Royuela, V.
Modelling quality of life and population growth. The case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2010.540034
Abstract: This paper aims to identify the role of quality of life in determining the current trends of population location within a metropolitan area. We expect an endogenous relationship between quality of life and population growth, and we question whether the usual assumption that quality of life decreases with population growth holds. To answer this question we propose a simultaneous equation model, which is estimated assuming the spatial dimension of the data. We perform our exercise in a dynamic local framework, the metropolitan area of the city of Barcelona (Spain), in the period 1991–2004. Our results confirm the importance of quality of life in population growth, plus, if any, a positive impact of population growth on quality of life growth. Interestingly we find that spatial lags of the variables are particularly important, as services are not homogeneously provided in the territory.