The collision with infrastructures (power lines, metallic fences...) is another possible cause of mortality for many species of birds. In the case of the power lines, the bird collides with one of the wires, principally “static wires”, present in the majority of lines of transport to intercept lightning; those are normally the thinnest and therefore the least visible.


Transmission line in an Eagle's territory. (Photo: Albert Tintó)

This fact can turn out to be favoured considerably by different factors: meteorological conditions of low visibility or strong winds, or the placing of the lines next to nests, areas much frequented by the birds or in places that impede a good vision of the cables.


Eagle found dead after smash against the cables. (Photo: Joan Real)

Though generally the percentage of mortality due to this cause is lower than the one originated by the electrocution, the collision can have an incidence also important in certain populations of threatened species, such as Bonelli's Eagle. For further information:

ROLLAN, À., REAL, J., BOSCH, R., TINTÓ, A. & HERNÀNDEZ-MATÍAS, A. 2010. Modelling the risk of collision with power lines in Bonelli’s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus and its conservation implications. Bird Conservation International, 20: 279-294. doi: 10.1017/S0959270910000250

Risk associated with the different types of electricity pylons



Line with anticollision spirals  (Photo: Albert Tintó)

Installing anticollision spirals (Photo: Santi Mañosa)

- A planning respectful with the natural environment, avoiding the installation of new electrical lines and other dangerous infrastructures in the nesting and hunting areas of the eagles and in other zones of ecological value.

 - The location of the stretches of power lines and other infrastructures that bear a risk of collision for the birds, and the later correction by means of the signalling with anti-collision devices.

- The suppression of the stretches of cables that have remained obsolete and that cross zones with a high risk of collision for the birds.

- The laying under ground of stretches of power lines that cross areas with a high risk of collision for the birds, provided that it is technically viable.

 - The application of a legislation that promotes and regulates the implementation of the previous measures.

 -  To raise public awareness on the problem, so much at public's level in general as of professionals of the electrical sector and members of the administrations that manage the territory.

- The narrow collaboration among electricity companies.


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