Ghilraen Laue

Keywords: heritage; South African rock art; regionality; rock art production.
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Ghilraen Laue is a curator in KwaZulu-Natal Museum. She did her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in archaeology at the University of the Witwatersrand, focusing on rock art from Honours level onwards. She joined the museum in August 2016 where she completed her PhD, submitting in July 2018. Her current research considers regionality in rock art from the Western Cape, through the Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal.
Blundell, G., Laue, G., Rademayer, R., Thomson, B. S. and Waters, M. 2016. A ‘Rock Gong’ in the Magaliesburg, Gauteng. The Digging Stick (formerly South African Archaeological Society Newsletter) 33 (1): 17-20.
Laue, G. 2021. Birds and Blurred Boundaries: Communities of Practice and the Problem of Regions in San Rock Art. In Gjerde, J. M. and Arntzen, M. S. (eds.) Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art: 266-283. London: Equinox.
Laue, G., Challis, S. and Mullen, A. 2018. Concerning heritage: lessons from rock art management in the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site. In Makuvaza, S. (ed.) Aspects of management planning for cultural world heritage sites: 119-130. Cham: Springer.
Laue, G. and Dean, C. forthcoming. Rock art conservation with a Focus on Southern Africa. In Chirikure, S. (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology New York: Oxford University Press.
Laue, G., Turkington, T. and Smith, B. W. 2001. Presenting South African rock art to the world: two major new public rock art site developments for 2002. The Digging Stick 18: 5-7.