Leslie Zubieta Calvert
Keywords: rock art; memory; ethnoarchaeology.
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Dr. Leslie F. Zubieta graduated in archaeology with distinction in the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH) of Mexico City (2002).
She has an MSc in rock art (2004) and a doctorate by the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa (2009).
She has enjoyed research stays in Austin (USA), Paris, Périgueux and Toulouse (France).
Throughout her professional career she has participated in various projects in Mexico, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Australia.
Her research focuses on rock art, material culture, gender and memory. One of her major contributions has been his study of the ways in which Cheŵa women used rock art in southern central Africa, suggesting that art plays a fundamental role in the intergenerational transmission of cultural knowledge. In particular, her attention has focused on the functionality and symbolic intersection of rock art and plastic arts in the initiation ceremonies of girls in Cheŵa society.
She is currently developing the Marie Sklodowska-Curie MEMORISING project funded by the European Commission.
Zubieta, L. F. (2016). Animals’ Role in Proper Behaviour: Cheŵa Women’s Instructions in South-Central Africa. Conservation and Society, 14(4), 406-415.
Zubieta, L. F. (2016). Contactos antes y durante el contacto Colonial. Reflexiones sobre el arte rupestre de Chinamwali en África sur-central. In F. Berrojalbiz (Ed.), Proceedings of the Coloquio la Vitalidad de las Voces Indígenas: Arte Rupestre del Contacto y en Sociedades Coloniales, Oaxaca 2010. Mexico: IIE, UNAM.
Zubieta, L. F. (2014). The rock art of Chinamwali and its sacred landscape. In D. L. Gillette, M. Greer, W. B. Murray & H. Hayward (Eds.), Rock Art and Sacred Landscapes (pp. 49-66). New York: Springer.