co-organised by the University of Barcelona

The Summer School "Big Data for Healthy Living", jointly organised by the University of Barcelona, the Université Grenoble Alpes and the European Scientific Institute, will provide an overview of the main sources of data and efforts to develop new tools on large-scale data processing application.  It will be held at the European Scientific Institute, in Archamps, France from July 3rd to 12th, 2017. Claudio Cruz Cazares, researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School and director of the Master’s degree…

Summer School on Management of Creativity to be held in Montreal and Barcelona

The Summer School on Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society offers a unique and privileged opportunity for 60 participants from different countries and backgrounds to explore and compare two ecosystems in creative and innovative cities, as well as to tap into new sources of inspiration on how to create environments that stimulate innovation. The course is jointly organised by the Entrepreneurship Chair at the University of Barcelona and the multidisciplinary platform for research and training Mosaic at HEC Montreal.…

The Executive MBA takes teaching off campus with a ‘stage’ on leadership

Leadership stage for UB Business Executive MBA students Students of the Executive MBA at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School will leave their classrooms to take part in a dynamic workshop on leadership. During two intensive days, the group will meet in a hotel on the coast of Barcelona area on May 12th and 13th 2017. The workshop will offer practical training through games-based experiences, group dynamics, role-plays, practical cases, videos and multimedia contents. At the end of the stage, participants will have a better understanding of the difficulties…

“There is no doubt that the master’s and the PhD in Business opened doors for me”

María de Lourdes Eguren studied the MSc in Business Research (2009-2010) and the PhD in Business (2010-2015) at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School. She works now at Bunge, one of the largest agribusiness and food companies in the world. While she was still studying her master’s she found a job at another multinational, in this case in the pharmaceutical business: Novartis. Eguren combines her managerial job at Bunge with lectures at Tecnocampus de Mataró, where she works as an…

The University of Barcelona promotes innovation through Emprèn!UB Award 2017

The Barcelona Institute of Entrepreneurship (BIE) and the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona now welcome the submission of projects for the 4th edition of the Emprèn!UB Award. This event intends to promote innovation and stimulate the entrepreneurial and collaborative spirit of UB students. Any students enrolled at the University of Barcelona or one of its affiliated centers can participate, independently of their level of study, by registering online. This year, projects can be submitted in two categories:…

May is the ‘Careers Month’ at the UB Business School

This month of May will bring plenty of careers guidance activities aimed at graduate students at the UB Business School and the UB School of Economics. Two different sessions are scheduled for every Wednesday, from May 3rd to 24th, 2017. Workshops targeting topics such as communication, CV, LinkedIn, and job search strategies will take place every Wednesday morning, from 10:00 to 11:30. In the afternoon, panel discussions addressing Consulting, Big Data, Financial Markets, and the Public Sector will be held…

Ramon Alemany takes office as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business

Ramon Alemany Leira, Professor in the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics, took office as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona on April 19th, 2017. Vice-Deans Laura Guitart Tarrés, Raúl Ramos and Núria Rodríguez-Àvila also took office during the same ceremony, as well as Teresa Preixens as secretary of the Faculty. The new team led by Ramon Alemany wants to maintain the level of excellence achieved in bachelor and master’s degrees and…

Submission of papers to the International Workshop for the Innovation and Sustainable Development is now open

The University of Barcelona, as coordinator of the Red Iberoamericana para la Competitividad, Innovación y Desarrollo (REDCID), welcomes the submission of papers for presentation at the International Workshop for the Innovation and Sustainable Development, which will take place in Barcelona on June 26th-27th, 2017. Research topics may include business and economic applications of the innovation, finance, fuzzy logic, management, marketing and simulation. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in a book of proceedings with…

“UB Business School is the place where I want to be and to learn from”

Patricia Elgoibar is a postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School. She joined the Department of Business at the Faculty of Economics and Business last September. Previously she was assistant professor and academic director of the MSc in International Business Negotiation at IESEG School of Management (Paris). In this interview, she shares with us her thought and impressions about her past few months at the University of Barcelona. It’s already been seven months since you joined the UB…

UB Business School launches scholarship scheme for EU students to study Executive MBA

The Universitat de Barcelona Business School has announced the launch of two European Talent Scholarships aimed at students from European Union countries with an outstanding professional profile and the skills needed to become a leader that will have an influence on business in the future. Students may apply for a grant of 50% of the tuition fees of the Executive MBA programme at the University of Barcelona (the scholarship does not cover the administrative fee). The main aim of this…