Training is nothing will is everything
Doctorates, masters and other courses related to Actuarial and Financial Modelling that can be carried out within the university of barcelona. Get informed!
PhD in Business at the University of Barcelona
The doctoral programme in Business (PhD in Business) is a unique programme within the Catalan university system where students can develop high-level research activities in business and management.
Students enrolled in our programme will be assigned one supervisor specialized in their chosen research field. All supervisors are expert researchers and regular contributors to the leading business and management academic journals.

Master’s Degree in Actuarial and Financial Science, UB
The Master’s Degree in Actuarial and Financial Science (CAF) is a 90-credit program, integrated into the European Higher Education Area, which provides professional and research training for insurance actuaries.
The group members teach the following courses in this Master: Actuarial Mathematics, Solvency, Programming and Applications, Stochastic Finance, Actuarial Mathematics Advanced Models, Advanced Stochastic Finance, Financial Risk Management and Operations on Groups and Disability.
Master’s Degree in Business Research, UB
The MSc in Business Research is designed to provide students with advanced training in the research skills, techniques and methodologies they will need to conduct their own research into business and business competitiveness. The programme is intended for students with an academic, professional and, above all, research interest in the general field of business.
The group members teach the following courses in this Master: Stochastic Finance and Financial Risk Management.