María Lazarich

Keywords: rock art; megalithic monuments; landscape; Andalucía; Cádiz
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Dr María Lazarich González graduated at the University of Cádiz with honours (1987). Her PhD dealt with the Bell Beakers of Western Andalusia, and obtained the maximum award (1998). She was an associate lecturer (profesora asociada) in Prehistory (1988-2004). Since 2004 she has been senior lecturer (profesora titular) at the University of Cádiz. She is the coordinator of History Degree where archaeology is taught. She has been a full member of the Andalusian Academy of History since 2014 and received the Social Council Award in 2021. Dr Lazarch is the Head of the PAIDI Research Group (2004-). She has led the archaeological works at the cemetery of Paraje de Monte Bajo (Alcalá de los Gazules, Cádiz). She and her team have also undertaken systematic surveys on the banks of the Barbate Reservoir (2007), and has led a European project for the enhancement of archaeological sites in the Alcornocales Park, 2008 (European Union, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food G.D.R.-CA-01). She was responsible for elaborating the documentation for the implementation of the Tajo de las Figuras BIC protection file (2009) OT1727 and of that for for its declaration as a Heritage Area (2010). She has researched on Breuil in the Celemíndolmens, Benalup. 2011. Since 2013 she has also been involved in an ethnoarchaeological study fostering the empowerment of women potters in the Rif area of (Morocco). Her last project is related to the archaeological heritage of the Barbate river basin: megalithic necropolises (2018-2020). In 2013 and 2014 she and her team collaborated with Carlos García Benito and Margarita Díaz-Andreu in a first archaeoacoustical study of the Tajo de las Figuras and Bacinete rock art areas.
- Alvarez-Morales, L., Santos da Rosa, N., Benítez-Aragón, D., Fernández Macías, L., Lazarich, M. & Díaz-Andreu, M. 2023. The Bacinete main shelter: a prehistoric theatre? Acoustics 5: 299-319.
- Díaz-Andreu, M., García Benito, C. & Lazarich, M. 2014. The sound of rock art: the acoustics of the rock art of southern Andalusia (Spain). Oxford Journal of Archaeology 33 (1): 1-18.
- Lazarich, M., Ramos-Gil, A. & González-Pérez, J. L. 2019. Prehistoric Bird Watching in Southern Iberia? The Rock Art of Tajo de las Figuras Reconsidered. Environmental Archaeology 24 (4): 387-399.
- Lazarich, M., Ramos-Gil, A., Ruiz Trujillo, A., Gómar, A. M., Torres, F. & Narváez Cabeza de Vaca, M. 2015. Bacinete: un escenario de arte rupestre al aire libre. In Aparicio Pérez, J. (ed.) 1915-2015. 100 anys. Real Academia Valenciana Sección de Estudios Arqueológicos V. Serie Arqueológica. Varia XII: 487-534. Valencia: Diputación Provincial de Valencia. Go to publication.
- Lazarich, M., Ramos, A., Briceño, E., Cruz, M. J., Sañudo, J. & Pérez de Diego, M. d. l. A. 2013. La necrópolis megalítica del conjunto rupestre Tajo de las Figuras. In II Congreso de Prehistoria de Andalucía (Antequera): 357-363. Antequera: Junta de Andalucía. Go to publication.