

UB Business School successfully hosts the XVI edition of the Summer School on Management and Creativity in an Innovation Society

The UB Business School recently concluded its highly successful XVI edition of the Summer School on Management and Creativity in an Innovation Society (June 26 to July 13, 2024), receiving widespread acclaim for its innovative approach and exceptional learning opportunities. Co-host with Mosaic-HEC Montreal, the programme, renowned for its cutting-edge curriculum and distinguished faculty, offered participants a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The Summer School faculty, known for their innovation and deep understanding of contemporary management practices,…

MSc in International Business, MSc in Business Research and MBA graduates celebrate their academic achievements at the graduation ceremony 2023-2024

MSc in International Business, MSc in Business Research and MBA graduates at the UB Business School celebrated their academic achievements with friends and relatives during Graduation Day at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The ceremonies took place on July 9-10, 2024, in the Aula Magna of the 690 Building. All graduates wore the academic dress –consisting of a gown and hood– and received symbolic diplomas. The MSc classes of 2024 graduated together with other official master’s degrees students and postgraduate…

The UB improves positions and is listed among the top 100 universities worldwide in the Webometrics ranking

The University of Barcelona holds the 100th position in the Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics). It has improved by thirteen positions compared to last year and is now the Spanish leading institution and the ninth in the European Union. The UB is the leading institution in Spain in the three indicator groups of the ranking. In Impact, about the number of links that direct to websites of the analyzed institution, it holds the 155 position worldwide; in Transparency, on the…

Unveiling the secrets of student success: cracking the code to higher education success

Student dropout rates can be a significant worry when it comes to ensuring success in higher education. In a recent study co-authored by our researchers Pilar Aparicio-Chueca and Xavier M. Triadó-Ivern published in Studies in Higher Education, delved into the world of university life to uncover the key factors predicting student dropout. The study focused on 3,583 first-year students pursuing a Business Administration (BA) degree at the University of Barcelona. The findings highlighted two crucial variables that played a pivotal role…

4 researchers join the the UB Business School in 2023

The UB Business School is pleased to introduce four researchers who have joined our faculty in 2023: Jordi Campo: Jordi joined the Department of Business as a Postdoctoral Researcher. He has previously worked at the intersection of academia and industry, holding positions as a Director of Marketing in various companies. He received his PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2022. His research expertise spans across the areas of General Management, Marketing, Strategy, Digital Marketing,…

A closer look at the Executive MBA class of 2023-2024

The UB Business School welcomed 20 new students to the Executive MBA programme this year. Most of them come from America (85%), others from Europe (10%), and the remaining (5%) from Asia. Altogether, there are 11 nationalities represented in this class where the average age is 33 years old. This diverse group of people will now pursue an official one-year programme which provides experienced professionals a comprehensive, integrated understanding of the management techniques and executive skills involved in business organization and administration in today’s complex, competitive and dynamic market. These students enrolled on the Executive MBA…

The UB Business School welcomes a new cohort of students at the MSc in Business Research class of 2024

The UB Business School welcomed 26 new students to the MSc in Business Research programme this year. Some of them come from Asia (36%), others from America (36%), and the remaining 4% from Europe. Altogether, there are 12 nationalities represented in this class where the average age is 30 years old. This diverse group of people will now pursue an official one-year programme which provides students with advanced training in the research skills, techniques and methodologies to conduct their own research in business. These students enrolled on the MSc in Business Research have an undergraduate degree in Business…

New cohort of MSc in International Business students starts the academic course 2023-2024

The UB Business School welcomed 27 new students to the MSc in International Business programme this year. Most of them come from Europe (59%), Asia (22%), America (15%) and Africa (4%). Altogether, there are 18 nationalities represented in this class where the average age is 25 years old. This diverse group of people will now pursue an official one-year programme taught in English, designed to train specialists in global business management and covers the fields of finance and accounting, marketing, operations, human resources and strategic management. These students enrolled on the MSc in International Business have an…

New edition of ‘UB in figures’ with highlights from the 2022-2023 academic year

Coinciding with the start of the academic year, the new edition of 'UB in figures' arrives, featuring the most significant data from the 2022-2023 academic year. It presents, in a comprehensible and engaging manner, the key figures of the University of Barcelona and its academic activities, as well as the evolution of certain variables over recent years. This year, the document includes a new section on entrepreneurship, highlighting projects incubated in StartUB!, emerging companies (start-ups) created, and individuals trained in…

How leadership skills drive success: The impact of sustainability competences on SMEs in tourism

UB Business School researcher Esther Hormiga has conducted a study that delves into how the skills and abilities of business leaders impact small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the ever-evolving tourism sector. This research highlights the crucial role played by leaders' sustainability competences in shaping the direction of these businesses. The study, titled ‘Leaders' sustainability competences and small and medium-sized enterprises outcomes: The role of social entrepreneurial orientation,’ co-authored by Dr. Hormiga and published in the Sustainable Development Journal, sheds…