Tània Álvarez

Keywords: archaeological heritage management; legislation; rock art; Catalonia.
Tània Álvarez has a BA in History (2004) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and an MA (2016) in Cultural Management from the Open University of Catalonia.
She is a professional archaeologist who specializes in the management of archaeological heritage and participates in various archaeological interventions and projects on cultural heritage.
Since 2005 she has been working for the Archaeology and Palaeontology Service of the Department of Culture (Generalitat de Catalunya). As senior archaeology technician for the last decade, she has been assisting and then working on the ‘Corpus de Pinturas Rupestres de Catalunya’ project.
Since 2016, she has been responsible for the legal protection of the archaeological and paleontological heritage of Catalonia, and for the project ‘Area Protection of the prehistoric rock art sites of Catalonia’.
Since 2020, she coordinates the Management Plan of the Rock Art of Catalonia.