Scientific Conferences

The debate and the exchange of ideas are crucial for the advancement of science. Here you can learn more about our participation in sessions, seminars and conferences 

Sessions, seminars and conferences organised by us

«Session: Exploring sounds and music in archaeological landscapes»

26-31 August 2024

Session organised by Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Zorana Đorđević, Kamil Kopij and Joshua Kumbani

54º European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, held in Rome (Italy)


«Session: Acústica de recintos históricos»

18-20 October 2023

Session organised by Alicia Giménez, Lidia Álvarez-Morales, and Samuel Quintana

54º Congreso Español de Acústica -TECNIACÚSTICA 2023 y XIII Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica, held in Cuenca (Spain).

 “Session: Music archaeology in Africa”

13-19 July 2023

Session organized by Raquel Jiménez-Pasalodos; Joshua Kumbani; Neemias Santos da Rosa.

47th International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference. University of Ghana, Legon. 13-19 July 2023

 “Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics”

20-21 October 2022

Organized by Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Neemias Santos da Rosa.
ERC Artsoundscapes project conference. Registration on

“Approaching the sounds of the past. Music, acoustics and identity”

3-8 July 2022

Organized by Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Luboš Chroustovský and Neemias Santos da Rosa Rosa at the WAC-9 conference, Prague, Czech Republic,  3-8 July 2022.

 “Archaeology of Soundscapes and Soundscapes for Archaeology”

24-30 August 2020

Organized by Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos, Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Rupert Till.

26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, session #124.

“Arqueología de los Espacios Sonoros” [Archaeology of Soundscapes]


18 November 2020. Spain.

Virtual conference organized within the Artsoundscapes Project by the National Museum of Archaeology in Madrid and the University of Barcelona.

“From landscape archaeology to soundscape archaeology: Themes, approaches and perspectives”

4-7 September 2019. Bern, Switzerland

Organized by Angela Bellia and Tommaso Mattioli.

25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, session #184.


«Acústica de recintos prehistóricos: estudio arqueoacústico de Palomas I»

18-20 October 2023

Conference: 54º Congreso Español de Acústica y XIII Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica -TECNIACÚSTICA 2023, Cuenca, Spain

Authors: Alvarez-Morales, L., Santos da Rosa, N., Benítez-Aragón, D., Lazarich, M., & Díaz-Andreu, M. 

«Psychoacoustics of Rock Art Sites: the Case Study of the Shelters Diosa I and Horadada (Cádiz, Spain)»

5-7 September 2023

Conference: International Conference – Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA 2023). Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

Authors: López-Mochales, S.*, Alvarez-Morales, L., Santos da Rosa, N., Lazarich, M., Díaz-Andreu, M., Escera, C.

«Recovering the intangible acoustic heritage of rock art sites: El Tajo de las Figuras as a case study»

4 September 2023

Paper given at the International Conference – Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA 2023). Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.September 5-7, 2023, Session: “Digital Approaches to Hearing the Past”.

Authors: Lidia Álvarez-Morales*, Neemias Santos da Rosa, Daniel Benítez-Aragón, Maria Lazarich, Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

«Psychoacoustic Study of the Rock Art Sites of Cuevas de la Araña (Bicorp, Spain)»

1-3 September 2023

Conference: 2nd Conference on Sound Perception (CSP2023). Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

Authors: Samantha López-Mochales*, Tapio Lokki, Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Carles Escera.

«Artsoundscapes: exploring sound perception and emotion in prehistoric rock art landscapes»

1 September 2023

Conference: European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting (EAA2023). University of Belfast, U.K.

Authors: Díaz-Andreu, M.*, Santos da Rosa, N.; Alvarez-Morales, L.; López-Mochales, S.; Aparicio-Terrés, R.; Escera, C.

«Listening to ancient images: the acoustics of San rock art sites».

18 July 2023

Conference: 47th International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference. University of Ghana, Legon. 13-19 July 2023.

Authors: Santos da Rosa, N.; Alvarez-Morales, L; Moreno Iglesias, D. & Díaz-Andreu, M.

«Introduction to the session.»

18 July 2023

Conference: 47th International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference. University of Ghana, Legon. 13-19 July 2023.

Authors: Jiménez Pasalodos, R.; Kumbani, J.

«A snapshot of music and sound-related archaeological artefacts from Southern Africa«

18 July 2023

Conference: 47th International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference. University of Ghana, Legon. 13-19 July 2023.

Authors: Kumbani, J.

«Acoustic Perception and Emotion Evocation by Rock Art Soundscapes of Altai (Russia).»

19-21 June 2023

Conference: SEPNECA (XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Santiago de Compostela.

Authors: López-Mochales, S.*; Aparicio-Terrés, R.; Díaz Díaz-Andreu, M.; Escera, C.

«Exploring the link between neural entrainment and altered states of consciousness through electronic music»

19-21 June 2023

Conference: SEPNECA (XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Santiago de Compostela.

Authors: Aparicio-Terrés, R*; López-Mochales, S.; Díaz-Andreu, M.; Escera, C. 

«Exploring the link between entrainment and altered states of consciousness by modulating the rhythmicity of long periods of drumming stimulation»

26-27 June 2023

Conference: NICIS (Neurosciences in intensive Care International Symposium). Paris, 26-27 June. Institut Pasteur. Paris.

Authors: Aparicio-Terrés, R*; López-Mochales, S.; Díaz-Andreu, M.; Escera, C. 

«Sounding the Past: Levantine art and the acoustics of rock art sites»

2 – 4 June 2023

Poster presented at the “Prehistoric Society Europa Conference 2023 «Peopling the Past: Reflecting on Prehistoric Europe», organized by the Prehistoric Society to honour the achievements of Prof Marie Louise Stig Sørensen, University of Cambridge, in the field of European Prehistory.

Authors: Díaz Díaz-Andreu, M.*; Alvarez Morales, L; Benítez, D.; Santos da Rosa, S.

“An archaeology of the invisible? Exploring the acoustics of rock art landscapes through a multidisciplinary approach”

15-17 December 2022

Speaker: Neemias Santos da Rosa. Other author: Margarita Díaz-Andreu
Paper at the session:  «Rethinking Rock Art: biographies of research, new theoretical explorations and multidisciplinary approaches» organized by Joana Valdez-Tullett, Sofia Figueiredo-Persson & Andreia Silva. 43th Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) 2022. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

“Assessing the relationship between neural entrainment and altered states of consciousness induced by electronic music 

9-10 November 2022

Conference: International Multi-Brain Barcelona Congress – Healthy, Pathological and Artificial Brain. Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Barcelona.

Authors: Aparicio-Terrés, R*; López-Mochales, S.; Díaz-Andreu, M.; Escera, C

Hearing the Past. The archaeoacoustics of rock art landscapes 

4 November 2022

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu 
Felix Neubergh lecture 2022. Gothenburg, Sweden.

«Danzando sobre las rocas: la identificación de una práctica cultural inmaterial en la zona meridional del Arte Levantino»

28-30 October 2022

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu & Neemias Santos da Rosa. Other author: Laura Fernández Macías.

Paper at the «II Jornades Internacionals d’Art Prehistòric de l’Arc Mediterrani de la Peninsula Ibèrica». Montblanc, 28-30 October 2022

“Perceptual and emotional responses to rock art soundscapes in Altai (Russia)”

24-28 October 2022

Speaker: Samantha López. Other authors: Carles Escera, Raquel Aparicio, Margarita Díaz-Andreu
Paper at the “Reconstruction/restoration of sound in historic buildings, structures, and cultural landscapes” session, the Virtual acoustics group of sessions, 24th International Conference on Acoustics (ICA 2022). Gyeongiu, South Korea

«Music and storytelling in rock art sites? The archaeoacoustics of the Urkosh area»

21 October 2022, 9.40h

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Lidia Alvarez Morales. Other authors: Andrzej Rozwadowski; Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos; Neemias Santos da Rosa; Daniel Benítez-Aragón
Paper at the «Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics». Artsoundscapes conference, 20-21 October 2022

«The materiality of the immaterial: A theoretical approach to the study of archaeological musical instruments»

20 October 2022, 15.40h

Speaker: Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos
Paper at the «Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics». Artsoundscapes conference, 20-21 October 2022

«Methods for perceptual and emotional evaluation of soundscapes in immersive auditory environments»

20 October 2022, 11.50h

Speaker: Samantha López. Other authors: José Valenzuela; Raquel Aparicio-Terrés; Carles Escera
Paper at the «Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics». Artsoundscapes conference, 20-21 October 2022

«A first approach to the study of neural mechanisms that make acoustics a phenomenon to be considered in ancient human experience»

20 October 2022, 10.50h

Speaker: Raquel Aparicio-Terrés. Other authors: Samantha López; Carles Escera.

Paper at the «Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics». Artsoundscapes conference, 20-21 October 2022

«Welcome to the Past Sounds Conference: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics»

20 October 2022, 9.30h

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu
Paper at the «Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics». Artsoundscapes conference, 20-21 October 2022

«The sonorous dimension of San rock art: an archaeoacoustic approach to Game Pass shelter»

17 Septemper 2022

Speaker: Neemias Santos da Rosa. Other authors: Margarita Díaz-Andreu; Lidia Alvarez Morales; Diego Moreno; Ghilraen Laue
Paper at the «Game Pass Symposium 14-17 September 2022. Kwazulu-Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

«Cathedral acoustics through experimental measurements and simulation techniques»

16 September 2022

Speaker: Lidia Alvarez-Morales
Seminar – Akusttik Blog, University of Aachen (Germany)

«Arqueoacústica: una inmersión en el mundo de los sonidos de la prehistoria«

10 August 2022

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu
Keynote at the Aula Cabrera Course, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, 8-12 August 2022. Palacio de la Magdalena, Santander

«How relevant is the acoustics of an aggregation site? Cuevas de la Araña as a case study«

5 July 2022

Speaker: Neemias Santos da Rosa. Other authors: Lidia Alvarez Morales: Laura Fernández Macías: Ximo Martorell Briz; Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Session: F15-14. Approaching the sounds of the past. Music, acoustics and identity. Organised by Luboš Chroustovský, Neemias Santos da Rosa and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. World Archaeological Congress, Prague

«Searching for acoustics in Altai’s rock art landscapes»

5 July 2022

Speaker: Margarita Diaz-Andreu. Other authors: Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos, Andrzej Rozwadowski, Daniel Benítez, Lidia Alvarez Morales, Elena Miklashevich and Neemias Santos da Rosa

Session: F15-14. Approaching the sounds of the past. Music, acoustics and identity. Organised by Luboš Chroustovský, Neemias Santos da Rosa and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. World Archaeological Congress, Prague

«Arte rupestre y Arqueoacústica”

25 May 2022

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Seminar series: Conversatorio Virtual Presente y Presencia del Arte Rupestre. Nuevas Aproximaciones ¿En los Límites de la Ciencia? Organised by Francisco Mendiola (Centro INAH Puebla).

«Emotional Enhancement by Renaissance Music and the Acoustics of Christian Temples in the United Kingdom»

21-22 May 2022. CCRMA, Stanford University and online

Speaker: Samantha López-Mochales

Conference: Sound, Space and the Aesthetics of the Sublime.

“Testing the relationship between altered states of consciousness and neural entrainment to the beat of trance music»

8 April 2022

Speaker: Raquel Aparicio

Invited speaker at the laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)

“Exploring sound in rock art landscapes: the ERC Artsoundscapes Project“

6 April 2022

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu & Neemias Santos da Rosa.

Conference: “Nouvelles approaches: art rupestre & acoustique» Research Seminar organised by Léa Jobard and Camille Bourdier (equipe SMP3C et Pole Afrique), Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès.

“Paisajes vivos y ontologías sonoras: el proyecto europeo Artsoundscapes (ERC ref. 787842) ante el reto del contexto intangible del arte rupestre“

 1 February 2022. Madrid, 18h

Organized by: Museo Arqueológico Nacional (MAN), Actividad Arqueológica IV Seminar Series

“Sounding rock art landscapes: some results of the Artsoundscapes project “

 29 November 2021. Edinburgh (UK)

Organized by: SCRAP project, in the SCRAP webminar II series

«Archaeoacoustics: a new way of analysing rock art landscapes ”

25 November 2021

Organized by: Acoustical Society of Nigeria

Speakers: Neemias Santos da Rosa, Lidia Alvarez and Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Acoustics Workshop on Acoustics in the Humanities and Sciences (virtual)

“Acoustics and the chaîne opératoire of rock art production: Levantine rock art as a case study“

8-11 September 2021. Kiel (Germany)

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Neemias Santos da Rosa and Samantha López.

EAA SESSION: “Rock Art Technology: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches”.Organized by: Neemias Santos da Rosa and Lydia Zotkina – 27th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting.

“Rock Art Technology: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches“

8-11 September 2021. Kiel (Germany)

Organized by: Neemias Santos da Rosa and Lydia Zotkina.

27th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting.

«Experimental Enhancement of Feelings of Transcendence, Tenderness and Expressiveness by Music in Christian Liturgical Spaces»

 8-10 September 2021. Cádiz (Spain)

Poster presentation (Presenter: Samantha López-Mochales)

Conference: XII Conference of the Spanish Society of Psychophysiology and Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SEPNECA).

“Sound, ritual and archaeological ontologies: exploring the symbolic dimensions of rock art production and use in prehistory“

8-11 September 2021. Kiel (Germany)

Speakers: Neemias Santos da Rosa, Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos and Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

EAA SESSION: “Rock Art Technology: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches”.Organized by: Neemias Santos da Rosa and Lydia Zotkina – 27th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting.

“The acoustics of sacred places: from cathedrals to rock art sites”

31 August 2021. Albarracín (Spain)

Speaker: Lidia Alvarez Moralesu

Sonotomia Residency 2.0.

Organized by SONOTOMIA – Sound Anatomy of Unique Places

“La dimensión sonora. Investigaciones en Arqueoacústica del arte prehistórico” [“The sound dimension. Research in the archaeoacoustics of prehistoric art.”]

22 July 2021.  UIMP (Santander)

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Course. 10th Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola School of Art and Heritage [X Escuela de Arte y Patrimonio Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola] in the course “Symbols of another time. Art, ritual and communication during the Palaeolithic” [Símbolos de otro tiempo. Arte, ritual y comunicación en el Paleolítico], organized by Pilar Fatás Monforte and Pablo Arias Cabal.

«Experimental Enhancement of Feelings of Transcendence, Tenderness and Expressiveness by Music in Christian Liturgical Spaces»

20 July 2021. Newcastle University (UK)

Speaker: Samantha López-Mochales

Symposium on Scholarly Reconstruction

Organized by Carmela Barbaro and Gianluca Foschi

“Arqueoacústica y arte levantino: nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de un arte silenciado” [Archaeoacoustics and Levantine rock art: new perspectives for the study of a silenced art]

16 June 2021. National Museum of Archaeology, Madrid (Spain).
Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Lecture Series: Prehistoric Art, from the Rock to the Museum.

“L’archéologie de genre dans la préhistoire méditerranéenne: l’état actuel de la discussion sur les femmes dans l’art rupestre Levantin (Espagne)”

31 May 2021. Toulouse (France)

Speakers: Neemias Santos da Rosa, Laura Fernández and Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Session: «Where are women? Gender archeology in Prehistory and Protohistory: France on the sidelines of gender studies? (Session E1)», organised by Anne Augereau (Inrap, UMR PréTech); Sophie Archambault de Beaune (University of Lyon 3, UMR ArScAn); and Caroline Trémeaud (Cellule archéologique des Ardennes, UMR Trajectoires). 29e Congrès Préhistorique de la France.

Participation in Early career roundtable with “Entraining the brain” SCAN speakers Jessica Grahn, Molly Henry, and Jonathan Simon. Organizers: Lori L. Holt, Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Bharath Chandrasekaran, Maria Chait, Frederic Dick

28 May 2021. Virtual

Participant: Raquel Aparicio

Symposium for Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience (SCAN).

“La investigación reciente en arqueología musical» [Recent research in musical archaeology]

4 May 2021. National Museum of Archaeology, Madrid (Spain).

Speaker: Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos

Lecture Series: News of Archaeological Research in Spain.

“Origen de la música. Los primeros instrumentos sonoros”.

20 April 2021. Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia, Spain. 

Speaker:  Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos.

World Creativity and Innovation Day.

“Além da imagem: a arte rupestre como produto de relações sociais, estruturas simbólicas e processos tecnológicos”

3 December 2020. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas (Brasil)

Speaker: Neemias Santos da Rosa.

I Encontro Interno de História da Arte da Unicamp.

«Espacios sonoros en la Prehistoria»

18 Nov 2020. National Museum of Archaeology, Madrid (Spain)

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Arqueología de los Espacios Sonoros [Archaeology of Soundscapes], National Museum of Archaeology.

«Representaciones de danzas en el Arte Levantino»

18 Nov 2020. National Museum of Archaeology, Madrid (Spain)

Speaker: Neemias Santos da Rosa.

Arqueología de los Espacios Sonoros [Archaeology of Soundscapes]

«Las trompas cerámicas numantinas y su estudio a través de la arqueometría y la arqueología experimental»

18 Nov 2020. National Museum of Archaeology, Madrid (Spain)

Speaker: Raquel Jimenez Pasalodos, Juan Jésus Padilla, Manuel Garcia Heras and Estefanía García Barrajón.

Arqueología de los Espacios Sonoros [Archaeology of Soundscapes].

«Celtiberian perforated bones in the Numantine Museum of Soria (Spain).»

28 Aug 2020

Speaker: Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos. 

26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 24-30 August 2020.

«Ritual music and the configuration of liminal spaces: Examples from archaeology and ethnography.»

27 Aug 2020

Speaker: Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. 

26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 24-30 August 2020.

«Archaeoacoustics and alternative perspectives on religion and ritual in archaeology»

28 Feb 2020. University of Gent (Belgium)

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Alumni Gentse Archeologen.

«Digitalizing the Sounds of the Past»

28 Feb 2020. University of Gent (Belgium)

Speaker: Tommaso Mattioli.

Alumni Gentse Archeologen.

«Universals in Music? Perspectives from Ethnomusicology and Music Archaeology»

28 Jan 2020. University of Barcelona (Faculty of Psychology), Barcelona (Spain)

Speaker: Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos.

8th Barcelona Lecture Series in Brain, Cognition and Behavior.

«Preliminary results of the acoustic analysis of the Great Mural Rock Art in the Cañon de Santa Teresa, Baja California Sur (Mexico)»

23 Nov 2019. University of London, London (United Kingdom)

Speaker: Leslie F. Zubieta, Mª de la Luz Gutiérrez Martínez, Tommaso Mattioli, Mathieu Picas, César Villalobos, Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Music Archaeology of Latin America, 22-23 November 2019.

«Dreaming music in water: representing Yokuts songs in the early 20th century».

22 Nov 2019. University of London, London (United Kingdom)

Speakers: Ana Maria Alarcón-Jiménez, Raquel Jiménez and Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Music Archaeology of Latin America, 22-23 November 2019.

«Escuchar con los ojos: la aplicación del GIS al estudio del campo visual y sonoro en los paisajes de arte rupestre de la montaña alicantina»

8 Nov 2019. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante  (Spain)

Speakers: Tommaso Mattioli, Gabriel García Atiénzar, Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Virginia Barciela González.

VI Congreso Internacional de Doctorandos y Postdoctorandos «El arte en las sociedades prehistóricas» [6th International Congress of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers “The Art of Prehistoric Societies”], 6-9 November 2019

«Los paralelos etnográficos sobre chamanismo y acústica entre los yokuts: una reflexión histórica sobre la (ausencia de) interacción entre la antropología y el estudio del arte rupestre».

8 Nov 2019. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)

Speakers: Ana María Alarcón Jiménez and Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

VI Congreso Internacional de Doctorandos y Postdoctorandos «El arte en las sociedades prehistóricas» [6th International Congress of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers “The Art of Prehistoric Societies”], 6-9 November 2019.

«Arqueología; psicoacústica y arte rupestre: escuchando el pasado con ayuda del método científico»

8 Nov 2019. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante  (Spain)

Speakers: José Valenzuela, Carles Escera and Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

VI Congreso Internacional de Doctorandos y Postdoctorandos «El arte en las sociedades prehistóricas» [6th International Congress of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers “The Art of Prehistoric Societies”], 6-9 November 2019

«Arte rupestre postpaleolítico al sur de los Alpes: el registro artístico de la península italiana»

7 Nov 2019. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (Spain)

Speakers: Tommaso Mattioli.

Keynote lecture. VI Congreso Internacional de Doctorandos y Postdoctorandos «El arte en las sociedades prehistóricas» [6th International Congress of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers “The Art of Prehistoric Societies”], 6-9 November 2019.

«Los paisajes sonoros de Baja California Sur: resultados preliminares del análisis acústico del arte rupestre del Gran Mural en el Cañón de Santa Teresa»

26 Sep 2019. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia)

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Mª Luz Gutiérrez Martínez, Tommaso Mattioli, Laura Coltofean, Mathieu Picas, César Villalobos and Leslie Zubieta. 

Segundo Encuentro de Arqueomusicología de las Américas – ‘Artes, paisajes y objetos sonoros del pasado’ [Second archaeomusicological meeting of the Americas – ‘Sonourous art, landscapes and objects of the past’], 25-27 September 2019.

«Arte rupestre, música y esquizofonía: representaciones inter-disciplinares de las prácticas sonoras de los Yokuts (Valle de San Joaquín, California, EEUU).»

26 Sep 2019. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia)

Speakers: Ana María Alarcón Jiménez, Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos, Tommaso Mattioli and Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Segundo Encuentro de Arqueomusicología de las Américas – ‘Artes, paisajes y objetos sonoros del pasado’ [Second archaeomusicological meeting of the Americas – ‘Sonourous art, landscapes and objects of the past’], 25-27 September 2019

«Acoustic effects at prehistoric landscapes: an archaeoacoustic analysis of rock art sites from Western Mediterranean»

9 Sep 2019. Aachen (Germany)

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Angelo Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Laura Coltofean, Mathieu Picas and Tommaso Mattioli.

23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), 9-13 September 2019

«Digitalizing the sounds of the past: the soundscapes of World Heritage rock art landscapes from Spain and Mexico»

9 Sep 2019. Aachen (Germany)

Speakers: Angelo Farina, Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Enrico Armelloni, Mathieu Picas, Leslie Zubieta and Tommaso Mattioli.

23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), 9-13 September 2019.

«Echoes from the present, echoes from the past: Experiencing ancient soundscapes through ethnography and ethnohistory.»

5 Sep 2019. Bern (Switzerland)

Speakers: Doerte Weig, Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos and Tommaso Mattioli.  

25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 4-7 September 2019.

«Californian «Rock Music»: Ancient soundscapes from a transnational and multidisciplinary perspective.»

5 Sep 2019. Bern (Switzerland)

Speakers: Mathieu Picas, Ana María Alarcón Jiménez and Laura Coltofean.

25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 4-7 September 2019.

 «L’arte rupestre schematica post-paleolitica del promontorio del Gargano (Puglia, Italia)»

7 Jun 2019. Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino (Italy)

Speakers: Tommaso Mattioli and Armando Gravina.

Invited talk. VII IAPP – Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria – ‘Preistoria e protostoria in ambiente montano: scoperte e ricerca territoriale, tutela e valorizzazione’, 

“The soundscapes of Baja California: preliminary results of the Arroyo de San Pablo rock art canyon”

10-14 Apr 2019. Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, María de la Luz Gutiérrez Martínez, Tommaso Mattioli, César Villalobos and Leslie Zubieta.

84th SAA Annual Meeting, 10-14 April 2019.

“Sounds and The Sacred in Rock Art Soundscapes”

16 Jan 2019. Newton Park Campus (Commons 226), Bath Spa University (UK).

Speaker: Margarita Díaz-Andreu.

Her talk centred on the acoustics of landscapes, especially of those marked by past communities with prehistoric rock art as a way of providing them with a special meaning.

“Art rupestre i paisatges sonors” (“Rock art and soundscapes”).

22 Nov 2018. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (Spain)

Speaker: Tommaso Mattioli.

Workshop ‘Rock art and neolithization’.

“The acoustics of rock art landscapes: new perspectives”

17 Nov 2018. National Museum of Archaeology, Lisbon (Portugal)

Speakers: Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Tommaso Mattioli.

Conference “Arqueologia, Arqueoacústica e Neurociência: Que relação?” (Archaeology, Archaeoacoustics and Neuroscience – What is the connection?)