Dimensió filosòfica de la tradició literària en Simone Weil

The Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, of the Consolidated Research Group (GRC) Creació i Pensament de les Dones, has organized the thesis workshop for Joan Nogués Gálvez, PhD candidate in Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona within the program Ciutadania i Drets Humans. His doctoral thesis "Dimensió filosòfica de la tradició literària en Simone Weil", directed by Carmen Revilla Guzmán, analyzes how Simone Weil applies a philosophical approach to texts which are not strictly philosophical but, rather, they belong to the literary tradition. He also reflects on the paramount relevance that the epic and tragedy have for the author. The thesis workshop, directed by Rosa Rius Gatell and coordinated by Georgina Rabassó, is an innovative teaching experience which consists in sharing the research trajectory during the doctoral dissertation phase.