The recent changes in the Mediterranean ambiences where the eagles live, such as the disappearance of ancestral activities for the natural resources development (agriculture and mountain cattle, forest traditional activities), have provoked a general increase of the vegetable coverage, the decrease of open areas and consistently of the preys which feed the eagles, a fact that has turned out to be also aggravated by untenable hunting strategies.

The increase of woodland areas originates an important loss of biodiversity and concretely of those Mediterranean species more scarce and with a higher conservationist value.


(Photo: Joan Real)

(Photo: Vicenç Bros)


- The application of measures of habitat management directed to obtaining a mosaic structure of the landscape. Maintenance of the dry farming in small holding, preservation of the hedges bordering fields, the grassland and other areas with low vegetation coverage.

- The application of environmental measures to favour the extensive and sustainable activities of agricultural, cattle and forest management. Technical helps, for his implantation, for the farmers, ranchers and forest owners.

- The collaboration among different owners, administrations with competences in the territory, technical specialists and affiliations of forest defence, at the moment of carrying out the different performances of habitat management.

- The information and sensitization of persons and groups involved in this type of activities.


(Photo: Vicenç Bros)

(Photo: Vicenç Bros)

(Photo: Vicenç Bros)

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