BIAP’s extant governance structure includes a Scientific Director, a Director, a Project Manager, and three Committees: an Executive Committee, a Programme Executive Committee, and a Scientific Committee.

Scientific Director

Carl Hoefer (ICREA – UB)


Genoveva Martí (ICREA – UB)

Project Manager

The Executive Committee (EC) is formed by 2 members from each of the 3 participating universities. They are officially designated by their respective universities, in agreement with the relevant groups. The EC is responsible for the running of the Institute, in conjunction with the Scientific Director, and the Director. It defines BIAP’s research priorities, approves BIAP-based research activities, and allocates resources to the different groups.

Executive Committee

The Programme Executive Committee (PEC) includes the Scientific Director, all WP Leaders, and the Project Manager of the Institute; it is in charge of the organisation, management, and execution of the María de Maeztu Strategic Programme

Programme Executive Committee

José Antonio Díez (UB, WP3 leader)

Jordi Ferrer (UdG, WP2 leader)

Manuel García-Carpintero (UB) (WP5 leader)

Carl Hoefer (ICREA – UB) (Scientific Director, and WP3 leader)

Teresa Marques (UB) (WP7 leader)

Josep Joan Moreso (UPF) (WP6 leader)

Maria Serena Olsaretti (ICREA – UPF) (WP6 leader)

Chiara Panizza (UB) (Project Manager)

Sven Rosenkranz (ICREA – UB) (WP1 leader)

Josefa Toribio (ICREA – UB) (WP4 leader)

The Scientific Committee (SC) is selected by the EC and has an advisory function, helping to guarantee the scientific quality of the unit’s activities. There are between five and eleven members, some from outside the three universities.

Scientific Committee