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The Words We Still Don't Have

Cicle de conferències i activitats al voltant de FEMINISMES!
From October 14 to December 16, 2019
c/ Montealegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona

This cycle takes as its starting point the radical gesture of feminism in the seventies in order to explore pending issues by the present feminisms and other movements of collective emancipation.
All revolutions are also a revolution of words: a new world must be described and narrated in its complex diversity, with its lights and darkness. The struggle of feminism has also been a desire for finding ways to say what was not named or described before. I
n his famous speech, Afro-American poet Audre Lorde invited us to transform silence into words and action because it is only when we talk about ourselves that we can participate in the creation of the world we all share.
This cycle invites us to think about some of the key ideas of feminism that are nowadays part of our political vocabulary, bearing in mind that the territory of what has not yet been said or has been silenced remains vast, and there are many people who fight for finding the words with which they tell their own story.


21 october, 2019     

Some Words with Siri Hustvedt. Chair: Joana Masó  Info ] 

24 october, 2019     

Adriana Bertran, Alba Camarasa, Maria Cabrera, Mireia Calafell i Laura Sanz, "Alçar les mans, aquestes, brutes"  Info ] 

30 october, 2019     

Carolin Emcke, "Silenci i emancipació"  Info ]

31 october, 2019     

FEM! Creadores feministes d'avui. With: Maria ArnalFlavita Banana, Btoy, Yolanda Domínguez, Sonido Tupinamba, María Cañas, Silvia Albert Sopale, Miriam Reyes, Agnés Mateus, Maria Sevilla, Marga Mbande, Mar C. Llop, Maria Isern, Núria Guiu, Lali Álvarez, Bianca Batlle Nguema, Sònia Gómez i Las Glorias Cabareteras. Curators:  Núria Vergés i Mireia Calafell   Info ]

4 november, 2019     

Mari Luz Esteban. Chair: Helena González Fernández   Info ]

20 november, 2019   

Some Words with Jeanette Winterson. Chair: Bel Olid  Info ]

27 november, 2019   

Chantal Maillard, "La ira"  Info ]

16 december, 2019    

Some Words with Fina Birulés and Marta Segarra, "igualtat i llibertat". Chair: Miquel Missé  Info ]


Simultaneously with the exhibition "FEMINISMS!", the program includes lectures, debates, and readings by some of the most important artists in feminism nowadays.

2-13 october, 2019  

"Así bailan las putas", Escenari Joan Brossa  [ Info ]

4-5 october, 2019 

Mireia Sallarès i Marta Segarra. "Las muertes chiquitas"  [ Info ]

5 october, 2019

Quimera rosa. Acció participativa de bioart  [ Info ]

6 october, 2019

Irreductibles. Performances feministes  [ Info ]

15 october, 2019

Marta Segarra, "Què és ser feminista avui? (activity addressed to secondary education students) [ Info ]

26 november, 2019

GRRRLS!!! Manifestos feministes! Una obra de Carlota Subirós Info ]


In collaboration with
ADHUC-Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat;
Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures;
GRC Creació i pensament de les dones (2017 SGR 588)