Patrícia Melo y la novela de favela

Tuesday April 1, 2014 from 19h30 to 21h
Aula 2.2, Edifici Josep Carner, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2, 2n pis - 08007 Barcelona
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Elena Losada (Centre Dona i Literatura) will give the lecture "Patrícia Melo y la novela de favela" as part of the lecture cycle "No només Clarice Lispector", coorganized by Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos, the Centre Dona i Literatura and the Centro Cultural do Brasil em Barcelona. Playwright, scriptwriter and novelist, Patrícia Melo is the author of O matador (1995), Valsa negra (2010) and Mundo perdido (2000). Elógio da mentira (1998) was awarded the Deutscher Krimi Preis in Germany and Inferno (2000), her fourth novel, won the Jabuti award. This lecture is held as part of the activities of the research project "Women and Crime Novel in Spain (1975-2010): Women Writers, Power Figures, Victims and Criminals (MUNCE)". Attendance is free.
Elena Losada
Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos;
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Centro Cultural do Brasil em Barcelona