Welcome to the II International symposium on anaerobic digestion of solid waste (II ISAD-SW)
This symposium offers a carefully selected programme of internationally selected submitted oral contributions, supplemented by posters detailing the latest research findings.
Attendance at this event will enable you to:
· Gain an instant update on research and industrial applications of biomethanization of solid waste
· Exchange ideas and experiences and gain new directions for your work.
· Interact with an international interdisciplinary audience – meet old acquaintances and make new contacts
IAWQ (International Association on Water Quality)
IAWQ - Specialist Group on Anaerobic Digestion
IAWQ - Specialist Group on Landfill Mangement of  Solid Waste
J. Mata-Alvarez (University of Barcelona, Spain)
F. Cecchi (University of Verona, Italy)
P. Llabrés (University of Barcelona, Spain)
R. Torres (University of Barcelona, Spain)

B. Ahring (Denmark Technical University, Denmark)
F. Cecchi (University of Verona, Italy)
D. Hawkes (Glamorgan University, UK)
J.B. van Lier (Wageningen Agricultural University, NL)
J. Mata-Alvarez (University of Barcelona, Spain)
R. Moletta (INRA, France)
T. Noike (University of Tohotu, Japan)
F. Pohland (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
A. Tilche (Chairman, ISPRA-EC-JRC,EC)
W. Verstraete (University of Gent, Belgium)

In April 1992 the First International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste (ISAD SW'92) took place in Venice. It was a success with more than 250 attendees from around  40 countries. Since that time, new developments and research have occured, some plants have been constructed, problems have been identified, and at the same time, legislation has evolved in a direction favourable for this technology. Although the symposium is focused on 'solid' organic wastes in general, the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is the most relevant.  Many landfills are due to close and there is a significant increase of separate collection of  MSW. These organic wastes need to be treated by biological methods, in order to promote recycling and maximum recovery of its components. Composting and Anaerobic Digestion are the most appropriate technologies. A session discussing when these technologies are best applied is included. Other organic wastes, such as agro-industrial solid and liquid sludges as well as leachates are also present in this extended scenario, offering opportunities for integrated treatment approaches. Therefore is considered very appropriate to celebrate a new edition of this international symposium, expanded to include topics such as:

· Fundamentals: Kinetics, Microbiology, Toxicity.
· Dynamics and Modelling
· Monitoring, Control and Instrumentation. Real time measurements
· Hydrolysis as a key step in  solids methanization.
· Reactor Design and Performance.
· Co-digestion with other wastes
· Production of chemicals from solid wastes.  Use of by-products
· Pre-treatments and finishing treatments (composting, dewatering, etc.)
· Composting vs. Anaerobic Digestion of organic solid wastes
· Treatment of process wastewater from AD of solid wastes
· Industrial and Commercial Applications: Full-scale experience.
· Fundamental aspects of methanization in landfills. Anaerobic digestion of  leachates.
A Poster Session but no exhibition is included

PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION Monday, 14th evening: 17h-19:30h.
TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1999

08.30-11.00 REGISTRATION
 Chairmen: A. Tilche (I), J. Mata-Àlvarez (E) and F. Cecchi (I)
 Opening and Welcome
 Representatives of the Administration and IAWQ.

SESSION 1A - ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF SOLID WASTE: Fundamentals, kinetics, modeling and control.
Chairman:  Dr. A. Tilche (ISPRA EC-Joint Research Centre)
12.10-12.35  Monitoring of biogas processes by electronic sensors and near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). (A. Nordberg, M. Hansson, I. Sundh, E. Nordkvist, H. Carlsson and B. Mathisen, SWEDEN)
12.35-13.00 Biomethanation of sorted household waste experimental validation of a relevant mathematical model. (P. Peringer, SWITZERLAND)
Reserve paper:
R1-1A  Modeling Leach-bed Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste. (A. Nopharatana, P. Pullammanappallil and W. Clarke, AUSTRALIA)
13.00-14.20 LUNCH
SESSION 1B - ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF SOLID WASTE: Fundamentals, kinetics, modeling and control.
 Chairman:  Dr. A. Tilche (ISPRA EC-Joint Research Centre)
14.20-14.45  Microbial Ecology of the Leach-bed Anaerobic Digestion of  Unsorted Municipal Solid Waste. (P. Silvey, L. Blackall and P. Pullammanappallil, AUSTRALIA)
14.45-15.10 Anaerobic hydrolysis kinetics of particulate substrates. (W. T. M. Sanders, G. Zeeman and G. Lettinga, THE NETHERLANDS)
15.10-15.35  Influence of Moisture Content on Biological Hydrogen Potential of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes. (M. Okamoto, T. Mityahara and T. Noike, JAPAN)
15.35-16.00  Anaerobic batch digestion of lipid and protein rich poultry slaughterhouse wastes: degradation and modelling. (E. Salminen, J. Rintala, L. Ya. Lokshina and V. A. Vavilin, FINLAND)
Reserve papers:
R1-1B Two particles model of anaerobic solid state fermentation. (S. Kalyuzhnyi, A. Veeken and B. Hamelers, RUSSIA)
R2-1B Rheology of sludge from double anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste. (P. Battistoni, P. Pavan, F. Cecchi and J. Mata-Alvarez, ITALY)

SESSION 2A –  DIGESTER PERFORMANCE: Process aspects, performance, design. Two-phase and dry systems).
Chairman: Dr. J. Mata-Alvarez (University of Barcelona, SPAIN)
16.30-16.55  Steady-state performance and modelling of the vertical, sequential reactor treating the putrescible fraction of MSW. (T. M. Zatari, G.E. Alexiou, N.A. Bozinis and E.K. Papadimitriou, GREECE)
16.55-17.20 Performance of thermophilic semi-dry anaerobic digestion process changing the feed biodegradability. (P. Pavan, P. Battistoni, J. Mata-Alvarez and F. Cecchi, ITALY)
17.20-17.45 Development of a methanogenic process to degrade exhaustively municipal "residual refuse"  (MRR) under hyperthermophilic conditions. (P. A. Scherer, G.-R. Vollmer, T. Fakhouri and S. Martensen, GERMANY)
17.45-18.10 Anaerobic Bioconversion of Waste Paper. (W.W. Clarkson and W. Xiao, USA)
Reserve papers:
R1-2A Effect of moisture content on anaerobic digestion of dewatered sludge. (S. Fujishima, T. Miyahara and T. Noike, JAPAN)
R2-2A Enzyme-supported digestion of municipal sludges at the Waste Water Treatment Plant Aachen-Soers. (H. Radermacher, T. Zobel,I. Pascik and K. Kery, GERMANY)
SESSION 2B – DIGESTER PERFORMANCE: Process aspects,  performance, design.
Chairman:    Prof. F. Cecchi (University of Ancona, IT)
8.20-8.45 Pilot-Scale Gasification of MSW by High-Rate & Two-Phase Digestion. (S. Ghosh, USA)
8.45-9.10 Two-phase anaerobic digestion of source sorted of MSW: performance and kinetic study. (P. Pavan, Battistoni, F. Cecchi and J. Mata-Alvarez, SPAIN)
9.10-9.35   Optimization of the performance of a two-stage anaerobic reactor used in industrial solid waste treatment. (P. Poirrier, R. Chamy and B. Fernández, CHILE)
9.35-10.00 Anaerobic Composting of Animal Waste: Dairy System. (W. J. Jewell, T. Kim, C. J. Alvarez and P. G. Montserrat, USA)
Reserve papers:
R1-2B Fact-finding survey of actual garbage discharged from dormitory and its biological anaerobic-  aerobic treatment. (I. Tsuyoshi, JAPAN)
R2-2B   Biogas Yield of Thermophilic and Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste. (R. Nimmrichter and H. Kuebler, GERMANY)
Chairman:  Prof. B. Ahring  (Denmark Technical University )
11.00-11.25  Effects of pre-treatment (composting) on the anaerobic digestion of primary sludges from a pulp mill. (I.F. Capela, I.F. Capela, C. Axeiteiro, L. Arroja and A. C. Duarte, PORTUGAL)
11.25-11.50 Thermochemical pretreatment of an industrial microbial biomass: effect of sodium hydroxide addition on COD solubilization, anaerobic biodegradability and generation of soluble inhibitory compounds. (J.P. Delgenès, V. Penaud, M. Torrijos and R. Moletta, FRANCE)
11.50-12.15 Increase of Anaerobic Degradation of Particulate Organic Matter in Full-Scale Biogas Plants by Mechanical Maceration. (H. Hartmann, I. Angelidaki and B. K. Ahring, DENMARK)
12.15-12.40 Influence of the size reduction of organic waste on their anaerobic digestion. (L. Pelletier and J. Müller, GERMANY)
Reserve papers:
R1-3A  Methods for increasing the biogas yield from the recalcitrant fraction of organic matter. (I. Angelidaki and B. K. Ahring, DENMARK)
R2-3A  Organic Wastes: A Potential Source of Energy for Nepal. (S. Patrabansh and M. Madan, NEPAL)
12.40-14.00    LUNCH
Chairman:  Prof. D. Hawkes (Glamorgan University, UK)
14.00-14.25 Solubilization of organic sludge by thermophilic aerobic bacteria as a pretreatment for an anaerobic digestion. (S. Hasegawa and K. Katsura, JAPAN)
14.25-14.50  Effects of disintegration on anaerobic degradation of sewage excess sludge in downflow stationary fixed film digesters. (M. Engelhart, M. Krüger, J. Kopp and N. Dichtl, GERMANY)
14.50-15.15 Primary Sludge Hydrolysis under Addition of Hydrolylitc Enzymes. (B. Scheidat, V. Kasche and I. Sekoulov, GERMANY)
15.15-15.40  Thermal Hydrolysis as a treatment Method for the Digestion of Organic Waste. (D. Schieder, R. Schneider and F. Bischof, GERMANY)
Reserve papers:
R1-3B  Innovative Process combination for the treatment of organic waste. (S. Prechtl and F. Bischof, GERMANY)
R2-3B  Improvement of solid waste anaerobic digestion by means of chemical and physical pretreatment. (M. Lopez and S. J. Montalvo, CUBA)
15.40-16.30       COFFEE BREAK and POSTER SESSION
SESSION 4: CO-DIGESTION: Process aspects, performance, design.
 Chairman:  R. Moletta (INRA, France)
16.30-16.55 Full Scale Co-Digestion of Municipal and Commercial Organic Waste. (K. Hoppenheidt, H. Kübler, P. Hirsch, R. Nimmrichter, A. Kottmair, H. Nordsieck, M. Swerev and W. Muecke, GERMANY)
16.55-17.20  Gas production optimization in the anaerobic codigestion of the organic fraction of market solid wastes. (L. Di Palma, F. Medici, C. Merli and E. Petrucci, ITALY)
17.20-17.45 Centralised anaerobic digestion of mixed waste slurries from kitchens, slaughterhouses, meat processing industries in The Netherlands. (J. Brinkman, THE NETHERLANDS)
17.45-18.10  The Role of Anaerobic Digestion in Closing the Nutrient Cycle. (F. Hammes and W. Verstraete, BELGIUM)
Reserve papers:
R1-4 Co-digestion of organic solid wastes and waste waters. (W. Edelmann and H. Engeli, SWITZERLAND)
R2-4 Co-fermentation of Biowastes and Sewage Sludge. (K.G. Schmelz, GERMANY)
19.25-20.25 CIVIC RECEPTION.

SESSION 5A-  ANAEROBIC DIGESTION IN LANDFILLS: Operation, kinetics,  leachate digestion.
 Chairman:  Prof. F. Pohland (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
8.00-8.25  Characterization and anaerobic treatment of the sanitary landfill leachate in Istanbul (B. Inanc, B. Calli and A. Saatci, TURKEY)
8.25-8.50  Nitrogen balances during the accelerated decomposition of municipal solid waste. (S. A. Q. Burton and I. A. Watson-Craik, UK)
8.50-9.15 Kinetics of Accelerated Solid-State Fermentation of Organic-Rich MSW (E. Rodriguez-Vieitez and S. Ghosh,USA)
9.15-9.40 Anaerobic Filter treatment of landfill leachate by sulphate reduction (J. G. Henry and D. Prasad, CANADA)
Reserve papers:
R1-5A The effect of moisture on the production and characteristics of gas and leachate from source separated dry waste and aged landfilled waste. (J. Jokela, J. A. Rintala, S. K. Marttinen and R. H. Kettunen, FINLAND)
R2-5A Characteristics of Granular Sludge and Pollutant in Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor Treating Landfill Leachate. (H.-S. Shin, Ch.Young Lee, K.-S. Yoo and S.-H. Lee, KOREA)
SESSION 5B-  ANAEROBIC DIGESTION IN LANDFILLS: Operation, kinetics, leachate digestion.
 Chairman:  Prof. T. Noike (University of Tohotu, Japan)
10.30-10.55 Microbially-Mediated Attenuation Potential of Landfill Bioreactor System. (F.G. Pohland, and J. C. Kim, USA)
10.55-11.20  Options for the Anaerobic pre-treatment of the Biodegradable fraction of MSW
(G. K. Anderson and M. Davidson, UK).
11.20-11.45 Effect of substrate mixing intensity and leachate recirculation rate on the conversion of biowaste in a batch solid state digester (A. H. M. Veeken and H. V. M. Hamelers, THE NETHERLANDS)
Reserve papers:
R1-5B Co-disposal of municipal and pharmaceutical solid wastes in accelerated landfills (G.  Fernandez-Villagomez,Hector M. Poggi-Varaldo, L. Marquez-Benavides, J. Barrera and O. Espejo, MEXICO).
R2-5B Quantification of Treatability and Toxicity of Landfill Leachates in Methane Fermentation Systems (M. R. Haghighi-Podeh, IRAN)
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
 Chairman:   Dr. J. B.  van Lier (Wageningen Agricultural University, THE NETHERLANDS)
14.00-14.25 Aerobic post-composting of digestates from anaerobic digestion of paper mill sludge and the organic fraction of municipal wastes. (H.M. Poggi-Varaldo, E. Gomez-Cisneros, G. Fernandez-Villagomez and F. Esparza-Garcia, MEXICO)
14.25-14.50 Anaerobic Compostability of Municipal Solid Wastes in Istanbul. (O. Arikan and I. Ozturk, TURKEY)
14.50-15.15 Ecologic, energetic and economic comparison of anaerobic digestion with different competing technologies to treat biogenic wastes. (W. Edelmann and K. Schleiss, SWITZERLAND)
15.15-15.40 Economic assessment of MSW Anaerobic Digestion in comparison with composting plants. (G. Genon, ITALY)
Reserve papers:
R1-6  Evaluation of processes for treatment of biowaste under the aspects of energy balance and CO2 emission. (H. Kübler and M. Rumphorst, GERMANY)
R2-6 Optimal design and operation of anaerobic digestors for improved sludge treatment. (M. García, G. Oron, M. Salgot and J. Pigem, SPAIN)
15.40-16.10 COFFEE BREAK
SESSION 7 - INDUSTRIAL OPERATION: Full scale performance, yields,  commercial systems
 Chairman: W. Vestraete (University of Gent, Belgium)
16.10-16.35 Anaerobic digestion of solid waste: state of the art. (L. De Baere, BELGIUM)
16.35-17.00 Determinant impact of waste collection and composition on AD performance: industrial results. (C. Saint-Joly, S. Desbois and H. Fruteau de Laclos, FRANCE)
17.00-17.25   Full scale experience with the BIOCEL process. (E. Brummeler, THE NETHERLANDS)
17.25-17.50     Percolation – a new process to treat MSW. (A.  Wellinger and C. Widmer, SWITZERLAND)
Reserve papers:
R1-7   Establishing procedures for design, operation and maintenance of sewage sludge anaerobic treatment plants. (E. Killilea and C. Scahill, IRELAND)
R2-7  First experiences on anaerobic digestion of MSW in a real scale plant in Italy. (F. De Poli, ITALY)
19.00-19.10 CLOSING SESSION (A. Tilche and J. Mata-Alvarez)
21.00-23.30 GALA DINNER

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1999
Friday 18 June- Wednesday 23 June
Departing from Barcelona on June 18, 1999, this 6 day tour combines some interesting sightseeing around Europe with technical tours of  5 state-of the-art anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of  municipal solid waste industrial plants (Steinmüller-Valorga  near Köln, WAASA in Vaasa, Finland, OWS-DRANCOPLANT near Bremen, AN Biotec also in the surrounding of Bremen, and Linde-BRV near Frankfurt. There will be a contrast in technology (two-phase, dry, wet systems) and also in size. The tour will be carried out by plane (7 flights) and coach.
18 June: Departure at 07.30. Coach from Hotels to Airport. Flight Barcelona-Köln. Visit to the Engelkrichen plant (VALORGA).  Meal offered by Valorga; 19 June: Flight Köln-Munich-Helsinky. Leisure day in Helsinky; 20 June (afternoon) Flight Helsinky-Vaasa.  21 June: Visit to the Waasa plant. Meal offered byAlcyon/ Citec. Flight Vaasa-Helsinky-Hamburg.  Bus to Bremen; 22 June: Visit to the plant in Bremen (AN Biotec). Meal offered by AN Biotec. Afternoon:Visit to the plant in Bassum (OWS-DRANCO-PLANT).  Flight Bremen-Frankfurt (19.00h-20.00h):  23 June: Visit to the BRV plant.  Meal offered by BRV.  Flight Frankfurt-Barcelona;  Arrival at Barcelona Airport: 22.45
A full itinerary of the trip can be seen on the symposium web site (http://II-ISAD-SW.ub.es)

POSTER SESSION P1– ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF SOLID WASTE: Fundamentals, kinetics, modeling and control.
1.1 Some models for mesophilic solid substrate anaerobic co-digestion of municipal wastes and waste sludge. (H. M. Poggi-Varaldo, S. Caffarel-Mendez and N. Rinderknecht-Seijas, MEXICO)
1.2 Advances on solid substrate anaerobic digestion (dass) of wastes in Mexico: amonia toxicity effects on batch and continuous process. (H. M. Poggi-Varaldo,  E. Arce-Medina, G. Fernández Villagómez and S. Caffarel-Méndez, MEXICO)
1.3 Effect of pH2 on anaerobic degradation of propionate. (F. Yonsel (Kus), TURKEY)
1.4 Effect of Particle Size, Salt Concentration and Organic Loading Rate on Anaerobic Thermophilic Food Waste Digestion. (I. S. Kim, D. Hee Kim and S. Hoon Hyun, KOREA)
1.5  Microaerobic Biowaste Treatment. (A. Joss, W. Edelmann, H. Siegrist and F. Widmer, SWITZERLAND)
1.6  Anaerobic hydrolysis and acidification of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates under methanogenic and acidogenic conditions. (G. Zeeman, A.R. Palenzuela, W. Sanders, Y. Miron and G. Lettinga, THE NETHERLANDS)
1.7 Effects of Novel Entrapped Carriers Contained Inorganic and Trace Elements for a Psycrophilic Biogas Reactor. (T. Maekawa, Z. Zhang and F. Shinya, JAPAN)
1.8 Effects of  Trace Metals on CSTR  of Mesophilic Methane Fermentation. (Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang and T. Maekawa, JAPAN)
1.9  Effect of substrate concentration on Hydrogen Fermentation. (Y.-J. Lee, T. Miyahara and T. Noike, JAPAN)
1.10 Microbial population dynamics and metabolic status. (I. Sundh and H. Carlsson, SWEDEN)
1.11  Planing and testing the use of VFA measurement as process indicators in anaerobic reactors treating manure. (P. F. Pind, I. Angelidaki and B. K. Ahring, DENMARK)
1.12 Expert System for  control of industrial-scale anaerobic digestors. (M.A. Urueña, J.I. Gómez Civicos, M.A. Urueña, A. Freixo and F. Fdez-Polanco, SPAIN)
1.13 Mathematical descriptions for regulation parameters in anaerobic digestion. (M. Klingel and H.H. Hahn, GERMANY)
1.14 Hydrolysis and acetoclastic methanogenensis as the rate-limiting steps during anaerobic conversion of solid waste into methane. (V.A. Vavilin, L.Ya. Lokshina,  S.V. Rytov and J.A. Rintala, RUSSIA)
1.15 Monitoring growth of Methanobacterium formicicum using electronic sensors. (J. Brandgard, B. Mathisen, A. Nordberg and I. Sundh, SWEDEN)
1.16 Monitoring of the biogas process using gas sensors. (M. Hansson, B. Mathisen and A. Nordberg, SWEDEN)
1.17 Monitoring of the biogas process using near infrared spectroscopy. (A. Nordberg and E. Nordkvist, SWEDEN)
POSTER SESSION P2 – DIGESTER PERFORMANCE: Process aspects, performance, design (Two-phase and dry systems).
2.1  Anaerobic treatment and valorization into animal feed of wastes from slaughterhouse and catering. (Y. Membrez, J.P. Schwitzguébel, A. Wellinger, D. Descloux, J.J. Disetti and C. Heckly, SWITZERLAND)
2.2 Biogas and bio-stabilization pond processing of nightsoil from public toilets. (B. Ling, CHINA)
2.3 Biodegradation of Intermediary Organic Compounds in Anaerobic Digestion Systems for the Treatment of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste. (V. M. Z. Baldochi, R.F. Vazoller and J. Povinelli, BRAZIL)
2.4 Evaluation of the Efficacy of the Use of Different Inocula for the Anaerobic Digestion of Standard Urban Solid Waste. (D.M.C.L. Pinto,  V.Z. Baldochi and J.Povinelli, BRAZIL).
2.5 Anaerobic digestion of mycelium waste collected during antibiotic production. (T. Y. Yeole and D.R. Ranade, INDIA)
2.6  Effect of temperature on the degradation of organic fraction of municiple solid waste (OFMSW) by using a conventional single stage anaerobic process and a two stage anaerobic-aerobic system. (Z. Wang and C. J. Banks, ENGLAND)
2.7 Prognosis of the technological parameters of digestion tanks by laboratory scale models. (M. Dian, SLOVAKIA)
2.8  The use of anaerobic micropilot bioreactors for determination of hydrolysis and metanization potential of primary biologic and mixed sludges from municipal wastewater treatment process. (E. Leonte, C. Andreuta and G. Rusu, ROMANIA)
2.9 The anaerobic bacterial digestion of solid waste of coal. (B. Namsaraev, L. Dulov, S. Terekhova and O. Dagurova, RUSSIA)
2.10 Application of membrane acid-fermentation bioreactor coupled with intermittent ozonation for organic matter recovery. (J.-O. Kim, I. Somiya and S. Fujii, JAPAN)
2.11 The Anaerobic Digestion System with Micro-Filtration Membrane for Kitchen Refuse. (M. Moro, JAPAN)
2.12 Enhanced Acid Fermentation of Food Waste in the Leaching bed. (H.-S. Shin, S.-K. Han, Y.-Ch. Song and Ch.-Y. Lee, KOREA)
2.13 Optimization of high-strength nitrogen waste activated sludge treatment in anaerobic hydrolysis reactor. (J.-G. Lin, Y.-S. Ma and Ch.-T. Ke, TAIWAN)
2.14 Food Solid Waste Solubilization using Methanogenic Sludge as Inoculo. (E. Houbron, R. Dumortier and J.P. Delgenes, MEXICO)
2.15 The effect of mixture conditions for anaerobic digesters on digestion performance. (A. Gunay, M. Cabuk, E. Debik, L. Akca and S. Sakar, TURKEY)
2.16 Microbial activities in suspended growth and attached growth in acidogenous and methanogenous phases in anaerobic processes. (S. Jeyaseelan, SINGAPORE)
2.17 Anaerobic digestion of coffee pulp a pilot study in Mexico. (J. L. Farinet, FRANCE)
2.18 Effects of Hydraulic Retention Time on Thermophilic Anaerobic Hydrolysis and Acidification of a Dairy Waste. (H.H.P. Fang and H. Yu, CHINA)
2.19 Impact of water from different phases of anaerobic biowaste digestion on the distribution of selected pesticides. (J. Dilling, K. K.Vorkamp, J. Taube and R. Herrmann, GERMANY)
2.20 Behaviour of the fungicides ortho-phenyl-phenol and thiabendazole during a combined anaerobic and aerobic treatment of biological waste. (E. Kellner, K. Vorkamp, J. Taube and R. Herrmann, GERMANY)
2.21 Estimation of Pesticide Degradation and Distribution during Anaerobic Digestion on the Basis of their Physicochemical Properties. (K. Vorkamp, J. Taube and R. Herrmann, GERMANY)
2.22 The treatment of mixed organic solid wastes by the dry anaerobic digestion. (T. Ishibashi, T. Misaki and T. Koga, JAPAN)
2.23 Solid state anaerobic digestion of undiluted cattle waste in a pilot scale digester. (R. K. Malik and P. Tauro, INDIA)
2.24 Anaerobic digestion of Poultry Mortalities. (T.-H. Chen, TAIWAN)
2.25 Pilot-scale Two-phase anaerobic digestion of the biodegradable organic fraction of Bamako district municipal solid waste. (A. Ouedraogo, MALI)
2.26 Increase of organic loading rate and specific methane production by splitting phases in anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. (J. L. García-Heras, A. Salaberría, C. Prevot and L. Sancho, SPAIN)
2.27 Effects of Ammonia on Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Waste in Methanogenic Reactor Packed Rock Wool as Fixed-Bed. (W. Li, Z. Zhang and T. Maekawa, JAPAN)
2.27 Two step anaerobic digestion of organic solid wastes. (W. Edelmann, A. Joss and H. Engeli, SWITZERLAND)
2.28 Anaerobic digestion of coffee pulp. Influence and neutralization. (W. Valdés, E. E. Díaz Portuondo, L. Duran Rodríguez and I. Alvarez Hubert, CUBA)
2.29 Corrosive behaviour of the steel and founded iron and its influence in the anaerobic digestion of cow'a excrement. (M. de la C. Martínez, W. Valdés Méndez, E. E. Díaz Portuondo and L. Duran Rodriguez, CUBA)
2.30 Application of electromagnetic ac-fields to reduce scaling in sewage sludge. (R. Müller, N. Azzam, H. Siegrist and B. Wehrli, SWITZERLAND)
2.31 Anaerobic Biological Treatability of Monosodium Glutamate Manufacturing Wastewater. (H. Yong, CHINA)
2.32 Anaerobic purification of swine wastewater in semicontinuous regime at 25 ªC. Reactor with clayey supports. (M. Duran-Barrantes, P. Alvarez and J. Fiestas, SPAIN)
2.33 Investigation of Anaerobic Treatment of Extremely High Concentrated Waste in the Cheese Industry. (V. Blonskaja and H. Mölder, ESTONIA)
3.1 Optimization Methods in the Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Residues of the Agro-Industrial Industry. (Ch.Rieker and K. Sommer, GERMANY)
3.2 Pre-treatment of organic waste using the hydrolysis step to leach heavy metals. (M. Schaefer and E. Hoffmann, GERMANY)
3.3 Post-treatment of anaerobic compost with ligninolytic fungi. (H. M. Poggi-Varaldo, J. L. Trejo-Espino, I. Magaña-Plaza and R. Castellanos-Molina,MEXICO)
3.4 Optimum control of dewatering of sludge by filtration under wastewater treatment. (N. V. Sokolov, RUSSIA)
3.5 On the Physical and Chemical Treatments of the Effluent from Anaerobic Digester and Supernatant of Primary Sedimentation in a Sewage Plant. (Ch. Feng, K. Fujita, Y. Zhang, T. Inoue and T. Maekawa, JAPAN)
3.6 Anaerobic Treatment of swine manure under Canadian climatic conditions. (D. Massé, CANADA)
3.7 Effect of blending on dewaterability and conditioning of biological sludge. (A. Erdincler, TURKEY)
3.8 Pre-treatment and finishing treatments. (H. Wiljan and L. Tacke, GERMANY)
3.9 Use of filterability constants as dewaterability characteristics of oily sludge. (S. Jeyaseelan, SINGAPORE)
POSTER SESSION P4 –  CO-DIGESTION: Process aspects, performance, design.
4.1 Anaerobic co-digestion of olive mill effluents together with different wastes. (J. E. Schmidt, I. Angelidaki and B. K. Ahring, DENMARK)
4.2 Co-Stabilization of industrial and municipal solid waste using solid substrate anaerobic digestion: strart-up and effect of industrial waste on process performance. (H. M. Poggi-Varaldo, L. Valdes-Ledesma, G. Fernández-Villagómez and N. Rinderknecht-Seijas, MEXICO)
4.3 Co-digestion of leachate with septage using an UASB reactor. (C.Y. Lin, F.Y. Chang and Ch.H. Chang, TAIWAN)
4.4 Codigestion of pig slurry and organic wastes from food industry. (E.Campos, J. Palatsi and X. Flotats, SPAIN)
4.5 Establishment of an Experimental Co-Digestion Platform in South of France. (P. Pouech and J. Castaing, FRANCE)
4.6 Enhanced stabilization of waste sludge by combined anaerobic treatment with concentrated soluble effluents. (C. Carrieri, A.C. Di Pinto and A. Rozzi, ITALY)
4.7 Biogas Production in Agriculture: Safety Guidelines, Cofermentation and Emissions from Combined Heat and Power Couplings. (T. Amon, AUSTRIA)
4.8 Civil Wastewater and municipal solid waste integrated treatment. Design considerations by using ASM 2. (F. Cecchi, P. Battistoni, P. Traverso and P. Pavan, ITALY)
POSTER SESSION P5 - ANAEROBIC DIGESTION IN LANDFILLS: Operation, kinetics, leachate digestion.
5.1 Screening the effect of moisture, initial pH and type of leachate in lab-scale accelerated landfills. (G. Fernández-Villagómez, H. M. Poggi-Varaldo and R. Hernández-Vera, MEXICO)
5.2 Modeling pollution flux generated by Municipal Solid Waste storage systems (Sanitary Landfills). (G. Wagner and J.L. Vasel, BELGIUM)
5.3 Biogas production potential and leachate release from municipal solid waste extracted at different depths on a landfill site. (G. Wagner, V. Wiertz, Ph. Andre, Ph. Dewint and J.L. Vasel, BELGIUM)
5.4 Methane oxidizing microbial filter in landfills. (A.N. Nozhernikova, V.S. Lebedev, D. V. Ivanov and V. K. Nekrasova, RUSSIA)
5.5 Anaerobic Treatability of Municipal Solid Waste Leachate: Ankara case study. (G.N. Demirer, T.H. Ergüder, M. Duran and E. Torunoglu, TURKEY)
5.6 Nitrogen and sulfate removal in municipal solid waste landfills with in situ autotrophic denitrification. (T. T. Onay  and F. G. Pohland, TURKEY)
5.7 Functions of iron in anaerobic digestion of landfill organic matter. (V.N. Ivanov, I. S. Kim and E. V. Stabnikova, REPUBLIC OF KOREA)
5.8 Rates of Biogas Generation and Organic Depletion of Municipal Solid Wastes in a Single Batch-fed Landfill Lysimeter. (S. Karnchanawong, S. Thalangkarn, S. Karnchanawong and V. Kiatpakdee, THAILAND)
5.9 The effect of low temperature on the methanation of municipal landfill leachate. (R. H. Kettunen and J.A. Rintala, FINLAND)
5.10 Anaerobic-aerobic treatment of leachates from an urban-solid-waste landfill. (H. García Posadas, P.A. García Encina and J. L. Rico Gutiérrez, SPAIN)
5.11 Anaerobic Pre-Treatment of Municipal Landfill Leachate under Cold Climate Conditions- a Pilot-Scale Study. (M. Kotro, M. Pelkonen and J. Rintala, FINLAND)
5.12 Anaerobic and Membrane Reactor Treatment of Young Landfill Leachate. (I. Ozturk, M. Altinbas, O. Arikan and I. Koyuncu, TURKEY)
5.13 Modelisation of Mass and Heat Transfers in Sanitary Landfills. (C. Aran, O. Aguilar, X. Lefebvre, G. Bacon and D. Houi, FRANCE)
5.14 Long term anaerobic incubation of source sorted putrescible of household waste: Methane production and effects of waste characteristics. (J.P.Y. Jokela and J.A. Rintala, FINLAND)
5.15 Study of Waste Humidity Management by Leachate Recirculation Control and Lithium Chlorure Tracer Experience in an Extensive Bio-Reactor Landfill. (P. Pouech, L. Galtier, H. Labbe and L. Carles, FRANCE)
6.1 Land Disposal vs. Composting of Anaerobically Digested Municipal Sludge- A Case Study. (W. McKinney and N. Khandan, USA)
6.2 Anaerobic Digestion of Sludge. (G. Moeller and C. Ferat, MEXICO)
6.3 Quality of anaerobic compost from solid substrate anaerobic co-digestion of industrial and the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. (H. M. Poggi-Varaldo, J.L. Trejo-Espino, E.Gómez-Cisneros and R. González-González, MEXICO)
6.4 Evaluation of biosolids compost quality and stability by pathogen indicator regrowth potential. (H. M. Soares and M.S. Switzenbaum, BRAZIL-USA)
6.5 On the Maturity and Quality of Composts Using Several Kinds of Pollen Tubes as a Bioassay. (K. Intabon, S. Ren, Z. Zhang and T. Maekawa, JAPAN)
6.6 Some heavy metals and macronutrients in compost fram manures and enriched soils in Thailand. (Th. Srisatit, THAILAND)
6.7 Composting of co-mingled solid wood wastes and pig sludge. Process optimization and related economical evaluations. (B. Fabiano, R. Pastorino and E. Palazzi, ITALY)
6.8 Management of Biosolids from anaerobic digestion versus aerobic digestion in land application in Catalonia (Spain). (R. Llagostera, J. Pigem, M. Salgot and M. García, SPAIN)
6.9 Comparative study of the anaerobically and aerobically stabilised sludge quality. (M. Folch, M. García, M. Salgot, J. Pigem, J.M. Caus, D. López and N. Herrero, SPAIN)
6.10 Anaerobic digestion of sludge from Tuna processing plant for potential use in animal feeds. (A. E. Sanjuan, J. M. Kubaryk and A. A. Rodríguez, PUERTO RICO)
6.11 Emission of Greenhouse Gases from Anaerobic Digestion Processes. Comparison with other MSW treatments. (J. M. Baldasano, SPAIN)
6.12 Effects of sludge type on biomass in anaerobic digestion of liquid sludges from municipal wastewater treatment plants. (M.C. Arnaiz, SPAIN)
POSTER SESSION P7  - INDUSTRIAL OPERATION: Full scale performance, yields,  commercial systems
7.1 BIOPERCOLATÒ – PROCEDURE. A constituent for variable and economic waste management. (J.L. García, SPAIN)
7.2 The treatment of grey and mixed solid waste by means of anaerobic digestion: future developments. (L. De Baere, BELGIUM)
7.3 Co-digestion of organic MSW and slurry from animal husbandry. (S. Trogisch, GERMANY)
7.4 Anaerobic digestion of household waste. (L.E. Olsson and U. Lathi, SWEDEN)
7.5 Cambi – the digester "turbo charger". (U. Kepp, O.E. Solheim and N. Weisz, NORWAY)
7.6 Full-Scale plant treating municipal organic solid wastes for Gobernador Crespo – prov. de Santa Fe – Argentina. (E.S. Groppelli, O. Giampaoli, J.F. González, D. Fertonani, R. Granados, L. Pfefferman, G. Charles,G.B. Pampinella and F. Kimovsky, ARGENTINA)
7.7 The development of anaerobic digestion on real scale in Italy. (F. De Poli, ITALY)
7.8 Community digester for household kitchen waste. (M. Chesshire, UK)
7.9 Semi-dry anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste: the new full scale plant of Verona (Italy). (A. Farineti, C. Cozzolino, D. Bolzonella, L. Innocenti and F. Cecchi, ITALY)
7.10 Anaerobic digestion of organic waste: from theory to industrial pratia. (J. P. Levasseur, FRANCE)
7.11 Performance of the Schwarting-Uhde bio-methanization process. (Christian Moser and Hans Wieder, SPAIN)
7.12 Experiences with industrial BTA biogas plants in Germany. (D. J. Korz, GERMANY)
7.13 Renewable Energy by Fermentation of Organic Waste with the KOMPOGAS Process. (A. K. Aklin, W. Schmid, SWITZERLAND)
7.14 Case study. The Waasa Process integrated in the eco-cycling society. (Rune Westergard, FINLAND)
8.1 Simultaneous Carbon-Nitrogen Removals from Wastewater In Immobilized-Cell Reactor Undergoing Intermittent Aeration. (K.Ch. Chen, J.J. Chen, J. Y. Wu and J. Y. Houng, TAIWAN)
8.2 Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor with Immobilized Denitrifiers for Wastewater Treatment. (K.Ch. Chen, T.Y. Lee, T.P. Lin and J. Y. Houng, TAIWAN)
8.3 Sludge production during the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor startup. (F.P.O. Barijan and R. F. de Figueiredo, BRAZIL)
8.4 Biological Treatment of Ammonium-Rich Wastewater Without Organic Carbon. (C. Fux, V. Marchesi, A. Rozzi and H. Siegrist, SWITZERLAND)
8.5 Nutrient removal in a sequencing batch reactor using fermented OFMSW. (I. Yáñez, P. Llabrés, R. Torres and J. Mata-Alvarez, SPAIN)
8.6 Corrosive behaviour of constructions Materials in the process of anaerobic digestion. (M. de la C. Martínez, R. Hing Contom, S. Cainet Planas and E. E. Díaz Portuondo, CUBA)
8.7 Two-Phase Anaerobic Process for the Microbial Conversion of Pig Wastewater into Biogas. (Y.-ch. Yung, J.Y. Jung and S. Lee, KOREA)
8.8 Treatment of process wastewater from the biological waste fermentation using the SBR tehcnology. (S. Graja and P. A. Wilderer, GERMANY)
8.9 Mathematical modelling of a dechlorination process: estimation of state variables via an ATR-FTIR sensor. (V. Acha, M. Meurens, H. Naveau, D. Dochain, G. Bastin and S. N. Agathos, BELGIUM)
8.10 Implementation of LA21 policies on waste management and the consequences on biotechnology of organic solid waste.( I.E. Alexiou,  T.M. Zatari, N. Gavron, E.K. Papadimitriu, C.M. Daley,  G.E . Alexiou and M. Bossanyi, GREECE)
8.11 Physico Chemical Composition of the Standard Organic Fraction of Domestic Solid Waste. (D.M.C.L. Pinto, V. Z. Baldochi and J. Povinelli, BRAZIL)
8.12 Waste minimization at primary level. (A. Azhar, TURKEY)
8.13 Effect of baling on the bahaviour of domestic wastes: Laboratory study on the role of pH in biodegradation. (F. Robles and R. Gourdon, FRANCE)
8.14 Anaerobic biotransformation of selenium in the food-processing waste. (O. Stabnikova and I. Aksenova,UKRAINE)
8.15 Reducing Municipal Sludge Generation by Combining Cryptic Growth and Anaerobic Digestion- A Feasibility Study. (E. Egemen and N. Khandan, USA)
8.16 Membrane treatment of effluents from anaerobic digestion of solid waste. (H. Engeli, W. Edelmann, A. Joss, SWITZERLAND)

The Symposium will be held from 15 to 18 June 1999 at the Aula Magna of Faculty of Biology, which is situated in the Campus of the University of Barcelona on Avinguda Diagonal (Nº 645). It can be easily reached by underground (Palau Reial stop on green line).
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, 15 June 1999 19.30-21.00 hrs
An informal wine reception for delegates and guests will be held in the garden of the Old Building of the University of Barcelona, after a short visit to the Paraninfo.
Civic reception
Wednesday, 16 June 1999 19.45-20.45 hrs
Gala Dinner
Thursday, 17 June 1999 21.00-23.30 hrs
The symposium dinner will be held in an exclusive place in Sant Sadurní (a famous area  35 km outside Barcelona where the "cava" , a special sparkling wine, is elaborated).  Detailed information will be given to delegates at the Symposium.
Everywhere Barcelona is a beautiful city and participants  and guests can enjoy it themselves. However, there will be a guide at the Symposium to help guests in their choices and for organizing guided tours.