Antonio Terrón Barroso

Predoctoral FPI Researcher
Antonio TERRÓN BARROSO is a junior research fellow at ADHUC - Research Centre Theory, Gender, Sexuality at the University of Barcelona. He holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Social Science Research from Aston University (UK), a master’s degree in Teaching (PGCE) from the King Juan Carlos University, a BA in Translation Studies (Spanish, English and French) from the University of Granada and a second BA in Communication from the Open University of Catalonia. As for his teaching experience, he has worked at several international institutions including the University of Birmingham (teaching fellow in Spanish), the Panthéon-Assas University (lecteur de langue espagnole), Aston University (teaching assistant in Spanish and Translation), Cardiff University (associate tutor in Spanish) and the University of Massachusetts Amherst (visiting teaching associate in Hispanic Studies). He is currently working under the direction of Dr. Elena Losada Soler and Dr. María Xesús Lama López on the project Género, violencia y representación. Los textos de creación en la prensa femenina peninsular (1848-1918), in which he investigates the verbal realisation of gender violence and its discursive normalisation.
ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigador predoctoral / predoctoral researcher (01/09/2022 - )
01/09/2022 - FPI, contrato para la formación de investigadores, MINECO
A / To Universitat de Barcelona