Selected publications
- Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard. L, Raurich, X. and Seegmuller, T. 2023. Are the Liquidity and Collateral Roles of Asset Bubbles Different?, Accepted in Journal of Money Credit and Banking, online
- Blanco, C. and Raurich, X. 2022. Agricultural composition and labor productivity. Journal of Development Economics, 158, 102934.
- Cruz, E. and X. Raurich. 2020. Leisure Time and the Sectoral Composition of Employment, Review of Economic Dynamics, 38, 198-219.
- Alonso-Carrera J, J. Caballé and X. Raurich. 2020. Intergenerational mobility in education and occupation, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24, 291-326.
- Seegmuller, T., X Raurich. 2019. On the interplay between speculative bubbles and productive investment, European Economic Review, 111, 400-420.