Clara Escoda Agustí

Investigadora / researcher
Clara ESCODA AGUSTÍ is Senior Lecturer in British Theatre at Universitat de Barcelona, member of ADHUC— Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and Principal Investigator on the research project "Gender, Affect and Care in Twenty-First Century British Theatre” (PID2021-126448NA-I00) of the Spanish Ministry MINECO. Her main area of research is 21st-century British theatre with a special interest in women’s playwrighting and its intersections with feminism and care in the context of neoliberalism. She is the author of Martin Crimp’s Theatre: Collapse as Resistance to Late Capitalist Society (De Gruyter, 2013) and co-editor of the volumes Crisis, Representation and Resilience: Perspectives on Contemporary British Theatre (Bloomsbury, 2022) and Martin Crimp: The Writer and the Work (Liverpool U.P, 2026; forthcoming). Besides her publications on Martin Crimp, she has also written on Alice Birch and Kae Tempest, among other authors.
Research Areas: 21st-Century British Theatre; female playwrights; feminism; care; Martin Crimp; Alice Birch.
ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora/ researcher (01/09/2024 - )