Isabel Clúa Ginés

PI of the Research Project Gender, Image and Materiality in the Literary Culture of Modernity (1880s-1930s)
Isabel CLÚA is a doctor of literary theory and comparative literature (UAB), professor in the Department of Literature and Latin American studies at the University of Sevilla and a researcher at ADHUC–Research Center for Theory, Gender and Sexuality. Her investigative work is centered primarily in the study of the mechanisms of gender construction and identity in European culture in the late 19th century, with special attention to the ways that the disidence, deviation, and anomaly (which she has explored in the works of authors like Rosalía de Castro, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Antontio de Hoyos y Vinent, Enrique Gómez Carrillo, Carmen de Burgos, Alberto Insúa or Álvaro Retana), the figure of the woman as spectacle and the emerging notion of celebrity, the topic on which she has published the monograph Cuerpos de escándalo. Celebridad femenina en el fin-de-siècle (2016). Similarly, she investigates popular contemporary fiction from the perspective of cultural studies, with special attention to genres like science fiction, fantasy and gothic literature.
ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat: investigadora / researcher (16/06/2016 -)
Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora / researcher ( -)
Centre Dona i Literatura, Universitat de Barcelona: investigadora / researcher ( - 15/06/2016)
Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat: codirectora / co-director (2011 - 2020)