Género y sexualidad en las culturas hispánicas (1970-2000)

The Universitat de Lleida is hosting the international research seminar "Género y sexualidad en las culturas hispánicas (1970-2000)". This seminar, organized by Rafael M. Mérida (Centre Dona i Literatura, Universitat de Lleida), Estrella Díaz, José Luis Ramos and Gene Torralba (Universitat de Lleida), seeks to analyze the cultural representations of sexual minorities (lesbians, gays and transsexuals) in Spain in relation to gender and/or sexualities. Alberto Mira (Oxford Brookes University) will give the opening lecture, which will be followed by the book presentation, at the Cafè del Teatre de l'Escorxador, of Mínorías sexuales en España (1970-1995) (Icaria, 2013), edited by Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez. Besides the editor, the act will count with Kerman Calvo (Universidad de Salamanca) and Meri Torras (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). This interdisciplinary event will include the participation, among others, of Jorge Carrillo Flores (Universidad de Guanajuato), Michelle Gama (Universidad Iberoamericana de México), Raquel Molina Angulo and José Luis Ramos (Universitat de Lleida), and Jennifer Rodriguez (University of Liverpool). The seminar is held as part of the activities of the research project "Cultural Representations of Marginalized Sexualities in Spain (1970-1995)". Attendance is free.