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Lectora invites contributions for issue number 22

Call for papers

Issue number 22 of Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat, to be published in 2016, will feature a dossier on "Transnational indigenous feminisms", which will explore transnational feminist articulations from Fourth-World, Indigenous perspectives. The dossier seeks to showcase the complex web of  Indigenous feminist collaborations and struggles that defy the imperial, (neo-) colonial, and neoliberal politics and boundaries of nation-states. The coordinator of this dossier is Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, professor and director of Women’s Studies at Southern Connecticut State University, co-editor of Women’s Studies Quarterly: Special Issue on Women’s Studies Then and Now (2002) and co-author of “Afterword” for the republication of Ayako Ishigaki’s Restless Wave: My Life in Two Worlds (2004). The deadline for the reception of articles is June 1, 2015. Lectora provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.