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Presencias imprevistas. El Desafío filosófico de María Zambrano

6, 7 and 13 May, 2015 from 19h to 21h
Llibreria La Central, c/ Mallorca 237 - 08008 Barcelona

The seminar "Presencias imprevistas. El Desafío filosófico de María Zambrano" will offer an approach to Zambrano's thinking based on a selectio nof the tropes (happiness in war, the clown and the smile, friendship as a political paradigm) which constitute unexpected and inconveniente appearances from the point of view of the canonical philosophical tradition. Precisely for this reason, these appearances help us evaluate the potential for questioning and transformation of this great twentieth century thinker. Elena Laurenzi (U. Salento-Universitat de Barcelona), researcher in feminist theory will a special interest in feminism and multiculturalism and twentieth century thinkers will give the seminar. This activity is part of the course about great twentieth century thinkers "Pensar sin Barandillas". Enrollment is necessary and can be done by writing to

Elena Laurenzi
Llibreria La Central
In collaboration with
Seminari Filosofia i Gènere