Monitoring the Egyptian vulture population in Central and Eastern Catalonia in 2015
Catalonia during the 60-70 the Egyptian vulture suffered a sharp
decline and its population was reduced to the area of the Lleida
Pyrenees. However, from the 80’s the species began to colonize old
territories as well as new areas far from its historical distribution,
increasing the number of breeding pairs in the central and eastern
Catalonia. During the 80s and 90s expert naturalists from different
areas of Catalonia, monitored the population and the reproduction of
its pairs and confirmed its expansion.
2012 the Conservation Biology Group together with the “Grup de
Naturalistes d’Osona” (a Naturalists’ association) started a research
project for monitoring the population of Egyptian vulture in Central
and Eastern Catalonia. The project objective is to know the
conservation state of the Egyptian vulture population in this
geographical area and describe the factors that affect the recent
expansion of the species. The main tasks of the project are the annual
monitoring of the occupied territories as well as to know the
reproductive parameters of the territorial pairs and to ring its chicks
in the regions of Central and Eastern Catalonia.
Ringing fieldwork carried out by members of the Conservation Biology Group of the UB. Photo: Eva Puigpelat (Cos d'Agents Rurals)
2012 and 2013, 12 territories were monitored in the counties called
Vallès, Bages, Anoia, Osona, Ripollès and Garrotxa, but in 2014 two
more counties called Berguedà and Solsonès were included in the study
area. This task was carried out with the support of the naturalists
Pere Aymerich and Joan Santandreu who monitored the population until
date. The addition of these two regions, as well as an increase in the
census effort caused that in 2014, 27 territories were monitored, 19 of
them reproduced successfully and 21 chicks flew at the end of the
During the last season (2015), the monitoring allowed to
detect a new occupied territory inside the study area and rising to 28
the number of occupied territories at least one time since 1988. 23 of
all of these territories were occupied by territorial pairs, 21 of them
initiated the reproduction, but only 14 reproduced successfully.
Despite all these reproductive failures, half of the couples that
reproduced successfully bred two chicks, thus, in 2015 flew 21 chicks,
like in 2014. The most reproductive failures produced in 2015 were
during hatching or when the chicks were a few days old. Some of these
pairs failed systematically every year, probably caused by fertility
problems, but other could failed because the presence of human
disturbances in the nests’ neighboring areas because it is frequent to
observe climbers, paragliders or forestry works near the reproductive
areas. Another possible cause of the reproductive failures could be the
weather, because 2015 had abnormal weather conditions, with a
particularly dry spring that could cause a lower availability of prey.
| To
study the movements and the survival of the individuals of the
population, since 2012 the chicks of the Egyptian vulture have been
ringed. In this regard, during 2015 were observed for the first time
individuals ringed in previous seasons outside his area of birth. An
individual born in 2012 Ripollès was observed in June 2015 in Osona and
a month later in Pallars Jussà, over 100 km away. In addition, another
individual born in this same territory in 2015 was observed two months
after his ringing in a landfill near Zaragoza, over 300 km away.
Ringed Egyptian Vulture chick. Photo: Kiku Parés (Conservation Biology Group of the UB)
All this fieldwork was carried
out thanks to the collaboration of several naturalists such Jordi
Baucells and Carles Martorell from Grup de Naturalistes d’Osona, Josep
Maria Bas from Girona University as well as Ferran Fontelles, Pere
Aymerich, Joan Santandreu, Daniel Mañas, Josep Bosch, Pere Ignasi
Isern, Joan Fort, Gabriel de Jesús, Ferran Gonzalez, Jordi Calaf, Jordi
Faus, Joan Montserrat, Albert Peris, Toni Mampel, Francesc Parés, David
Torrens, Gabriel Lampreave, the “Cos d’Agents Rurals” and particularly
the “Grup de Suport de Muntanya”. Thank to Diego Garcia from “Servei de
Biodiversitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya”, Àngel Miño from Parc
Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt, Jordi Calaf from Parc Natural de
Montserrat and Emili Bassols from Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de
la Garrotxa. Finally, thank to Red Eléctrica de España the project
support and especially to Mercedes Gil Pozo her interest on the
monitoring and development of the project. Helena Tauler was supported
by a predoctoral grant from de IRBIO-University of Barcelona (APIF