Workshop: Laws & Understanding & Pragmatism
Seminari de Filosofia, Faculty of Philosophy (4th floor), University of BarcelonaInformation available HERE.
Information available HERE.
Outreach activity: I Jornades de Recerca en Filosofia.
Outreach activity: ‘En defensa del libro de texto: razones y evidencia’ [...]
Public talk with Joshua Knobe (Yale). Opening: Teresa Marques (Associate Professor at [...]
The Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality seeks to [...]
Speakers: Edgar Aguilera (University of Girona) Federico Arena (University of Girona) [...]
Public talk with Timothy Williamson (Oxford). Opening: Genoveva Martí (ICREA Research Professor [...]
In our modern democratic societies, evidence-based decision-making is heralded as [...]
Additional information HERE.
Further details will be provided in due course.
2nd Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week The BIAP workshop titled [...]