Exhibition:  “Quan no n'hi ha prou per repartir. Pensar matemàticament”

Opening: Tuesday May 21st 2019 
Pati de Ciències (1r pis), Edifici Històric de la Universitat de Barcelona.
6.30 P.M

The exhibition opening will take place on Tuesday May 21 at 6.30 pm, Pati de Ciències (1st floor) of the Historic Building at University of Barcelona.

The exhibition can be visited from May 15 to June 21. It is coordinated by professor Javier Martínez de Albéniz, together with other members from the consolidated research group Teoria de Jocs i Mercats d’Assignació, and funded by the FECYT project Estrategia, cooperación y justicia: matemáticas para la sociedad.


The exhibition analyzes the distribution problems for different types of resources and explains to the public how they can be formalized in a very simple mathematical way, by means of different distribution rules and procedures that respond to efficiency and distributive justice criteria.

BEAT Trobada

Wednesday 27th June 2018 
Sala de Graus, Faculty of Economic and Business

Universitat de Barcelona.

10.45 A.M to 1.40 P.M

On June 27th, members of BEAT will meet for the 1st BEAT Trobada at the Faculty of Economic and Business of the University of Barcelona.

The “Trobada” is a gathering of all BEAT researchers to celebrate the end of the academic year. It gives young members the opportunity to present their work and serves as a venue for a debate on the future challenges and direction of the Institute.

Gabrielle Demange

Each Trobada commences with a keynote lecture by one of the members of BEAT’s International Advisory Board. In this occasion, Professor Gabrielle Demange from the Paris School of Economics will deliver the talk entitled “Enhancing activities in a social network”

You can download the full program HERE

XXXIII Jornadas de Economía Industrial

6 – 7th September 2018 
Facultat d’Economia i Empresa.

Universitat de Barcelona.

BEAT will be one of the hosts of the XXXIII Jornadas de Economía Industrial, to be held at the University of Barcelona on the 6-7th September 2018.

The Jornadas is an annual meeting on Industrial Economics. Every September since 1985, the Jornadas brings together more than one hundred researchers, PhD students, and experts in industrial and regulatory economics from across the world.

You can find more information about the Jornadas here.

Past Events

Kapuscinsky Lecture

On February 22nd 20018, BEAT hosted the 101st edition of the Kapuscinsky Lectures. This prestigious lecture series, organized by the European Commission and the UN Development Programme, offers students from the EU an unprecedented opportunity to learn and discuss about development issues.

Professor Oriana Bandiera from the London School of Economics gave a lecture entitled “Persistent Poverty: an Economist’s View,” where she discussed the two main economic views of poverty.

Professor Oriana Bandiera

Below you can find one video summary of the event and the talk video with Prof Bandiera.

BEAT Launch Event

The BEAT launch event was held at the Historic Building of the Universitat de Barcelona on 25th October 2017.

The event provided an opportunity to academics, policy makers and industry partners to meet with BEAT members and learn about the new institute.

Professor Alicia Adsera (Princeton University), one of the members of BEAT’s International Advisory Board, gave the keynote lecture. Two research presentations and a panel discussion by members of BEAT showcased the research lines of the institute.

Below you can download the full program. On the right, you can find one video summary of the event and a video interview with Prof Adsera.

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