BEAT brings together researchers who are already producing a substantial research output.

BEAT organizes its activities along three research lines that reflect the strengths of its members and combine their expertise.

Recent publications

Álvarez-Mozos, M. and Ehlers, L. 2024. Externalities and the (pre)nucleolus in cooperative games. Mathematical Social Sciences, 128:10-15.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Martín-Herrán, G., Tidball, M. 2024. Commitment vs. noncommitment behaviors in natural resource conflicts: A case study of groundwater resources. Economic Modelling, 132 (106652), doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2024.106652.

Calleja, P., Llerena, F. 2024. Proportional clearing mechanisms in financial systems: An axiomatic approach. Journal of Mathematical Economics 111, 102955.

Valdez Gonzalez, N., Kee, J.Y., Palma, M.A., & Pruitt, J.R. 2024. The relationship between monetary incentives, social status, and physical activity. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 108, 102155.  

Tadei, F. 2024. How Extractive Was Colonial Trade? Evidence from French Africa, in Accounting for Colonialism, ed. Richard America, Palgrave McMillan.

Basco, S. Domènech, J., Rosés, J.R. 2024. Socioeconomic Mortality Differences during the Great Influenza in Spain. Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 52.

Raftopoulou A., Gil J. 2023. Income-related Inequality in Obesity and its Determinants in Spain: What Happens Beyond the Obesity Threshold? International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 24(1):135-153.

Gaggero A., Gil J., Jiménez-Rubio D., Zucchelli E. 2023. Sick and Depressed? The Causal Impact of a Diabetes Diagnosis on Depression. Health Economics Review, 13, 38.

Toro, F., Fernández-Vázquez, E., Serrano, M. 2023. The gender–energy–poverty nexus under review: A longitudinal study for Spain. In: Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (eds) Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition. Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, Cham.

Cuberes, D., and M Teignier. 2023. The Aggregate Gains of Eliminating gender and ethnic gaps in the Malaysian Labor Market. Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 87.

Stoyanova, A., Urbanos, R. 2023. Atención sanitaria y equidad: Un repaso por la última década. Ed. Lleonard Muntaner, pp. 43-51.

Calleja, P., Llerena, F., and Sudhölter, P. 2023. Remarks on solidarity in bankruptcy problems when agents merge or split. Mathematical Social Sciences, 125, 61-64.

Blasco-Piles, G. and Tadei, F. 2023. From Sickle to Hammer: The Decline of Production Frictions and the Industrialization of Russia. Industrial History Review, 32(89).

Delalibera, B. R., Serrano-Quintero, R. and  Zimmermann, G.G. 2023. Privatization in the natural gas sector: a general equilibrium analysis. Latin American Economic Review, 32: 1-27.

Barros Jr, F., Delalibera, B. R., Nakabashi, L., and Ribeiro, M.J. 2023. Misallocation of talent, teachers’ human capital, and development in Brazil. Journal of Macroeconomics: 103542.

Delalibera, B.R., Serrano-Quintero, R. and Zimmermann, G.G. 2023. Reforms in the natural gas sector and economic development. Economic Modelling 125: 106358.

Tang, J.P., Basco, S. 2023. Banks, Credit Supply, and the Life Cycle of Firms: Evidence from Late Nineteenth Century Japan. Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 154.

Basco, S., Domènech, J., Maravall, L. 2023. Land Reform and Rural Conflict: Evidence from 1930s Spain. Explorations in Economic History, Vol. 89.

García-López, M.-À.; Herranz-Loncán, A., Tassinari, F. and Viladecans, E. 2023. Paving the way to modern growth: the Spanish Bourbon roads. Explorations in Economic History, 90, 101544.

J. Bolt, E. Hillbom, Tadei, F. and M. De Haas. 2023. Income inequality and export-oriented commercialization in colonial Africa: Evidence from six countries. Economic History Review.

Köveker, T., Chiappinelli, O., Kröger, M., Lösch, O., Neuhoff, K., C. Richstein, J. and Sun X. 2023. Green premiums are a challenge and an opportunity for climate policy design. Nature Climate Change, 13:592–595.

Josa-Fombellida, R., López-Casado, P., Navas, J. 2023. A defined benefit pension plan model with stochastic salary and heterogeneous discounting. Astin Bulletin 53, pp. 62-83.

Mamageishvili, A &  Tejada, O. 2023. Large Elections and Interim Turnout. Games and Economic Behavior, 137: 175-210.

Vom Hau, M., Peres-Cajías, J.A. & Soifer, H. 2023. No taxation without informational foundation. On the role of legibility in tax State development. Journal of Institutional Econmics.

Demaria, F. 2023. The political ecology of informal waste recyclers in India. Oxford University Press.

Kaika, M., Varvarousis, A., Demaria, F., and March, H. 2023. Urbanizing degrowth: Five steps towards a Radical Spatial Degrowth Agenda for planning in the face of climate emergency. Urban Studies.

Brotherhood, L., Herskovic, B., Ramos, J. 2023. Income-based affirmative action in college admissions. The Economic Journal,

Brotherhood, L., Jerbashian, V. 2023. Firm behavior during an epidemic. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 147, 104594.

Abio, G., Patxot, C. and Souto, G. 2023. Using National Transfer Accounts to Address Aging, In Enloundo-Enyegue (Ed.), Recent Trends in Demographic Data, Intechopen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002930.

Spielauer, M., Horvath, T., Fink, M., Abio, G., Souto, G., Patxot, C., & Istenič, T. 2023. The effect of educational expansion and family change on the sustainability of public and private transfers. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 25, 100455.

Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard. L, Raurich, X. and  Seegmuller, T. 2023. Are the Liquidity and Collateral Roles of Asset Bubbles Different?, Accepted in Journal of Money Credit and Banking, online

Badia-Miró, M., Carreras-Marín, A. & Rayes, A. 2023. Latin American exports during the first globalization: How statistical aggregation and standardization affect our understanding of trade. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, in press.

Badia-Miró, M., Carreras-Marín, A., Huberman, M. 2023. Smooth sailing: market integration, agglomeration, and productivity growth in interwar Brazil. European Economic History Review, 27(1), pp. 45-69.

Lorecchio, C. & Monte, D. 2023. Bad Reputation with Simple Rating Systems. Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 142: 150-178.

Lorecchio, C. & Monte, D. 2023. Dynamic Information Design under Constrained Communication Rules. R&R AEJ: Microeconomics, 15(1):359-98.

Nifatova, O., Ladyka, V., Hryshyna, Y., and Danko, Y. 2023 . Agricultural education in times of war: Strategic visions, leadership practices and post-war reconstruction. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 21(2-si), 87-97. doi:10.21511/ppm.21(2-si).2023.11

Brotherhood, L., Delalibera, B. R. and Torres de Mello Pereira, L. 2023. Public overspending in higher education. Bulletin of Economic Research, 75(3):588-608.

Serrano-Quintero, R. 2023. The aggregate productivity slowdown: A system approach. Economics Letters, 223, 110972

Calzada, J., B. García-Mariñoso, and D. Suárez. 2023. Do telecommunications prices depend on consumer engagement?. Information Economics and Policy, 101018.

Calzada, J. and Fageda, X. 2023. Airport dominance, route network design and flight delays. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 170, 103000.

Publications 2022

Cuberes, D. and Teignier, M. 2022. Size-Dependent Gender Gaps in Entrepreneurship: the Case of Chile. Latin American Economic Review, 35(2), 2-19.

Alonso-Meijide, J.M., Álvarez-Mozos, M., Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G., and Jiménez-Losada, A. 2022. On convexity in cooperative games with externalities. Economic Theory, 74:265–292.

Peres-Cajías, J.A.; Torregrosa-Hetland, S. & Ducoing, C. 2022. Resource Abundance and Public Finances in five peripheral economies. Resources Policy, 76.

Peres-Cajías, J. A. & Cajías, L. 2022. Cámara Nacional de Industrias. 90 años de historia. La Paz: CNI/Sagitario.

Peres-Cajías, J.A. & Cajías, L. 2022. Sociedad de Ingenieros de Bolivia. 100 años comprometidos con el desarrollo de Bolivia. Sucre: SIB.

Prudencio Jordán, N. & Peres-Cajías, J. A. (eds.). 2022. Transformación Social-Ecológica y cadenas productivas en Bolivia. La Paz: Plural/Fes.

Gaggero A., Gil J., Jiménez-Rubio D., Zucchelli E. 2022. Does health information affect lifestyle behaviours?. The impact of a diabetes diagnosis. Social Science & Medicine, Dec; 314:115420. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.

Basco, S., J. Domènech, and Rosés, J.R. 2022. Pandemics, Economics and Inequality: Lessons from the Spanish Flu, Palgrave Macmillan.

Blanco, C. and Raurich, X. 2022. Agricultural composition and labor productivity. Journal of Development Economics, 158,  102934.

Calleja, P., and Llerena, F. 2022.  Non-manipulability by clones in bankruptcy problems. Economics Letters, 221, 110921.

Shcherbak, V., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Shatska, Z., Radionova, N., Danko, Y., & Yatsenko, V. 2022. Using the Model of Benchmarking of Educational Services in a Socially Responsible Education-Innovation Cluster during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Instruction, 15(2).

Shcherbak, V. G., Gryshchenko, I. M., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L. M., Nifatova, O. M., Bobrovnyk, V., & Verhun, M. 2022. Energy-innovation knowledge common connection point management in preventing outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in a University. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 8(1), 45-58.

Calzada, J., F. Martinez-Santos, and Fageda, X. 2022. Mergers, Branch Consolidation and Financial Exclusion in the US Bank Market. Empirical Economics.

Chiappinelli, O., May, N. 2022. Too good to be true? Time-inconsistent renewable energy policies. Energy Economics, 112, 106102.

Chiappinelli, O. 2022. Determinants and Effectiveness of Green Public Procurement Adoption. Chapter in “Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics”, ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann, Springer Nature.

Barros Jr, F., Delalibera, B. R., Pinho Neto, V. and Rodrigues, V. 2022. Bonus for firearms seizures and police performance. Economics Letters, 217: 110681.

Torregrosa-Hetland, S., Sabaté, O. 2022. Income tax progressivity and war inflation during the two World Wars. European Review of Economic History, 26(3):311-339.

Eloranta, J., Ojala, J., Sabaté, O. 2022. “Smooth sailing toward more peaceful societies? Long-run Nordic development paths”, in Christopher Lloyd and Matti Hannikainen (eds.) Social Cohesion and Welfare States. From Fragmentation to Social Peace, Chapter 2.

Gava, R., Sabaté, O., Morales, L. 2022. Financial Regulation Debates in Hard Times: A Comparative Analysis of Insider and Outsider Pressure during the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 24:2, 159-178.

Lu, L.; Navas, J. 2022. Lanchester duopoly model revisited: Advertising competition under time inconsistent preferences. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73(2): 244-260.

Danko, Y., & Nifatova, O. 2022. Agro-sphere determinants of green branding: eco-consumption, loyalty, and price premium. Humanities And Social Sciences Communications, 9(1).

Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Kosiba, J., Holota, T., Shcherbak, V.& Yatsenko, V. 2022. The Use of University Biosystem Environmental Protection Platform to Prevent a New Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 25(1), 47-52.

Nifatova, O., Lutska, T., Shcherbak, V., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Krakhmalova, N., Goncharenko, I., & Shkoda, M. 2022. The Impact of the State of the Ecosystem on the Quality of Produced Organic Products in a Sustainable Development. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 44(1), 20-30.

Shcherbak, V. G., Gryshchenko, I. M., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L. M., Nifatova, O. M., Bobrovnyk, V., & Verhun, M. 2022. Energy-innovation knowledge common connection point management in preventing outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in a University. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 8(1), 45-58.

Shcherbak, V., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Shatska, Z., Radionova, N., Danko, Y., & Yatsenko, V. 2022. Using the Model of Benchmarking of Educational Services in a Socially Responsible Education-Innovation Cluster during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Instruction, 15(2):951-966.

Roch, O. 2022. Continuous‐time optimal pension indexing in pay‐as‐you‐go systems. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 38(3), 458-474.

Núñez, M.; Vidal-Puga, J. 2022.  Stable cores in information graph games. Games and Economic Behavior, 132, 353-367.

Badia-Miró, M., Carreras-Marín, A. Rayes, A. In Press, 2022. Latin American Exports during the First Globalisation: How Statistical Aggregation and Standardisation Affect our Understanding of Trade. Historical Methods, 56(2).

Badia-Miró, M., Carreras-Marín, A., Martínez-Taberner, G. 2022. La integración comercial de América Latina en el espejo del Pacífico, 1870-1920. Investigaciones De Historia Económica, 18(2).

Badia-Miró, M., Carreras-Marín, A., Huberman, M. 2022. Smooth sailing: market integration, agglomeration, and productivity growth in interwar Brazil. European Economic History Review, 27(1):45-69.

Brotherhood, L., Cavalcanti, T., Da Mata, D., Santos, C. 2022. Slums and Pandemics. Journal of Development Economics, 157.

Brotherhood, L., Santos, C. 2022. Vaccines and Variants: A Comment on “Optimal Age-Based Vaccination and Economic Mitigation Policies for the Second Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

De Chiara, A. and Manna, E. 2022. Corruption, Regulation, and Investment Incentives. European Economic Review, 142.

De Chiara, A. and Manna, E. 2022. Firms’ Ownership, Employees’ Altruism, and Product Market Competition. Economic Modelling, 109.

De Chiara, A. and Manna, E. 2022. Corruption and the Case for Safe-harbor Regulation. Economics Letters, 216.

Raurich, X. and Seegmuller, T. 2022. Income distribution by age group and productive bubbles, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 26, 769-799.

Espuelas, S.  2022. Trade globalization and social spending in Spain, 1850-2000.  European Review of Economic History, 26(4):555-578.

Gersbach, H., Mamageishvili, A. and Tejada, O. 2022. Appointed Learning for the Common Good: Optimal Committee Size and Monetary Transfers. Games and Economic Behavior, 136: 153-176.

Gersbach, H., Mamageishvili, A. and Tejada, O. 2022. Lemons and peaches: Multi-stage buying mechanisms with a Devil’s Menu. Mathematical Social Sciences, 117: 30-46.

Tsagkari, M., Roca, J. and Stephanides, P. 2022. Sustainability of local renewable energy projects: A comprehensible framework and an empirical analysis on two islands. Journal of Sustainable Development.

Publications 2021

Ferreira, P. C., Delalibera, B.R. and Veloso, F.  2021. Serviços intermediários e produtividade agregada no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Economia 75: 346-370.

van den Brink, R., Nunez, M., & Robles, F. 2021. Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. Journal of Economic Theory, 195, 105277.

Chiappinelli, O., Gerres, T., Neuhoff, K., Lettow, F., de Coninck, H., Felsmann, B., Joltreau, E., Khandekar, G., Linares, P., Richstein, J., Śniegocki, A., Stede, J., Wyns, T., Zandt, C. & Zetterberg, L. 2021. A Green COVID-19 Recovery of the EU Basic Materials Sector: Identifying Potentials, Barriers and Policy Solutions. Climate Policy, 21(10):1328-1346. (top 10 Climate Policy Papers published in 2021 by download).

Di Nola, A., Kocharkov, G., Scholl, A., Tkhir, A.M. 2021. The Aggregate Consequences of Tax Evasion. Review of Economic Dynamics, 40: 198-227. JCR Q 1, SJR 2020: 3.74.

Pifarré-Arolas H., Vidal-Alaball J., Gil J., López F., Nicodemo C., Saez M. 2021. Missing Diagnoses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A year in Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10):5335.

Arve, M., Chiappinelli, O. 2021. The Role of Budget Constraints in Sequential Elimination Tournaments, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 123:1059-1087.

Basco, S., Domènech, J. and Rosés, J.R. 2021  The Redistributive Effects of Pandemics: Evidence from the Spanish Flu, World Development, 141.

Atay A., Calleja, P., Soteras, S. 2021. Open shop scheduling games, European Journal of Operational Resarch, 295 (1): 12–21.

Martinez-Galarraga, J., Paluzie, E., Pons-Novell, J., Silvestre, J. and Tirado, D.A. 2021.  New economic geography and economic history: a survey of recent contributions through the lens of the Spanish industrialization process. Cliometrica, 15(3):719-751.

Van den Brink, R., Núñez, M., Robles, F. 2021. Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems, Journal of Economic Theory, 195, 1–27.

De Chiara, A.,Elizalde, I., Manna, E. and Adrian Segura-Moreiras. 2021. Car Accidents in the Age of Robots, International Review of Law & Economics, 68.

Atay A., A. Mauleon, and V. Vannetelbosch. 2021. A bargaining set for roommate problems, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 94: 102465.

De Chiara, A. and Elisabetta Iossa. 2021. Setting the Budget for Targeted Research Projects, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 21(3): 1013-1034.

Calleja, P., Llerena, F., and Sudhölter, P. 2021. Monotonicity and weighted prenucleoli: A charactertization without consistencyMathematics of Operations Research, 45(3):797-1192.

Tadei, F. 2021. Colonizer Identity and Trade in Africa: Were the British More Favourable to Free Trade?, Economic History Review, 75(2): 561-578.

Calzada, J. and S. Iranzo. 2021. Can Communal Systems Work? The Effects of Communal Water Provision on Child Health in Peru, World Development, 140.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Marín-Solano, J., Navas, J. 2021. Competition between different groundwater uses under water scarcityWater Resources and Economics, 33 (100173).

Lu, L.; Navas, J. 2021. Advertising and quality improving strategies in a supply chain when facing potential crises, European Journal of Operational Research, 288, pp. 839-851.

Mañó-Cabello, C.; Marín-Solano, J.; Navas, J. 2021. A resource extraction model with technology adoption under time inconsistent preferences. Mathematics, 9(18):2205.

Jerbashian, V. 2021. Trade in Information Technologies and Changes in the Demand for Occupations, China Economic Review, 67, 1–14

Kehoe, T.; Machicado, C. G. & Peres-Cajías, J.A. 2021. The Monetary and Fiscal History of Bolivia, 1960-2017, in Kehoe, T. & Nicolini, J.P (eds.), A Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America, 1960-2017. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ducoing, C. & Peres-Cajías, J.A. (eds.). 2021. Natural Resources and Divergence. A Comparison of Andean and Nordic Trajectories. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave.

Basco, S., Domènech, J. and Rosés, J.R. 2021. The Redistributive Effects of Pandemics: Evidence from the Spanish Flu, World Development, 141.

Yousefi, M.; Darvishi, A.; Tello, E.; Barghjelveh, S.; Dinan, N.M.; Marull, J. 2021. Comparison of two biophysical indicators under different landscape complexity, Ecological Indicators, 124(107439).

Calleja, P., Llerena, F., and Sudhölter, P. 2021. Axiomatizations of Dutta-Ray’s egalitarian solution on the domain of convex gamesJournal of Mathematical Economics, 95.

Calleja, P., Llerena, F., and Sudhölter, P. 2021. Constrained welfare egalitarianism in surplus-sharing problems, Mathematical Social Sciences, 109, 45-51.

Alonso-Meijide, J.M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G.; Jiménez-Losada, A. 2021. Marginality and convexity in partition function form games, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 94, 99-121.

Gersbach, H. and Mamageishvili, A & Tejada, O. 2021. The Effect of Handicaps on Turnout Incentives with an Application to Assessment Voting, Journal of Economic Theory, 195, 105228.

Gersbach, H., Imhof, S & Tejada, O. 2021. Channeling the final say in politics: a simple mechanism, Economic Theory, 71: 151–183.

Astorga, P., Herranz-Loncán, A. 2021. “Latin America: Stalled Catching-Up”, in Broadberry, S. and Fukao, K. (eds.), The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World. Volume 2: 1870-2010, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 251-275.

González-Touya, M., Stoyanova, A., Urbanos-Garrido, R.M. 2021. COVID-19 and Unmet Healthcare Needs of Older People: Did Inequity Arise in Europe?, International  Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9177:1-15.

García-Goñi, M., Stoyanova, A., Nuño-Solinís, R. 2021. Mental Illness Inequalities by Multimorbidity, Use of Health Resources and Socio-Economic Status in an Aging Society, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2): 458-475.

Tsagkari, M., Roca Jusmet, J. and Kallis, G. 2021. From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain, Energy Research and Social Sciences, 81.

Alcañiz, M., Abío, G., Rubert, G., Stoyanova, A. 2021. The impact of flipped classroom on academic achievement in Economics: A review of the literature, International Handbook of Innovation and Assessment of the Quality of Higher Education and Research (Thomson Reuters).

Roca Jusmet, J. 2021. El New Green Deal, la Covid-19 y el poscrecimiento, en Berzosa, C. (coord), “Hacia la reorientación del modelo productivo de la economía española”, Dossier Economistas sin Fronteras, 40: 13-17.

Roca Jusmet, J. and Padilla Rosa, E. 2021. Globalización y responsabilidad en los problemas ecológicos, Revista de Economía Crítica, 31:1-18.

Gryshchenko, I., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Tkachuk, V., Kostiuk, T., Hotra, V. & Shcherbak, V. G. 2021. Using a sharing-platform to prevent a new outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas, Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 7(2): 155-170.

Torregrosa-Hetland, S., Sabaté, O. 2021. Income taxes and redistribution in the early twentieth century, Lund Papers in Economic History, 224.

Castañer, A.; Marín-Solano, J.; Ribas, C. 2021. A time consistent dynamic bargaining procedure in differential games with heterogeneous agents, Mathematics Methods of Operations Research, 93, 555-584.

Publications 2020

Chiappinelli, O. 2020. Political corruption in the execution of public contracts. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 179:116-140.

Chiappinelli, O. 2020. Decentralization and public procurement performance: new evidence from Italy. Economic Inquiry, 58(2):856-880.

Branisa, B.; Peres-Cajías, J. A. & Caspa, N. 2020. The Biological Standard of Living in La Paz (Bolivia), 1880s-1920s: persistent stagnation and inequality, Economics and Human Biology, 37.

Basco, S. and Tang, J.P. 2020. The Samurai Bond: Credit Supply, Market Access and Structural Transformation in Pre-War Japan, Journal of Economic History, 80(2): 457-500.

Peres-Cajías, J.A. 2020. From West to East: Bolivian Regional GDPs since the 1950s. A story of Natural Resources and Infrastructure, in Tirado-Fabregat, D., Badia-Miró, M & Willebald, H. Time and Space. Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 97-129.

Barigozzi, F. and Manna, E. 2020. Envy in Mission-Oriented Organisations, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 179(11): 395-424.

Cruz, E. and Raurich, X. 2020. Leisure Time and the Sectoral Composition of Employment, Review of Economic Dynamics, 38, 198-219.

B.L. Chen, S.F. Lee and Raurich, X. 2020. Non-separable utilities and aggregate instability, International Journal of Economic Theory, 16 (2), 222-237.

Alonso-Carrera, J., Caballé, J. and Raurich, X. 2020. Intergenerational mobility in education and occupation, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24, 291-326.

Lu, L.; Navas, J. 2020. Lanchester duopoly model revisited: Advertising competition under time inconsistent preferences. Journal of the Operational Research Society. Forthcoming.

Martínez-de-Albéniz, F.J.; Rafels, C.; Ybern, N. 2020. Assortative multisided assignment games: the extreme core points, Games and Economic Behavior, 120:144–153.

Núñez, M.; Rafels, C.; Robles, F. 2020. A mechanism for package allocation problems with gross substitutes, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 87, 6-14.

Izquierdo, J.M.; Rafels, C. 2020. Core allocations in Co-investment problems, Group Decision and Negotiation, 29, 1157-1180.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Willeghems, G., Buysse, J. 2020. Exploring investment potential in a context of nuclear phase-out uncertainty: Perfect vs. imperfect electricity markets, Energy Policy, 144 (111640), pp. 01-15.

Josa-Fombellida, R.; Navas, J. 2020. Time consistent pension funding in a defined benefit pension plan with non-constant discounting, Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 94, pp. 142-153.

Sabaté, O.; Espuelas, S., and Herranz-Loncán, A. 2020, early view. Military wages and coups d’état in Spain (1850-1915): the use of public spending as a coup-proofing strategy, Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, p. 1-37.

Padró, R.; Tello, E.; Marco, I.; Olarieta, J. R.; Grasa, M. M.; Font, C. 2020. Modelling the scaling up of sustainable farming into Agroecology Territories: Potentials and bottlenecks at the landscape level in a Mediterranean case study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 124043.

Font, C., Padró, R., Cattaneo, C., Marull, J., Tello, E., Alabert, A., Farré, M. 2020. How farmers shape cultural landscapes. Dealing with information in farm systems (Vallès County, Catalonia, 1860), Ecological Indicators, 112: 106104.

Marco, I., Padró, R., Tello, E. 2020. Dialogues on nature, class and gender: Revisiting socio-ecological reproduction in past organic advanced agriculture (Sentmenat, Catalonia, 1850), Ecological Economics, 169: 106395.

Tello, E.; Marull, J.; Padró, R., Cattaneo, C., Coll, F. 2020. The loss of landscape ecological functionality in the Barcelona province (1956–2009): could land-use history involve a legacy for current biodiversity? Sustainability, 12.

Marco, I., Padró, R., Tello, E. 2020. Labour, nature, and exploitation: Social metabolism and inequality in a farming community in mid-19th century Catalonia, Journal of Agrarian Change, 20(3): 408-436.

Martínez-González, J.L., Suriñach, J., Jover, G., Martín-Vide, J., Barriendos-Vallvé, M., Tello, E. 2020. Assessing climate impacts on English economic growth (1645–1740): an econometric approach, Climatic Change, 160(2), 233-249.

Yousefi, M.; Darvishi, A.; Tello, E.; Barghjelveh, S.; Dinan, N.M.; Marull, J. 2021. Comparison of two biophysical indicators under different landscape complexity. Ecological Indicators, 124(107439).

Aguilar-Retureta, J. M.; Badia-Miró, M.; Herranz-Loncán, A. 2020. Regional GDPs in Mexico, 1895-2010, In Badia-Miró, M.; Tirado-Fabregat, D. and Willebald, H. (eds.), Long term patterns of regional inequality in Latin America, London, Palgrave, pp. 211-239.

De Chiara, A. 2020. Precontractual Investment and Modes of Procurement, European Economic Review, 124.

Brotherhood, L. and Delalibera, B. 2020. Minding the gap between Schools and Universities,  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 120, 104010.

Barros Jr, F., Brotherhood, L. and Rodrigues, V. 2020. Economic complexity and corporate governance,  Applied Economics Letters.

Calleja, P., and Llerena, F. 2020. Consistency, weak fairness and the Shapley value, Mathematical Social Sciences, 105, 28-33.

Calleja, P., Llerena, F., and Sudhölter, P. 2020. Monotonicity and weighted prenucleoli: A charactertization without consistency, Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(3): 1056-1068.

Calzada, J. and Gil, R. 2020. What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News in Spain and Germany, Marketing Science, 39(1):134-167.

Tirado-Fabregat, D. A., Badia-Miró, M., Willebald, H. (Eds.). 2020. Time and Space. Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.

Núñez, M.; Rafels,C.; Robles, F. 2020. A mechanism for package allocation problems with gross substitutes, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 87, 6-14.

Badia-Miró, M.; Martinez-Galarraga, J.; Nicolini, E.; Tirado-Fabregat, D.A.; Willebald, H. 2020. Regional economic inequality in Latin America (1895-2010), Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 16, 3.

Vilalta-Bufí, M. and Ribó, A. 2020. Restrictions for different functional forms of the matching function, SERIEs, 11, 105–113.

Tadei, F. 2020. Measuring Extractive Institutions: Colonial Trade and Price Gaps in French Africa, European Review of Economic History, 24(1): 1-23.

Papadomichelakis, G.; Patxot, C.; Sole, M.; Souto, G.; Renteria, E. 2020. Protecting the elderly and children in times of crisis: An analysis based on National Transfer Accounts, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 15.

Jorge-Sotelo, E. 2020. The limits to lender of last resort interventions in emerging economies: evidence from the Gold Standard and the Great Depression in Spain, European Review of Economic History, 24(1): 98–133.

Jorge-Sotelo, E. 2020. The impact of the first world war on the Spanish money market: new evidence from money market and bank lending interest rates, 1900–1935, Revista De Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 32 (1): 1–32.

Kallis, G., Paulson, S., D’Alisa, G., Demaria, F. 2020. The case for degrowth. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Garmendia, O, Rodríguez-Lazaro, M.A., Otero, J., Phan, P., Stoyanova, A., Tuan Dinh-Xuan, A., Gozal, D., Navajas, D., Montserrat, J.M., Farré, R. 2020. Low-cost, easy-to-build noninvasive pressure support ventilator for under-resourced regions: open source hardware description, performance and feasibility testing, European Respiratory Journal, 55(6): 2000846, pp. 1-11.

Stoyanova, A., Pinilla, J. 2020. The evolution of mental health in the context of transitory economic changes, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 18(2): 203-221.

Izquierdo, J.M. and Rafels, C. 2020. Core allocations in Co-investment problems. Group Decision and Negotiation, 29, pp 1157-1180

van den Bergh, J. C.J.M.; Angelsen, A.; Baranzini, A.; Botzen, W.J.W.; Carattini, S.; Drews, S.; Dunlop, T.; Galbraith, E., Gsottbauer, E.; Howarth, R. B.; Padilla, E., Roca, J.; Schmidt, R. C. 2020. A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing: the glass is half full, Climate Policy, 20(10):1349-1354.

van den Bergh, J. C.J.M.; Angelsen, A.; Baranzini, A.; Botzen, W.J.W.; Carattini, S.; Drews, S.; Dunlop, T.; Galbraith, E., Gsottbauer, E.; Howarth, R. B.; Padilla, E., Roca, J.; Schmidt, R. C. 2020. A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing, Climate Policy, 20(9):1057-1069.

Shcherbak, V. G., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Fastovets, N., Plysenko, G., Lutay, L., . & Ptashchenko, O. 2020. Use of key indicators to monitor sustainable development of rural areas. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 6(2), 175-190.

Castañer, A.; Marín-Solano, J.; Ribas, C. 2020. An agreeable collusive equilibrium in differential games with asymmetric players. Operations Research Letters, 48, 4-8.

Publications 2019

Delalibera, B. R., and Cavalcanti Ferreira, P. 2019. Early childhood education and economic growth.  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , 98: 82-104.

De Chiara, A. and Manna, E. 2019.  Delegation with a Reciprocal Agent,Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 35(3): 651-695.

Nogués-Marco, P.; Herranz-Loncán, A.; Aslanidis, N. 2019. The making of a national currency. Spatial transaction costs and money market integration in Spain (1825-1874), Journal of Economic History, 79(4): 1094-1127.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Willeghems, G., Buysse, J. 2019. Strategic investment decisions under the nuclear power debate in Belgium. Resource and Energy Economics, 57: 156-184, doi: 10.1016/j.reseneeco.2019.04.006.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Erdlenbruch, K., Tidball, M. 2019. Sharing a groundwater resource in a context of regime shifts.  Environmental and Resource Economics, 72 (4): 913-940, doi: 10.1007/s10640-018-0233-0.

Livio, L. and De Chiara, A. 2019. Friends or Foes? Optimal Incentives for Reciprocal Agents,  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 167: 245-278.

Calzada, J. and Fageda, X. 2019. Route expansion in the European Air Transport Market, Regional Studies, 53:8, 1149-1160.

Basco, S. and Mestieri, M. 2019. The World Income Distribution: The Effects of International Unbundling of Production,  Journal of Economic Growth, 24: 189-22.

Calonge, S., Manresa, A. 2019. Crisis economica y desigualdad de la renta en España. Efectos distributivos de las políticas públicas. Ed FUNCAS.

Vilalta-Bufí, M. and Kucel, A. 2019. University program characteristics and education-job mismatch, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 19(4).

Calleja, P. and Llerena, F. 2019. Path monotonicity, consistency and axiomatizations of some weighted values. International Journal of Game Theory, 48, 287-310.

Calonge, S., Manresa. 2019. Crisis economica y desigualdad de la renta en España. Efectos distributivos de las políticas públicas. Ed FUNCAS.

Abío, G.; Alcañiz, M.; Gómez-Puig, M.; Rubert, G.; Serrano, M.; Stoyanova, A.; Vilalta-Bufí, M. 2019. Retaking a course in economics: Innovative teaching strategies to improve academic performance in groups of low-performing students, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(2), 206-216.

Alonso-Meijide, J.M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G.; Jiménez-Losada, A. 2019. Complete null agent for games with externalities. Expert Systems with Applications, 135, pp 1-11.

Jerbashian, V. 2019. Automation and Job Polarization: On the Decline of Middling Occupations in Europe. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81(5): 1095-1116.

Marull, J.; Cattaneo, C.; Gingrich, S.; González de Molina, M.; Guzmán, G. I.; Watson, A.; MacFadyen, J.; Pons, M.; Tello, E. 2019. Comparative Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA) of past and present agroecosystems in North America and Europe from the 1830s to the 2010sAgricultural Systems, 175:46-57.

Marull, J.; Herrando, S.; Brotons, L.; Melero, Y.; Pino, J.; Cattaneo, C.; Pons, M.; Llobet, J.; Tello, E. 2019. Building on Margalef: Testing the links between landscape structure, energy and information flows driven by farming and biodiversityScience of the Total Environment, 674: 603-614.

Padró, R.; Marco, I.; Font, C.; Tello, E. 2019. Beyond Chayanov: A sustainable agroecological farm reproductive analysis of peasant domestic units and rural communities (Sentmenat; Catalonia, 1860). Ecological Economics, 160: 227-239.

Cervera, T., Pino, J., Marull, J., Padró, R., Tello, E. 2019. Understanding the long-term dynamics of forest transition: From deforestation to afforestation in a Mediterranean landscape (Catalonia, 1868–2005). Land Use Policy, 80:318-331.

Díez, L.; Olarieta, J. R.; Tello, E. 2019. Belowground and Aboveground Sustainability: Historical Management Change in a Mediterranean Agroecosystem (Les Oluges, Spain, 1860–1959-1999). Human Ecology, 47: 639-651.

Martínez-González, J.L.; Jover-Avellà, G.; Tello, E. 2019. Building an annual series of English wheat production in an intriguing era (1645-1761): methodology, challenges and results. Historia Agraria, 79:  41-69.

Murray. I.; Jover-Avella, G.; Fullana, O.; Tello, E. 2019. Biocultural Heritages in Mallorca: Explaining the Resilience of Peasant Landscapes within a Mediterranean Tourist Hotspot, 1870-2016. Sustainabilty, 11(7), 1926.

Jover-Avellà, G.; Mas-Forners, A.; Soto-Company, R.; Tello, E. 2019. Socioecological Transition in Land and Labour Exploitation in Mallorca: From Slavery to a Low-Wage Workforce, 1229–1576. Sustainability, 11(1): 168 -194.

Urrego Mesa, J.A.; Infante-Amate, J.; Tello, E. (2019). Pastures and Cash Crops: Biomass Flows in the Socio-Metabolic Transition of Twentieth-Century Colombian Agriculture. Sustainability, 11(1): 117-145.

Cavalcanti Ferreira, P., Brotherhood, L. and Santos, C. 2019. Returns to Schooling and Quality of Education in Brazil: Evidence from Migrants Data, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 67(3), 439-459.

Atay, A.; Núñez, M. 2019.  A note on the relationship between the core and stable sets in three-sided markets. Mathematical Social Sciences, 98, 10 – 14.

Atay, A.; Núñez, M. 2019. Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs. Annals of Operations Research, 279, 271-290.

Robles, F.; Núñez, M. 2019. One-seller assignmentmarkets with multi-unit demands: core and competitive equilibrium. International Journal of Economic Theory, 15, 169-182.

Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. 2019. Shapley values for two-sided assignment markets. In Handbook of the Shapley Value, E. Algaba, V. Fragnelli and J. Sánchez-Spriano eds. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Lu, L.; Marín-Solano, J.; Navas, J. 2019. An analysis of efficiency of time-consistent coordination mechanisms in a model of supply chain management. European Journal of Operational Research, 279, pp. 211-224.

Raurich, X. and Seegmuller, T. 2019. Growth and Bubbles: The Interplay between Productive Investment and the Cost of Rearing Children, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 82, 150-159.

Raurich, X. and Seegmuller, T. 2019. On the interplay between speculative bubbles and productive investment, European Economic Review, 111, 400-420.

Martínez-de-Albéniz, F.J.; Rafels, C.; Ybern, N. 2019. A note on assignment games with the same nucleolus.TOP, 27:187-198.

Martínez-de-Albéniz, F.J.; Rafels, C.; Ybern, N. 2019. Solving Becker’s assortative assignments and extensions.Games and Economic Behavior, 113:248-261.

Michailidis, G., Patxot, C. & M. Solé. 2019. Do pensions foster education? An empirical perspective, Applied Economics, 51(38): 4127-4150.

Patxot, C.; Solé, M. & Souto, G. 2019. Sustainability and adequacy of the Spanish pension system after the 2013 reform: a microsimulation analysis, Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, 228-(1): 109-150.

Patxot, C., Michailidis, G. 2019. Political viability of public pensions and education. An empirical application, Applied Economics Letters, 26(3): 245-9.

Kothari, A., Salleh, A., Escobar, A., Demaria, F. and Acosta Alberto (eds). 2019. Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary. Tulika / Columbia University Press.

Abío, G., Alcañiz, M., Gómez-Puig, M., Rubert, G., Serrano, M., Stoyanova, A., Vilalta-Bufí, M. 2019. Retaking a course in economics: Innovative teaching strategies to improve academic performance in groups of low-performing students, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 56(2): 206-216.

Boj, E., Castañer, A., Claramunt, M.M., Costa, R. and Roch, O. 2019. Economic indicators for automobile claim frequencies, Estudios de Economía, 46(2), 245-271.

Izquierdo, J.M., Timoner, P. 2019. Decentralized rationing problems and the proportional rule, Economics Letters, 175, pp 88-91.

Gersbach, H., Muller, P. & Tejada, O. 2019. Costs of change and political polarization, European Journal of Political Economy, 60.

Gersbach, H., Schneider, M. & Tejada, O. 2019. Coalition-preclusion contracts and moderate policies, Games and Economic Behavior, 114: 28-46.

Roca Jusmet, J. “Are climate change policies counterproductive? A critical approach to the Green Paradox” en Barkin, D. y Carrillo, G. (coord), Ecological Economics and Social-Ecological Movements. Science, policy and challenges to global processes in a troubled world, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, 2019.

Roca Jusmet, J. 2019. Cambio climático: acuerdos internacionales y evolución de las emisiones de CO2, Índice: revista de estadística y sociedad del INE, 72:12-15.

Shcherbak, V. G., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Dudko, P., Savchuk, N., & Solonenchuk, I. 2019. Application of international energy efficiency standards for energy auditing in a University buildings.Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 5(4): 501-514.

Shcherbak, V., Nifatova, О., Kuzheliev, M., Erkes, O., & Mylashko, O. 2019. The assessment of corporate social responsibility at Ukrainian banks. Banks and Bank Systems, 14(3), 140.

Ganushchak-Efimenko, L., Shcherbak, V., Nifatova, О., Kolodiziev, O., & Rębilas, R. 2019. Methodological framework for integrated business structures branding development in Ukraine. Innovative Marketing, 15(2), 14.

Publications 2018

Barros Jr, F., and Delalilbera, B.R. 2018. Market frictions, misallocation of talent and development. Economics Bulletin, 38(4): 2410-2430.

Calzada, J., García-Mariñoso, B., Ribé, J., Rubio-Campillo, R. and Suarez, D. 2018. Fiber deployment in Spain, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 53 (3), 256-274.

Calzada, J. and Tselekounis, M. 2018. Net Neutrality in a Hyperlinked Economy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 190-221.

Calzada, J. and Sanz, A. 2018.  Universal Access to Clean Cookstoves: Evaluation of a Public Program in Peru, Energy Policy, 118, 559-572.

Herranz-Loncán, A. and Fourie, J. 2018. For the Public Benefit? Railways in the British Cape Colony. European Review of Economic History, 22(1): 73-100.

Peres-Cajías, J. A.; Ducoing, C.; Badia-Miró, M.; Bergquist, A.-K.; Contreras, C.; Ranestad, K.; Torregosa, S. 2018. Natural Resource Curse in the long run? Bolivia, Chile and Peru in the Nordic Countries’ Mirror, Sustainability, 10 (4), 965.

Peres-Cajías, J. A. and Carreras-Marín, A. 2018.Bolivian Official Trade Statistics (1910-1949): Landlockness and the limits of a Standard Accuracy Approach.Revista de Historia Económica. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 36 (1), pp. 53-86.

Wanderley, F. & Peres-Cajías, J. A. (eds.). 2018.Los desafíos del desarrollo productivo en el siglo XXI: diversificación justicia social y sostenibilidad ambiental. La Paz: FES/PLURAL. ISBN: 978-99954-1-881-6.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Gobin, A., Buysse, J. 2018. Farm-level adaptation to climate change: The case of the Loam region in Belgium. Agricultural Systems, 165: 164-176.

De Chiara, A., Livio, L. and Ponce, J. 2018. Flexible and Mandatory Banking Supervision Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 34, p. 86-104.

Calzada, J. and M. Tselekounis. 2018. Net Neutrality in a Hyperlinked Economy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 190-221.

Basco, S. 2018. Housing Bubbles: Origins and Consequences, Palgrave MacMillan.

Basco, S. and M. Mestieri. 2018. Mergers along the Global Supply Chain: Information Technologies and Routine Tasks, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 80(2): 406-433.

Tello, E.; Badia-Miró, M. 2018. Land-use and rural inequality profiles in the province of Barcelona in mid-nineteenth century. Historia Agraria, 76:157–188. Awarded with the XIV Ramon Garrabou Prize to the best article in Agrarian History by the Society for Agricultural History (SEHA)]

Badia-Miró, M., Nicolini, E., and Willebald, H. 2018. Growth and Regional Disparities in South America, 1890-1960.The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 49 (1).

Badia-Miró, M., Carreras-Marín, A., and Meissner, C.M. 2018. Geography, Policy, or Productivity? Regional Trade in five South American countries 1910-1950, The Economic History Review, 71(1): 236-266.

Badia-Miró, M., Díaz-Bahamonde, J. 2018. Chilean trade 1880-1930: A comment to the sources for the age of exports. Revista de Historia Económica, 36 (3): 481-500.

Abio, G., Patxot, C., Sánchez-Romero, M., and Souto, G. 2018. Contribution of demography to economic growth, Series – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 9 (1): 27-6.

Tejada, O.; Alvarez-Mozos, M. 2018. Graphs and (levels of) cooperation in games: Two ways how to allocate the surplus. Mathematical Social Sciences, 93, pp 114-122.

Jerbashian, V. and Kochanova, A. 2018. Tele-Communications 2.0: The Age of the Internet, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 18 (3), 1—8.

Díez, L., Cussó, X., Padró, R., Marco, I., Cattaneo, C., Olarieta, J.R., Garrabou, R., Tello, E. 2018. More than energy transformations: a historical transition from organic to industrialized farm systems in a Mediterranean village (Les Oluges, Catalonia, 1860–1959–1999),  International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 16(4-5):399-417.

Marull, J.; Tello, E.; Bagaria, G.; Font, X.; Cattaneo, C.; Pino, J. 2018. Exploring the links between social metabolism and biodiversity distribution across landscape gradients: A regional-scale contribution to the land-sharing versus land-sparing debate, Science of the Total Environment, 619-620: 1272-1285.

Tello, E; Jover, G.; Murray, I.; Fullana, O.; Soto, R. 2018. From feudal colonization to agrarian capitalism in Mallorca: Peasant endurance under the rise and fall of large states (1229-1900). Journal of Agrarian Change, 18(3):483-516.  [Awarded with The Bernstein & Byres Prize in Agrarian Change for 2018]

Cattaneo, C.; Marull, J.; Tello, E. 2018. Landscape Agroecology. The Dysfunctionalities of Industrial Agriculture and the Loss of the Circular Bioeconomy in the Barcelona Region, 1956–2009. Sustainability, 10: 4722-4744.

Marco, I., Padró, R., Cattaneo, C., Caravaca, J.; Tello, E. 2018. From vineyards to feedlots: A fund-flow scanning of sociometabolic transitions in the Vallès County (Catalonia, 1860-1956-1999). Regional Environmental Change, 18(4):981–993.

Marull, J., Cunfer, G., Sylvester, K., & Tello, E. 2018. A landscape ecology assessment of land-use change on the Great Plains-Denver (CO, USA) metropolitan edge. Regional Environmental Change, 18(6):1765–1782.

Tadei, F.  2018. The Long-Term Effects of Extractive Institutions: Evidence from Trade Policies in Colonial French Africa, Economic History of Developing Regions, 33(3): 183-208.

Prat, M. 2018. The Labour Movement and Business Elites Under Waning Fascism: Spain 1939-1951, in Berger, S. & Boldorf, M. (ed.) Social Movements and the Change of Economic Elites in Europe after 1945, Palgrave, pp. 239-256.

Trigg L., Kumpunen, S., Holder, J., Maarse, H., Solé-Juvé, M. and Gil, J. 2018. Information and Choice of Residential Care Provider for Older People: A Comparative Study in England, the Netherlands and Spain.Ageing & Society, 38 (6): 1121-1147.

Gil J., Sicras-Mainar, A. and Zucchelli, E. 2018. Uncontrolled Diabetes and Healthcare Utilization: Panel Data Evidence from Spain, European Journal of Health Economics, 19 (6): 785-795.

Izquierdo, J.M.; Rafels, C. 2018. The core and the steady bargaining set for convex games. International Journal of Game Theory, 47, 35-54.

Atay A. and T. Solymosi. 2018. On bargaining sets of supplier-firm-buyer games, Economics Letters, 167: 99–103.

Grech, Ph. & Tejada, O. 2018. Divide the dollar and conquer more: sequential bargaining and risk aversion, International Journal of Game Theory, 47: 1261–1286.

Gersbach, H & Tejada, O. 2018. A Reform Dilemma in polarized democracies, Journal of Public Economics, 160:148-158.

Alvarez-Mozos, M. & Tejada, O. 2018. Graphs and (levels of) cooperation in games: Two ways how to allocate the surplus. Mathematical Social Sciences, 93:114-122.

Stoyanova, A., Cantarero-Prieto, D. 2018. Financing and policy for long-term care, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.

Izquierdo, J.M. 2018. The core and the steady bargaining set for convex games. International Journal of Game Theory, 47(1): 35-54 .

Roca, J., Rocchi, P. , Serrano,  M. “Paris-COP21 and carbon pricing: coordination challenges and carbon border measures. The case of the EU” en Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization Input-Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreements, edited by Óscar Dejuán, Manfred Lenzen and María-Ángeles Cadarso, Serie Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics, edited by Nick Hanley, Routledge.

Padilla Rosa, E. and Roca Jusmet, J. 2018. Análisis coste-beneficio versus principio de sostenibilidad: la economía del cambio climático de Nordhaus, premio Nobel 2018, Revista de Economía Crítica, 26:3-18.

Rocchi, P.,  Serrano, M.,Roca, J. and I. Arto. 2018. Border carbon adjustments based on avoided emissions: Addressing the challenge of its design, Ecological Economics, 145: 126-136.

Ganushchak-Efimenko, L., Nifatova, О. & Shcherbak, V. 2018. Assessing the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures in Ukraine. Oeconomia Copernicana, 9(4): 715-730.

Publications 2017

Manna, E. 2017. Customer-Oriented Employees: Blessing or Curse for Firms?,  Journal of Economics & Management Strategy,  26 (4): 842-875.

De Chiara, A. and Livio, L. 2017. The Threat of Corruption and the Optimal Supervisory Task,  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 133, p. 172-186.

Calleja, P. and Llerena, F. 2017. Rationality, aggregate monotonicity and consistency in cooperative games: some (im)possibility results. Social Choice and Welfare,  48, 197-220.

Peres-Cajías, J.A. 2017. Bolivian Tariff  Policy during the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century: High Average Tariff and Unbalanced Regional Protection. Journal of Latin American Studies, 49 (3), pp. 433-462.

Peres-Cajías, J.A. & Carreras-Marín, A. 2017. The Bolivian Export Sector, 1870-1950, in Kuntz, S. (ed.), The First Export Era Revisited. Reassesing its contribution to Latin American economies. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 75-110. ISBN: 978-3-319-62339-9.

Peres-Cajías, J.A.2017. The expansion of public spending and mass education in Bolivia: did the 1952 Revolution represent a permanent shock?, in Bértola, L. and Williamson, J. (eds.)Has Latin American Inequality changed direction? Looking over the Long Run.New York: Springer, pp. 195-218. ISBN: 978-3-319-44621-9.

Sánchez, E. & Prat, M. 2017. Jouer la carte catalane? Un estudio de la presencia económica francesa en Cataluña, 1939-1975, Revista de Historia Industrial, 70, pp. 145-185.

Prat, M. 2017. “Casa Fortea: lana aragonesa y tejidos catalanes” in SABIO, A. (coord.), Tejidos de vecindad. Los vínculos históricos entre Aragón y Cataluña, siglos XVIII-XX, Gobierno de Aragón-Instituto Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza, pp. 108-131.

Abio, G., Patxot, C., Sánchez-Romero, M., and Souto, G. 2017. The welfare state and demographic dividendsDemographic Research, 36 (48): 1453-1490.

Abio, G., Patxot C., Renteria E., and Souto G. 2017. Intergenerational Transfers in Spain: The Role of Education, Hacienda Pública Española, 223 (4): 101-130.

Alonso-Meijide, J.M; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G. 2017. Power indices and minimal winning coalitions for simple games in partition function form. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26(6): 1231-1245.

Álvarez-Mozos, M., van den Brink, R., van der Laan, G., and Tejada, O. 2017. From hierarchies to levels: new solutions for games with a hierarchical structure. International Journal of Game Theory, 46(4): 1089-1113.

Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Alonso-Meijide, J.M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G. 2017. On the externality free Shapley-Shubik index. Games and Economic Behavior, 105, pp 148-154.

Alonso-Meijide, J.M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G.; Jiménez-Losada. 2017. Some structural properties of a lattice of embedded coalitions. International Journal of General Systems, 46(2): 123-143.

Jerbashian, V. and Kochanova, A. 2017. The Impact of Telecommunication Technologies on Competition in Services and Goods Markets: Empirical Evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(3):628—655.

Tello, E., Martínez, J. L., Jover-Avellà, G., Olarieta, J. L., García-Ruiz, R., González de Molina, M., Badia-Miró, M., Winiwarter, V. & Koepke, N. 2017. The Onset of the English Agricultural Revolution: Climate Factors and Soil Nutrients (1645-1740). Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 47(4):445-474.

Neundlinger, M., Gingrich, S., Güldner, D., Krausmann, F., Tello, E. 2017. Land, food and labour in pre-industrial agro-ecosystems: a socio-ecological perspective on early 19th century seigneurial systems. Historia Agraria, 71:37-78.

Tello, E.; González de Molina, M. 2017. Methodological Challenges and General Criteria for Assessing and Designing Local Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: A Socio-Ecological Approach at Landscape Level. In: Fraňková, E.; Haas, W.; Simron J. Singh, S.J. (eds.), Socio-metabolic Perspectives on the Sustainability of Local Food Systems. Insights for Science, Policy and Practice, Springer, New York, p. 27-68.

Padró, R., Marco, I., Cattaneo, C., Caravaca, C. & Tello, E. 2017. Does Your Landscape Mirror What You Eat? A Long-Term Socio-metabolic Analysis of a Local Food System in Vallès County (Spain, 1860–1956–1999). In: Fraňková, E.; Haas, W.; Simron J. Singh, S.J. (eds.), Springer, New York, p. 133-164.

Espuelas, S. 2017. Political regime and public social spending in Spain: a time series analysis (1850-2000). Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 35(3): 355-386.

Sabaté, O.; Espuelas, S; Herranz-Loncán, A. 2017. Military wages and coups d’état in Spain (1850-1915): the use of public spending as a coup-proofing strategy. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, first view, pp. 1-37.

Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. 2017. Lexicographic allocations and extreme core payoffs: the case of assignment games, Annals of Operations Research, 254,  211 – 234.

Banal-Estañol, A., Calzada, J. and Jordana, J. 2017. How to Achieve Full Electrification: Lessons from Latin America, Energy Policy, 108, 55–69.

Calzada, J., Iranzo, S. and Sanz, A. 2017. Community-Managed Water Services: The Case of Peru, Journal of Environment & Development, 26 (4), 400- 428.

de Frutos Cachorro, J., Erdlenbruch, K., Tidball, M. 2017. A dynamic model of irrigation and land-use choice : an application to the beauce aquifer in France European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44 (1), pp 99-120.

Workshops and Conferences

Universitat de Barcelona, Microeconomics Workshop, third edition, 21 June 2024

08 Workshop on Pensions and Insurance. Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Research group Actuarial and Financial Modelling and Observatory of European Systems of Complementary Social Pension Plans, Barcelona, November 13-14, 2023.

International Conference on Management, Business, and Economics: ICMBE’23, Madrid, 11-13 September 2023

2nd UB Microeconomics Workshop, June 16th, 2023.

European Seminar on Private Pensions. Observatory of European Systems of Complementary Social Pension Plans, Barcelona, June 5-7, 2023.

2023 Workshop on Digital Markets. Place and date: Madrid, February 2023. Organizers: Universtat de Barcelona & Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

2023 Workshop CNMC-UB en Economía y Regulación de la Banda Ancha y las Plataformas Digitales. Place and date: Barcelona, January 2023. Organizers: Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia & Universtat de Barcelona.

Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics. The economics of a pandemic. Lessons from COVID-19′, 6-7 October 2022.

VII Workshop on Pensions and Insurance. Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Research group Actuarial and Financial Modelling and Observatory of European Systems of Complementary Social Pension Plans, Barcelona, November 2022.

Risks of the European organic market: the impact of the war in Ukraine. Online, IV International Scientific Conference of Economics and Management Researchers, Baku, 23-26 June 2022,

Conference by Seema Jayachandran within the prestigious cycle Kapuscinski Development Lectures, European Union and the United Nations Development Program, Barcelona, May 2022.

1st Game Theory Workshop: November 14-15, 2022. Organised by the University of Barcelona, the BEAT Research Institute and the UB School of Economics. For more information on the workshop, visit the link. Committee: Pedro Calleja and Oriol Tejada as BEAT members.

1st UB Macro Workshop:  November 3-4, 2022. Organised by the University of Barcelona, the BEAT Research Institute, and the CREB (Centre de Recerca en Economia del Benestar). For more information on the workshop, please visit this link.

X Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics, organized by the Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Economics with the support of BEAT institute and EAERE, Barcelona, September, 2022 (Forthcoming) Julia de Frutos as Chair of the Organizing Committee and of the Scientific Committee.

2022 Workshop CNMC-UB en Economía y Regulación de la Banda Ancha y las Plataformas Digitales, Barcelona, January 2022. Organizers: Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia y Universtat de Barcelona.

1st UB Microeconomics Workshop, July 2022.

Summer School on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, UB School of Economics, June 27th -July 1st, 2022.

II Longevity World Summit.  Observatory of European Systems of Complementary Social Pension Plans, Barcelona, December 2021. 

VI Workshop on Pensions and Insurance. Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Research group Actuarial and Financial Modelling and Observatory of European Systems of Complementary Social Pension Plans, Barcelona, November 2021.

Online Crash Course on Feminist and Ecological Macroeconomics, School of economics, Universitat de Barcelona, 12-16 July 2021 (350 students).

46 Symposium de la Asociación Española de Economia, Barcelona, 16-18 Diciembre 2021 .

2nd International Conference in Experiences in Active Learning in Higher Education, November 2021

I Longevity World Summit. Observatory of European Systems of Complementary Social Pension Plans, Barcelona, December 2020.

14th Meeting of the African Economic History NetworkBarcelona, 18-19 October 2019. 

V Workshop on Pensions and Insurance. Cátedra ICEA-UB de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, Barcelona, July 2019.

Aftermaths of War: International Conference, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, June 2019.

IV Workshop on Pensions and Insurance. Cátedra ICEA-UB de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, Barcelona, July 2018.

Conference “XIV Encuentro de la red Española de elección social” (REES), organized by the Department of EconomicFinancial and Actuarial Economics, Barcelona, November, 2017.

Game Theory and Economic Dynamics Seminar. Organized by Pedro Calleja since 2017 in Barcelona.