Daniel Benítez

Artsoundscapes team member Raquel Jiménez

Early Stage Researcher

Keywords: acoustics; acoustic measurements; digital signal processing

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Daniel Benítez finished his BSc in Electrical Engineering at University of Cádiz in 2015, later continuing his education with a degree in Sound Engineering (2019). For two years he worked in recording studios in the United Kingdom and Belgium (2019-20), specializing in Orchestra recordings, Post-Production and Spatial Sound (Auro3D). In 2020-21 he did an M.Sc. in Acoustic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. For his MSc thesis he developed a genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization processes, aiming to reduce the size of different acoustic elements. In the Artsoundscapes project he is working on the post-processing of data obtained during fieldwork and analysing the results