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Types of grant :

Called by
FPU grants (Formació de Professorat Universitari): training grants for university teaching staff, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science To promote training in the 3rd cycle studies of those students wishing to pursue careers in university teaching and research
FPI grants (Formació de Personal Investigador): training grants for research staff, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science To promote scientific training for those university graduates wishing to complete a doctoral thesis in research projects financed by the Spanish National Plan for Scientific Research and Development
FI grants (Formació d’Investigadors): training grants for researchers, awarded by the Catalan Government’s Generalitat de Catalunya To promote training for researchers through the completion of a research group doctoral thesis in a Catalan university or business environment
BRD grants (Beques de Recerca i Docència): training grants for research and teaching, awarded by the University of Barcelona To encourage training for researchers through the completion of a doctoral thesis and to promote training in teaching methodologies through the student’s collaboration in practical teaching tasks in university departments
Training grants for researchers awarded by the University of Barcelona’s own grants program To promote research training for those university graduates wishing to complete a doctoral thesis through specific research projects



For further information on these grants:

University of Barcelona
Academic Area and Students
Services and Programs for Students
3rd Cycle Grants

Travessera de les Corts 131-159
(in the Maternitat complex)
Pavelló Rosa
08028 Barcelona
Telephone: 93 402 17 74
Fax: 93 402 17 72



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  © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: Area for Planning and Academic Services
Services and Programs for Students: 3rd cycle grants
Last update: 29.11.2007