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“Lletra de Dona”: a tool for learning literary criticism in virtual environments and for continuous assesment

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Institut de Ciències de l’Educació, Universitat de Barcelona
Session REDICE-08, Category A
Teaching innovation projects
Principal Investigator(s)
Elena Losada Soler
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Research Team
Cristina Alsina
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rodrigo Andrés
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Francesco Ardolino
(Dept. Filologia Romànica-Universitat de Barcelona)
Nora Catelli
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Helena González
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Masó
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Marta Segarra
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)


The objective of the project is to deepen and expand the scope of an existing experience in teaching literature in virtual environments in the Faculty of Philology, that is, the school of literary criticism "Lletra de Dona". This project is a useful and innovative tool for continuous assessment in literature subjects, as it is a constant, periodic work that allows the students to show their evolution in obtaining the required skills. The work of each teacher in their class environment is fundamental, so this is not an exclusively virtual experience. "Lletra de Dona" also aims to be a professionalising experience, training future literary critics and contributing to the transversal implantation of Gender Studies in the Faculty of Philology both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


  1. To train students of literature in obtaining specific literary competences and textual analysis skills for practical and professional purposes, such as writing reviews for literary magazines and cultural supplements, reports for publishers, book flaps, contracts, etc. This project aims to deepen the students' appreciation of the mechanisms that construct a literary text and to evaluate them critically. Moreover, the students are offered the possibility of seeing their critical work published online, guaranteeing their authorship rights (under a Creative Commons non-commercial recognition license from 2007-2008 on).
  2. To create, from a selection of these critical works, a corpus of reviews of literature by women from any time period or language, ​​alphabetically sorted and published in the "Lletra de Dona" section of our website, with express indication of the author's name and copyright.


Alsina, Cristina y Elena Losada (2010), “LLetra de Dona. Crítica literària On-Line com a eina per a l’avaluació continuada”, Actas de Nous espais de qualitat en l’educació superior. Una anàlisi comparada i de tendències. 6è Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (CD-Rom).