Conservation Biology Group

Threats and solutions

Egyptian Vultures ringed in Catalonia are observed in several areas of the Iberian Peninsula

The ringing of Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) chicks in Catalonia carried out by the Conservation Biology Group together with the ‘Grup de Naturalistes d’Osona’ has already provided interesting information on the dispersal movements of this species. Since 2012, we have ringed up to 79 chicks, although we have not received information on Egyptian Vultures born in Catalonia and later observed in several areas of Catalonia and the Iberian Peninsula until 2015 and 2016.

The Egyptian Vulture is a philopatric species, i.e., tends to breed again in an area close to their birth area, being the reason why most of the observations of ringed Egyptian Vultures in Catalonia have occurred near the place where they were born. Mostly these individuals are observed at supplementary feeding points for vultures or in landfills where immature and non-breeding adults tend to gather together for feeding. Up to date, we have received information on 11 individuals, most of them in feeding areas near their breeding territories, although three of them were detected quite many kilometres away from Catalonia; one in Ciudad Real, another one in Navarra, and the last one in a landfill in Zaragoza. Although none of them are breeding individuals yet, in the following years we could see ringed individuals occupying new territories. In addition, Egyptian Vultures born in France have been observed feeding on landfills and feeding points in Catalonia, so it seems that the movement of individuals among neighbouring populations is something common.

In order to continue studying the dispersion patterns of individuals among the various populations, as well as to have data on the survival of these populations, it is necessary to keep on ringing the chicks of this growing population (Tauler et al. 2015).

Finally, we would like to thank the information provided by the different observers spread throughout the territory, especially the members of the Grup d'Anellament de Calldetenes and the Grup de Naturalistes d'Osona, as well as the Biological Station of Pallars Jussā. Thanks to the collaboration of naturalistic groups, amateurs to ornithology and photographers we get to know this unique species a little better. We encourage you to send us new information through our email indicating the ring code, place and date of observation.