- A planning
respectful with the natural environment, avoiding the installation of
new electrical lines and other dangerous infrastructures in the nesting
and hunting areas of the eagles and in other zones of ecological value.
The location of the stretches of power lines and other infrastructures
that bear a risk of collision for the birds, and the later correction by
means of the signalling with anti-collision devices.
- The
suppression of the stretches of cables that have remained obsolete and
that cross zones with a high risk of collision for the birds.
- The laying
under ground of stretches of power lines that cross areas with a high
risk of collision for the birds, provided that it is technically viable.
The application of a legislation that promotes and regulates the
implementation of the previous measures.
To raise public awareness on the problem, so much at public's
level in general as of professionals of the electrical sector and
members of the administrations that manage the territory.
- The narrow
collaboration among electricity companies.
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"Threats on the individuals"