On June 16th, the 2nd Microeconomics Workshop will take place at the Faculty of Economic and Business at the University of Barcelona.
On December 2-3, the 11th Conference of the Iberian Association of the History of Economic Thought (AIHPE) will take place at the Faculty of Economic and Business at the University of Barcelona.
On November 14-15, the First Game Theory Workshop will take place at the Faculty of Economic and Business of the University of Barcelona.
On November 3-4, the First Macro Workshop will take place at the Faculty of Economic and Business of the University of Barcelona.
On November 11, members of BEAT will meet for the 4th BEAT Trobada at the Faculty of Economic and Business of the University of Barcelona.
“Economics and Pandemics in the XXI Century’’ Workshop
Climate Change event on Oct. 4th
Prof. Federico Demaria will take part in the event on Global Warming (UB’s scientific cafes).
Prof. Mònica Serrano will take part in the event on Sex and Gender in Research (UB’s scientific cafes).