Research fields
- Behavioral economics
- Environmental studies
- Health economics
- Organization and markets
Selected publications
- Nifatova, O., Ladyka, V., Hryshyna, Y., and Danko, Y. 2023 . Agricultural education in times of war: Strategic visions, leadership practices and post-war reconstruction. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 21(2-si), 87-97. doi:10.21511/ppm.21(2-si).2023.11
- Shcherbak, V., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Shatska, Z., Radionova, N., Danko, Y., & Yatsenko, V. 2022. Using the Model of Benchmarking of Educational Services in a Socially Responsible Education-Innovation Cluster during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Instruction, 15(2).
- Shcherbak, V. G., Gryshchenko, I. M., Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L. M., Nifatova, O. M., Bobrovnyk, V., & Verhun, M. 2022. Energy-innovation knowledge common connection point management in preventing outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in a University. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 8(1), 45-58.
- Danko, Y., & Nifatova, O. 2022. Agro-sphere determinants of green branding: eco-consumption, loyalty, and price premium. Humanities And Social Sciences Communications, 9(1). doi: 10.1057/s41599-022-01077-9.
- Ganushchak-Yefimenko, L., Nifatova, O., Kosiba, J., Holota, T., Shcherbak, V.& Yatsenko, V. 2022. The Use of University Biosystem Environmental Protection Platform to Prevent a New Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 25(1), 47-52.