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Poesía lesbiana queer. Cuerpos y sujetos inadecuados

Book presentation
Wednesday November, 26 at 19h
Llibreria Pròleg, c/ Sant Pere Més Alt 46 - 08003 Barcelona

Elena Castro (Louisiana State University) is the author of Poesía lesbiana queer. Cuerpos y sujetes inadecuados, a new book from the collection Mujeres y culturas (Icaria, 2014), which will be presented in Barcelona. This volume analyzes the production of gendered identities and sexual practices in the work of queer lesbian poets in Spain, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The book studies how these poets have (re)appropriated the technologies of normative control in their texts in order to give way to subjectivities that are individual, wretched, queer, subjectivities that dismiss the idea of a stable and fixed identity. The presentation of the book will be conducted by the author, together with Marta Segarra (Centre Dona i Literatura and director of the collection Mujeres y culturas) and Meri Torras (Cos i Textualitat, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).