X Jornades Internacionals de Tardor de Tàcita Muta. Dret i gènere: reflexions a l'entorn de la vulnerabilitat i l'opressió
Maria Dolors Molas (Tàcita Muta-ADHUC, Universitat de Barcelona) and Marc Orriols (Tàcita Muta, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) coordinate the Tàcita Muta X Autumn Meetings on “Dret i gènere: reflexions a l'entorn de la vulnerabilitat i l'opressió”. The first session with focus on the Antiquity and will study topics such as gender on the Code of Hammurabi, sexual crimes in Ancient Egypt, peripheric maternities in the law of Attica and the vulnerability of widows and old women in the Middle Ages. The second session will be centered on contemporaneity with the purpose of analyzing women’s access to judicature, legal considerations on the vulnerability and infringement, and women during the Francoist legislation. The meeting will close with an interview to Freshta Karimi, founder of Da Canon Ghushtonky, an organization for the law and justice in Afghanistan. She will be interviewed by Anou Borrey (Crisis Bureau PNUD).
Among others, this meeting will count on the participation of: Mireia Comas (IRCVM-Universitat de Barcelona); Agnès Garcia Ventura i Carme Molinero (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); or Ester Blay (Universitat de Girona).