Cicle expositiu Blanc sota negre: Mar Arza

The exhibition "Mar Arza: Lectures i consums..." is part of the exhibition series "Blanc sota negre. Treballs des de l'imperceptible / 2". Curated by Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) and Assumpta Bassas (Universitat de Barcelona), this new exhibition shows pieces and recent installations by Mar Arza. Her visual search has taken her to work with books and reading and, currently, with any printed paper. By altering the written text of words and the silences that rule our relationship to economy and to the utilitarian measuring of time, the artist explores new political lines of work on different surfaces. Through a poetics of ellipsis and emptying, she proposes "to make desert" and deactivates the system of communication and consumption that rules our lives.
Tuesday March 11 at 19h
Guided tour with the artist
Saturday March 29 at 11h
Entremestres workshop with the artist
Saturday March 29 from 11h to 18h
This will be a seminar-workshop. The artist will do a presentation of her lines of work and will show her works, and after she will invite the public to participate in a plastic exercise, which will focus on thinking with the hands. Registration is free from March 11 to 27, by email to Places are limited: 25 people. More information: