Selected publications
- Atay A., P. Calleja, S. Soteras. 2021. Open shop scheduling games, European Journal of Operational Resarch, 295: 12–21.
- Atay A., A. Mauleon, and V. Vannetelbosch. 2021. A bargaining set for roommate problems, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 94: 102465.
- Atay A. and M. Núñez. 2019. Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs, Annals of Operations Research, 279: 271–290.
- Atay A. and M. Núñez. 2019. A note on the relationship between the core and stable sets in three-sided markets, Mathematical Social Sciences, 98: 10–14.
- Atay A. and T. Solymosi. 2018. On bargaining sets of supplier-firm-buyer games, Economics Letters, 167: 99–103.