Last november the 30th, in the ceremony "La conservaciķ de l'āliga perdiguera a Catalunya" that took place in the Main Hall of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona, the Equip d'Estudi de l'Āliga Perdiguera made known their actions to protect the Bonelli's Eagle taken since 1992 with the support of the Miquel Torres Foundation 

The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Joan Tugores, rector of the Universitat de Barcelona, and had the intervention of Mr. Miquel Āngel Torres, president of Bodegas Miguel Torres, who explained the commitment of his enterprise with the protection of the environment and the reasons that motivate his involvement in the protection of the Bonelli's Eagle. Next, Dr. Gérard Rocamora of the Centre de Recherche sur la Biologie des Populations d'Oiseaux of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, explained the situation of the species in Europe and Dr. Joan Real, director of the Equip de Biologia de la Conservaciķ-Āliga Perdiguera of the Universitat de Barcelona, read through rapidly the actions of research, conservation and information done during the last 13 years. Then Mr. Martí Doménech, chief of the Ārea d'Espais Naturals of the Diputaciķ de Barcelona, and Mr. Ramon Luque, director general de Medi Natural of the Departament de Medi Ambient of the Generalitat de Catalunya, explained the measures that their respective administrations have done to guarantee the future of the species in Catalunya. Continuously the web page of the Equip d'Estudi de l'Āliga Perdiguera was officially presented and the DVD "L'āliga perdiguera: la protecciķ d'una espčcie mediterrānia emblemātica" was visualized and a copy was given to everyone who was present.

350 people went to the ceremony and they could enjoy some of the excellent wines of Bodegas Miguel Torres. The Equip d'Estudi de l'Āliga Perdiguer wish sincerely to thank this great demonstration of suppport to everybody who was present and also to the other people that couldn't come to the ceremony but that have expressed us their support.

Many thanks to everybody. We guarantee that will follow working for the conservation of the Bonelli's Eagle with the same dedication for many years.