Der Span des Gegenwärtigen und sein Kampf mit dem Nichts. Überlegungen zu einer Notiz von Hannah Arendt aus dem Jahr 1942

The Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, of the Consolidated Research Group (GRC) Creació i Pensament de les Dones, has organized the lecture by Marie Luise Knott "Der Span des Gegenwärtigen und sein Kampf mit dem Nichts. Überlegungen zu einer Notiz von Hannah Arendt aus dem Jahr 1942" ("The shavings of the present battling against nothingness. Reflections on a note by Hannah Arendt in 1942"). Knott is a journalist, writer, and translator who in 1995 founded the German edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, where she was editor in chief for more than a decade. She has authored and edited many articles and books on art and literature, such as Verlernen. Denkwege bei Hannah Arendt and the publication of the letters between Arendt and Gershom Scholem (1939-1964) in 2010. Knott also edited (together with Barbara Hahn) the catalogue for the exhibition that commemorated the 100th anniversary of Arendt's birth, Von den Dichtern erwarten wir Wahrheit: Hannah Arendts Literatur. Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be available.
Before Knott's conference, there will be a book presentation of Más allá de la filosofía. Escritos sobre cultura, arte y literatura, edited by Fina Birulés and À. Lorena Fuster. This volume gathers articles by Hannah Arendt which are mostly unpublished in Spanish, and where Arendt traces in a singular manner the figures of authors such as Bertolt Brecht, Hermann Broch, Nathalie Sarraute and Rainer Maria Rilke, and also reflects on themes like the crisis of culture, poetry, art, and literary narratives.
This event is held as part of the V Arendtian Springs International Lecture Cycle (Primaveres Arendtianes).